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2023-11-25 15:48:58 英语励志演讲稿翻译 励志演讲稿翻译

【#实用文# #英语励志演讲稿带翻译经典10篇#】在我们正式登台演讲之前,准备演讲稿可以让你更好地应对演讲中的各种问题。演讲稿能够帮助你评估和提升自己的表达能力和演讲水平。如果你写演讲稿时感到困惑,不知道从何下手,不用担心。因为我们最关注的是满足您的需求,所以我们编辑了“英语励志演讲稿带翻译”来帮助你。但请注意,所列举的信息仅供参考,请根据实际情况做出判断。




































































i love english

dear teacher and clas**ates:

i am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! this time, i\d like to talk something about english.

when i was seven, my mother sent me to an english school. at there, i played games and sang english songs with other children . then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.

everyday, i read english following the tapes. sometimes, i watch english cartoons.

on the weekend, i often go to the english corner. by talking with different people there, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english.

i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington monument, because the president washington is my idol. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed.

if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.

i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. i\ll introduce china to them, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and anshan.i know, rome was not built in a day.

i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.















dear teacher and clas**ates:

i am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! this time, i\d like to talk something about english.

when i was seven, my mother sent me to an english school. at there, i played games and sang english songs with other children . then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.

everyday, i read english following the tapes. sometimes, i watch english cartoons.

on the weekend, i often go to the english corner. by talking with different people there, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english. i hope i can travel around the world someday.

i want to go to america to visit washington monument, because the president washington is my idol. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.

i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. i\ll introduce china to them, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and anshan.

i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.


hi, everyone! my name is ***. today my topic is: i love english.

when i was eight , my father sent me to an english school. at there, i played games and sang english song with other children. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.

every day, i read english following the tapes. sometimes, i like watching english movies for children, such as finding nemo, harry potter and so on. these movies not only improved my english, but also gave me a lot of fun.

outlook english also help me a lot in my english studies, i have been watching this program for nearly two years.

i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america, because america is one of the most developed countries in the world. i also want to go to england, because english originated in england.

thats all, thank you!


youth is not a time of life,it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees,it is a matter of the emotions:it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.nobody grows old merely by a number of years.

we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusia** wrinkles the

soul.worry,fear,self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. whether 60 of 16,there is in every human beings heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living .

in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station:so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from the infinite,so long as you are young.


Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to share with you a inspiring speech that I recently read. The speech is called "The Power of Self-Belief" and it's by Dr. Mark Zuckerberg.

In the speech, Dr. Zuckerberg talks about the importance of self-belief in achieving our goals. He explains that self-belief is the belief in ourselves that we can do something. It's the belief that we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Self-belief is what makes us stand out in the world. It's what keeps us motivated and persistent in the face of challenges. It's what makes us successful.

But self-belief is not something that we can achieve overnight. It requires effort and dedication. It requires us to set achievable goals and work towards them with determination. It requires us to be willing to take risks and to fail.

But what if we could just have a little bit of self-belief in ourselves? What if we could just believe that we can do it? What if we could just trust that we have the power to achieve our dreams?

That's why I believe that self-belief is the key to success. It's the key to unlocking our full potential and to achieving our goals.

So let's all try to cultivate a little bit of self-belief in ourselves. Let's all believe that we can do something. Let's all be willing to take risks and to fail. And let's all work hard to achieve our goals.

Thank you.


we are the world ,we are the future

someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.

we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question.

to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees.

it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.

a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. let’s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.

career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours?

i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’s make a fist. where is our future?

where is our love, career, and life? .yeah, it is in our hands.

it is held in ourselves.

we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don’t cry because it is over, **ile because it happened.

from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.

failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it.

but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.




为了去回答它,我首先要问“从‘青春’这个词中你能理解到什么?” 青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃色的脸,红唇,柔软的膝盖,而是深沉的意志,。






我们都希望未来比过去更好,但未来可以更好。不要因为结束而哭泣, 微笑吧, 为你曾经拥有。从过去看,生活是艰难的,但我们更坚强。





Dear friends,

I am here today to share with you a story of hope, perseverance, and determination. A story that has inspired me and many others throughout my life.

Let me tell you a story of a young man named Jack. Jack was a ordinary person, with an ordinary job and an ordinary life. He lived in a small town, where he worked in a factory, had a family, and was happy with everything he had.

But one day, something unexpected happened. Jack's factory was facing financial difficulties, and the company was going to close down. Jack's job was about to be done, and he knew that he had to find a new way forward.

Determined to do something about it, Jack decided to start his own business. He gathered all of his savings and set out to find a new business idea. He spent countless hours researching and brainstorming, trying to come up with something that would be successful.

Finally, after many months of hard work, Jack had a new business idea. He founded a company that offered a unique product that had never been sold before. The product was a new type of software that could help businesses automate their operations and increase efficiency.

Despite the challenges that he faced along the way, Jack remained determined and hopeful. He knew that his new business was not going to be easy, but he was also confident that it had the potential to be successful.

And so, with hard work and perseverance, Jack's new business became a