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2023-10-19 14:24:17 英语电影观后感

【#实用文# #英语电影观后感12篇#】观影对于人们的成长有着与读书相似的作用。观看完话剧、歌剧等作品后,我们所做的概括性反思被称为观后感。观后感可以更好地加深我们对剧中人物和情节的认知程度。您是否曾为某个作品写过观后感呢?小编为您搜罗了与"英语电影观后感"相关的资料,希望能对您有所帮助。我会尽我最大的努力提供一个客观的建议给您!


题目review of ‘oliver twist’


















■■"oliver twist" is a very famous novels, the author dickens, is britain's a very famous writer.

this novel is the main character in a call montefiore eph orphans, his childhood was spent in contentedly. later, he was sent to a coffin bodega as an apprentice. because is unbearable shop-owner oppression, he told the london escape.

on the way, he met a nickname real johnny-on-the-spot, inveigle him into the thieves, in two theft, he met the good, raise left at home, but were caught and tears come back. finally, because the south west better, tell them overheard a secret, said mr. rivers of nathan39; s brother to property, to kill him, hence arrested thieves, but out of sympathy, montefiore eph spared the elder brother.

montefiore eph disaster finally came to an end, he was the first time he stole the old gentleman accept for yizi. montefiore eph just know, he stole twice, stolen unexpectedly is his father's friends and his real aunt.

the whole novel tortuous breathtaking, let a person not only for mr. rivers sigh, for bad antecedents of anger, be good people said touched, for mr. rivers finally happy life and happy.

but my favorite character, is in two montefiore eph into danger, as no notice of him of stealing, but very sympathized with him, and helping his two men. for their goodness, mr. rivers to be saved, but also because of their kind, just make the world less a suffering child, is less a thief in the future, many a good man.

if worldly people want to them the same thing, i think, the world will not have the affliction of the afflicted, won't have so many orphans. as a song in sung by: "only everyone is given their love, the world will become a better human.

" and i also for the south west touched, she is a molecular thieves, but she has not been thieves dyed black heart; she knew repentance, know to pity an orphan. but she is also is the good person touched, visible if one more good people, perhaps can influence a in the moment of thieves and a little bit of human hearts. but, i also for nancy have sorrow, she finally ending very miserably, she was killed, and killed her people, it is she has been reluctant to leave.

nancy have many chances to escape from that dirty world, but she gave up, is loathe to give up that last killed her.

key words■■goodthiefmercydirtyorphans

ⅰ■kind hearts ofoliver twist

oliver twist, one of the most famous works of charles dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in britain in 18th century.

the author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in london.

the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the little oliver, i was shocked by his sufferings.

i felt for the poor boy, but at the same time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bill. to my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and oliver lived a happy life in the end. one of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of mrs.

maylie and rose and began a new life. he went for walks with them, or rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

1.1.1■how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind?

he reason is the nature of goodness. i think it is the most important information implied in the novel by dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. although i don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet i do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

for me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. goodness is to humans what water is to fish. he who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.

on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. people receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.



Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be liuxue86 protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.



阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,just runs. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:







mr. a gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, just runs.

he said: “man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. i thank that's the

meaning of my running.” say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. although so many

people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing,

mr. a gan does and becomes “god”. there is another character captain dan. dan lost his

legs in vietnarm war. he said that his fate is death in war. however, mr. a gan saved him

and let him be alive. after losing legs, dan was decadent and disgusted with life,

complaining that a gan shouldn't save him. when he adjusted his mind, living on fishing

with a gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank a gan's help. the movie is

intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. rainbow is always

after cloud. the key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to

ourselves to change bad situation. the movie is also sent such a message to us: do

well what we should do, and life will return us well. there will be a miracle if

only there is perseverance.

ice age 冰河世纪英语影评

it’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any computer-animated film not bearing the pixar logo. in fact, until shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, i wouldn’t have even believed it could happen. what is surprising, is that ice age doesn’t even attempt to reach pixar’s toy story heights, apparently content to revel in its status as monster’s, inc.

's second rate, half wit cousin.

ice age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen. this time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man. strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot.

but when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (ray romano), saber-toothed tiger (dennis leary), and giant sloth (john leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home.

visually, ice age is perhaps the poorest bit of cgi i have ever seen. contrasted to the beautiful constructs of monsters, inc.; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of shrek; ice age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and acme animated characters.

no hint of photo-reali** here. it’s like comparing a bugs bunny cartoon to the lion king. actually, i suspect that is exactly what the folks at ice age were going for.

ice age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and leguizamo one liners. some of them are even quite funny. if that is all that we’re going for here, then i suppose i’m all for it.

but then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation. frankly, i’m not even sure the cgi they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters. the humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures.

it’s laughable watching their polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches.

thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels. as a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining. sure, ray romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular.

but dennis leary and the always-odd john leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation.

the story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation. the film’s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct melon-hoarding dodos. ice age’s comedy is worthy of bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else.


this should've gone straight to video. evan almighty was not able to manage the expectations of those who came to see it anticipating as riotous a ride as its predecessor bruce almighty. it retained the premise of the original as a spin-off but it doesn't work not because steve carell is less talented than jim carrey but because he had lousy material to work with.

even morgan freeman (who reprises his role as god) lost the zing and impressive qualities he had in the first installment.

evan almighty apparently targets a family audience with its decidedly more religious overtones (check out what ark really means), so it shouldn't have attempted to fool the audience by maintaining the almighty franchise because it doesn't fit; its brand of humor and story simply failed to keep up.

it would've probably done better if it were marketed differently instead of lazily riding on the success of bruce almighty when it painfully couldn't deliver the same punches.


After watching a movie, I often have strong feelings and thoughts that I would like to share with others. One of the most important things I like about watching movies is the opportunity to experience new cultures and perspectives.

In this particular movie, "Inception," I found myself deeply invested in the story and the characters. I was fascinated by the concept of the dream world and how it was used to achieve certain goals. I also enjoyed the creative use of suspense and悬念, which kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the film.

Another aspect of this movie that I particularly enjoyed was the way it explored themes of identity and personal responsibility. The characters in the film are struggling to define themselves and their place in the world, and this is reflected in their choices and actions throughout the story. I found this concept particularly thought-provoking and inspiring, and I hope to have the opportunity to explore it further in my own life.

Overall, "Inception" was a great movie that left me with a lasting sense of excitement and curiosity about the world of cinema. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a unique and engaging experience.



or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most ****** and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and cheats, the only winning famen is believe in themselves.


this film was absolutely amazing. i have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. it's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...

), but rather moments like where mathilda knocks on leon's door. it would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating natalie portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. and the moment has so much more meaning.

i know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. i'm not. but i'm glad i finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways.


harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling.

the books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard harry potter, together with ron weasley and hermione granger, his best friends. the central story arc concerns harry's struggle against the evil wizard lord voldemort, who killed harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.


somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish nemo (alexander gould) lives with his fretful father, marlin (albert brooks). **othered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.

taken to a tank in a sydney dentists, nemo meets gill (willem dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. meanwhile, marlin bumps into a blue tang named dory (ellen degeneres), and sets out to save his son...

the splendour of natural history hit the blue pla*** is matched by the wit of the script and stars. barry humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (remember, fish are friends, not food!), while degeneres provides perfect timing and tone as dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running


there are so many amazing things in the world.这个世界上有太多不可思议的事情.if tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?

如果明天是世界末日,我们可以做什么?so now,i think we should keep **ile everyday.所以现在,我觉得我们应该每天都微笑.

after i finish the movie of "2012the end of the world",i feel very upset about that.我看完“2012世界末日”这电影之后,我感到很悲伤.when i saw the people die in the movie,i thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?

当我看到人类在这个电影里死了,我想到了如果这件事情发生在我们身上,我们会死得很无助吗?if we have to die,i'll choose the one happy ending,like we have to cherish what we have now.如果我们一定要死,我会选择一个开心的结局,就好像我们一定要珍惜我们现在拥有的一切!

my family and my friends are love me,there are so many people love me!我的家人和我的朋友都很爱我,有很多人都爱我!i should thanks god for gave me so many things.

我应该感激上天给我的一切.when the end really came in the world,i will not feel regret!当世界末日真的来临了,我也不会感到遗憾!



阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,just runs. 他跑步不为任何理由.他说:







mr. a gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, just runs. he said:

“man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. i thank that's the meaning of my running.” say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place.

although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, mr. a gan does and be***es “god”. there is another character captain dan.

dan lost his legs in vietnarm war. he said that his fate is death in war. however, mr.

a gan saved him and let him be alive. after losing legs, dan was decadent and disgusted with life, ***plaining that a

gan shouldn't save him. when he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with a gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank a gan's help. the movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character.

rainbow is always after cloud. the key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. the movie is also sent such a message to us:

do well what we should do, and life will return us well. there will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.


NSEFC BOOK3 新课标必修三 Unit 2 Healthy Eating

From Students’ book P16

Write a short paage to advertise your restaurant and its service.Your writing should:

Explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurant

Describe their ingredients, flavor, smell and appearance

Explain how they will provide a balanced diet

Explain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the area

Explain how customers will be served


Good afternoon, everyone.I’m so glad to be here to talk about my teaching plan.The teaching plan I ‘m going to talk about is the writing period of Unit2 Healthy Eating taken from NSEFC BOOK3.

I will explain in the following 5 parts:

1.Understanding of the teaching material

2.Analysis of my students

3.Teaching methods and studying ways.

4.Teaching procedure.

5.Blackboard Design

Part 1.Understanding of the teaching material

My Understanding of the teaching material includes 3 parts: the status and function, teaching objectives, teaching important and difficult points.

At the beginning let’s focus on the first part.This unit mainly talks about healthy eating, problems with diet and balanced diet and nutrition.This writing period is about persuasive writing—an advertisement.So this leon plays an important role in this unit---how to use what Ss learnt in this unit to write an advertisement so as to persuade customers.

That’s all for the first part, now let’s move to the second part.According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this leon, I establish the following objectives:

a) Knowledge objectives

By the end of this leon the students will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of an advertisement.The students will grasp and can some useful words and expreions to describe a good restaurant such as: fresh, delicious, mouthwatering, home-made food, nutritious, reasonable price … etc

b) Ability objectives

Students will be encouraged to use persuasive sentences.They can make use of the modal verbs which they’ve learnt from last leon: such as should, would, could, will and so on.

Their ability of information gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion will be improved through discuing in groups in pre-writing while the ability of imagination, cohering, creating and persuading will be developed in writing.

c) Moral objectives

I will make full use of this leon to stimulate the students’ learning motivation and make the students confident and improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discuing.

Teaching important and difficult points:

This is a writing cla so the Teaching important and difficult points are how to make use of sentence structures they’ve learnt to write an advertisement of a restaurant and how to improve the Ss’ writing skills.

Part 2.The Analysis of the students:

The students in this grade have known some basic knowledge of advertisement, and they are active in mind.They are able to expre simple ideas in simple English under the teacher’s guidance.And they are more interested in concrete images, so in the proce of teaching, I will make full use of the pictures.

Part 3.Teaching methods and learning ways:

Generally speaking, I will adopt task-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach.As for learning, Ss will learn through discuing, information gathering, discuing, comparing and polishing.

Part 4.Teaching Procedure

Here comes the most important part of my teaching plan—my teaching procedure.

It includes 5 steps:

Step1.Revision & lead in.(3M’)

First check the homework of last cla---which was to find out a succeful restaurant advertisement from internet or library.Then let the students swap the homework with each other and discu in groups of 4, take notes, find out and category the impreive sentences into 5 kinds of information:

1.Food (special food, flavor, ingredients, balanced diet etc.)






This step is very important because it can improve the students’ ability to cooperate with each other, prepare them with the information needed and get them interested in the writing proce.

Step2.Discuing (8 M’)

Before they discu in groups of 4, I will show our students 4 pictures of some famous restaurants in Wenzhou-----Shamaohe Sushi Restaurant, Spicy Noodles, Golden Prince Steak House, and Concept Restaurant.Those pictures are placed together with the pictures of their recommended dishes and some key words after (Such as fresh, yummy, nutritious, recommend, specialize, home-made etc.).I will let the students choose one restaurant and suppose they were the owners, then discu how to advertise the recommended food in 3 sentences.

I will ask 3 students to report their work.

In this step, I show them the pictures of their familiar restaurants to stimulate their imagination and attract their interests.

Step 3.Pre-writing (10 M’)

This step includes 2 activities.

Activity one, I will show them the sample advertisement.

Activity two, they will be encouraged to read the advertisement and think over what are the characteristics of a succeful restaurant advertisement.I will encourage some students to analyze and tell me their opinion, so as to improve their ability of analysis, conclusion and imitation.

Then I will give out some suggested points:

Point1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once you’ve tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else.)

Point2.Use imperative and short sentences to encourage.(come and eat here! Discounts today! )

Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )

Point 4.Being creative and catchy.(Do you want to date the fresh sea food with your tongue?)

Point 5.It must have a topic sentence.

Step 4.While-writing.(16 M’)

Before they write I will ask students to read the requirements on page 16.

So they will mainly focus on food and service.

I will ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to advertise the above 4 restaurant motioned.

During their writing I will walk around them and help them with some vocabulary.

Step 5.Post-writing.(6 M’)

After they’ve done the writing, I will let them swap their paage with each other and recommend 3 most succeful advertisements----the most funny, the most impreive, and the most creative ones.

In this step their ability of comparison and evaluation is developed.And their interest of writing is aroused.

Step 6.Homework.(2 M’)

1.Polish their writing and write some more aspects of their restaurants, such as music, decoration, location, etc.Their final work will be modified and selected, then the most succeful ones will be put up on the English Corner.

2.Review the words and expreions in this unit, and we will have a dictation.

This step plays an important role in improving their writing skills and autonomous learning ability.

The following is my blackboard design:

5 kinds of information could be advertised:

1.Food (special food, flavor, ingredients, balanced diet etc.)






5 Stylish Characteristics of a succeful advertisement

Point1.Use the Modal Verb to persuade (Once you’ve tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else.)

Point2.Use imperative and short sentences to encourage.(come and eat here! Discounts today! )

Point3.Use questions to arouse interest.(Do you want to have home-made flavor food everyday? )

Point 4.Being creative and catchy.(Do you want to date the fresh sea food with your tongue?)

Point 5.It must have a topic sentence.



this film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior.


at the beginning,the master shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.


through the panda's persistence,he win master shifu's acceptance.


master shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to master wugu's instruction.


finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger.


this movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.



watching "the pursuit of happyness" tonight was almost a religious experience. perhaps that is "blasphemous" because, although religion does play a small role in the movie, the overall story is about the triumph of a man against immeasurable odds.

one of the reasons for my "religious" feeling towards the film has to do with the audience that filled the theater for the 9:40 p.m.

showing. for one thing, the audience was one of the largest i had seen in an odessa, texas theater in a long time. even more importantly, the audience was definitely one of the most racially diverse groups i have ever seen.

but, most important of all was the straight-forward tale "narrated" to us by the main character of the film, chris gardner.

all too often in this world, we take for granted what we are given. sometimes, we accept defeat with barely a whimper. but some people such as chris gardner would not allow himself and his son to be defeated although he literally had nothing at one point in his life.

gardner invokes the words and the thoughts of thomas jefferson in his quest of happiness that was mentioned in our declaration of independence penned primarily by jefferson. the fact that those words were even included in that document are amazing in themselves. life, liberty and property rights are more frequently thought of as inalienable rights but the artist in jefferson included the concept of pursuing happiness.


the plot

if you've seen the trailers or read any of the reviews, you already know that chris gardner is a man down on his luck. he has a wife that works double shifts as a waitress and a son who he thinks the world of but is barely able to support. gardner was abandoned by his own father at three and has vowed that his own children will always know their father.

but, gardner has sunk his life savings in a "bone density" machine that is barely more efficient than an x-ray machine and far more expensive. his life becomes one "bill collector" nightmare after the other to the point where his wife decides to leave him and his son. after his wife leaves, gardner's life gets even worse as he is kicked out of his apartment.

by chance one day, gardner runs into a very happy man with a fancy red car who says he is a stockbroker for a major firm. with no formal training, but with a brilliant mind and a strong will to succeed, gardner gets a chance, albeit a very small chance, to work for the dean witter brokerage firm. while he is studying for the broker test, he and his son are living in abject poverty.

范文2what i loved about the film

chris gardner is portrayed to perfection by will smith in what is certainly one of the strongest performances of his life. only his acting in "ali" come close to his work here although he has had an extremely successful career ("independence day", "men in black", "wild, wild west", "hitch"). here, smith shows both the strength and the courage of a man who is willing to fight against all odds and he does so without "overacting.

" we see gardner lose his temper, almost lose his life but never give up on his quest for his and his son's happiness.

gardner's son, christopher, is played by will smith's real son, jaden smith, in his first motion picture role. young jaden does a fantastic job as the young boy who can live the life of abject poverty and still praise his father. the naturalness of the portrayal is obvious in every scene which speaks volumes for both father and son's talent.

this "naturalness" is also the result of the excellent directing of gabriele muccino, heretofore a director of italian films as well as the fine screenplay by steve conrad ("the weather man"). the source material for the film is the book of the same name by the real chris gardner.

i also was impressed by the cinematography of phedon papamichael who shows both the beauty of san francisco's richer sections, and the squalor of the downtrodden sections of the city.

the music composed by andrea guerra ("hotel ruwanda") is perfect for the film and is augmented by music from george benson and other pop songs from the early 80's.

i went to the film with my wife and two stepdaughters who are in their early twenties. we don't always agree on the relative merits of the films we see. but all of us agreed that this is one of the best films produced in 2006.

it shows the amazing strength of one person but represents the best is the american dream. of course, for all the "chris gardners" in this country, there are countless individuals who don't succeed, but this film gives the hope that can be realized by faith in one's self and hard work.


Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship—— Friendship


Teaching Aims 1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends.2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships.Teaching Procedures Step 1 Discuion Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy’s pocket.Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says ‘yes’, someone says ‘no’.If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn’t steal the money, what should I do?

Discu it in groups of four .

Collect answers from students.Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same.Because we’re friends.Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust.

In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends.And what do you think of a friend or friendship? How to keep friendship?List good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have.Suggested answers: Good qualities:

outgoing hospitable considerate enthusiastic friendly kind polite honest loyal brave positive optimistic smart intelligent modest generous determined responsible mature

Bad qualities:

dishonest unfriendly dishonest rude impolite selfish lazy carele peimistic Brainstorming: Step 2 Writing Describe a problem you had with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends. Suggested expreions: close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to , considerate, warm hearted, honest, 一些有关友谊的名言警句如: On friends and friendship: A true friend is one soul in two bodies.(---Aristotle) A friend in need is a friend indeed.(---Ray) Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.(---Benjamin Franklin) A friend is a present which you give yourself.(---Robert Louis Stevenson) Fate chooses your relatives, you choose your friends.(---Abbe Jacques Deille) A faithful friend is the medicine of life.(---William Shakespeare) The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.(---William Blake) We choose our friend by instinct, but we keep them by judgment.(---Alfred Capus) Friendship is love without his wings.(---George Gordon Byron) True friendship is a plant of slow growth.(---George Washington) Sample: Friendship is one of the most valuable relationship in our lives, it may even last through you whole life.I have a good friend.Sometimes I argue with my friend.For example, once we discued a problem of our homework, as we held different ideas and wanted to persuade each other, we argued a lot.However, after we found the correct answer, the one that was wrong apologized at once.No matter how often we quarreled and what we quarreled for, we are good friends for ever.My favourite proverb says ' friend are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they re always there.' Thats true, indeed friends are willing to help you all the time.When you are down ,friends raise you up with their hearts .When you lose your way, friends guide you and pull you to the right way.When you have sorrow to complain of, friends are always the best ears for you.

So please cherish your friends, because everyone of them is unique and precious.Getting along with friends is just like growing plants.We must use patience, trust, and honesty as fertilizer to make friendship stonger.And never forget ,plants need sunshine, so do friends.Often give them some warm and you will find your hearts are getting closer.

Friendship stands on both sides , so the more you give and the more you will get .Remember, the key is your sincere heart.Step 3 Promotion and Homework 1) Aign another writing task based on the following information: What do you think of a friend or friendship? How to keep friendship? 2) Instruct the students to write and revise by themselves.3) Let the students hand in their final copies.4) Select some good samples to read to the whole cla. Suggested sample: Friendship is the most important things in life.Good friend would like to help you when you met some troubles.Real good friends could put each other in their hearts.Real friendship is like the spring rivers flowing down the mountains, silently.Everybody is looking forward to meeting real friends.How to find real friendship and keep it? I think it is like you planting a big tree.You should choose good seeds and take care of it to make it grow.Almost the same thoughts between each other is on base.Maybe fight also will happen.How to do? To make real friend, you don't be shy to explain your thoughts to the other.Try your best to keep friendship forever.It is neceary to tell the truth and respect each other.



第一步,确定题目后,教师启发学生思考,回忆写作中所需要的相关词汇,必要时通过多媒体展示相关内容,然后教师在黑板上进行总结或借助多媒体把关键词语呈现给学生.例如外研版教材Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship___ Friendship,该模块的写作任务讲述朋友之间所产生的矛盾问题,并提出建议如何保持友谊:Describing a problem you had with a friend and giving advice on how to keep friends教师可先展示一些有关友谊或本班同学相处的图片、幻灯片、音乐等,以激发学生的学习兴趣。然后教师可引导学生说说自己的好朋友,尽可能用到本模块所学过的词汇:close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to, considerate, warmhearted, honest, 等等。

第二步,分组讨论(均匀分配不同程度的学生),要求学生围绕写作话题借助有关词汇,人人动口,积极思维:1.Who is your good friend? 2.How do you become good friends? 3.Have you ever quarreled with each other? 4.What’s the problem? 5.Have you made up? 6.What should you do to keep your friendship? 等, 并让学生各抒己见,提供出不同的词语句型,如1.I’ve known him/her for ...2.We first met six years ago...I remember meeting him/her for the first time 3.We have much in common.4.I not only...but also...5.I suggest that...6.Why not...? 7.Can’t we ...? 8.What about...? 9.Friendship is both...and...10.If we..., we can...等也可提供一些有关友谊的名言警句如:On friends and friendship: A true friend is one soul in two bodies.(---Aristotle) A friend in need is a friend indeed.(---Ray) Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.(---Benjamin Franklin) A friend is a present which you give yourself.(---Robert Louis Stevenson) Fate chooses your relatives, you choose your friends.(---Abbe Jacques Deille) A faithful friend is the medicine of life.(---William Shakespeare) The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.(---William Blake) We choose our friend by instinct, but we keep them by judgment.(---Alfred Capus) Friendship is love without his wings.(---George Gordon Byron) True friendship is a plant of slow growth.(---George Washington) 同时教师提醒学生在讨论中尽量使用正确的时态、语态并用英语交流。这一步也是学生英文写作收集写作素材的过程。教师可参考与到各个组中,帮助学生解决疑难问题,并根据不同的写作内容和各小组的实际水平适当给他们提供一些新的词汇,同时鼓励那些平时不善于言谈的学生开口交流和帮助基础较差的学生。通过不断的教学实践,我发现:在这种活动或情景之下,学生无拘无束,大胆热烈讨论,加之教师的指导,写作的素材自然获得不少。最后每组选一位代表执笔完成书面表达,并在时间允许内在全班朗读;

第三步,教师进行总结归纳: Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement.With succe achieved, we also need friends to share our joys..Long live friendship! 同时再次强调写作中所需的时态、语态和学生写作过程中容易犯的错误等关键问题。而后要求学生课后完成各自的写作内容并上交作业。






Inside Out does a great job illustrating plicated mental processes.Itguides viewers through Riley’s dreams, her subconscious, her imagination and the mechanics offorgetting. But beneath its traditional adventurebased storyline, its philosophy speaks to adults alike.


The"Secret Service"film tells the story of the little girl Riley who moved to San Francisco because of her father"s job change. Her life is controlled by these five emotions.


Riley’s story gives us an answer. Human beings can be both strong and vulnerable. No twoindividuals are identical, and no one is as straightforward as a math equation.



The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

20xx - G - 113 Mins.

Director: _____________________

Producer: _____________________

Written By: _____________________


Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews,

Hector Elizondo, Callum Blue, Chris Pine

Review by: _____________________

NO:(班号) _____________________

I. Synopsis or summary of the plot:

II. Main characters:

III. Vocabulary: the words you have learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)


explanation in English

a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)

IV: Conclusion: What message is being told? (if it is any) What was the director’s purpose or intention or the theme of the film? Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other film from the same director or genre…) What’s your opinion?





Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow。What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc。 the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree。The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of 。

Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one。

This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the person"s heart can"t fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm。。。So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!


Ice Age 冰河世纪观后感

It’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any puter-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo。 In fact, until Shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, I wouldn’t have even believed it could happen。 What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn’t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar’s Toy Story heights, apparently content to revel in its status as Monster’s, Inc。's second rate, half wit cousin。 Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen。 This time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man。 Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot。 But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home。

Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I have ever seen。

Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc。; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters。 No hint of photo-realism here。 It’s like paring a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King。 Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for。

Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and

Leguizamo one liners。 Some of them are even quite funny。 If that is all that we’re going for here, then I suppose I’m all for it。 But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation。 Frankly, I’m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters。 The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures。 It’s laughable watching their

polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches。

Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels。 As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining。 Sure, Ray Romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular。 But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation。

The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation。 The film’s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct

melon-hoarding dodos。 Ice Age’s edy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else。


上一篇:槐乡五月教学反思简短精选 下一篇:功夫熊猫观后感(实用九篇)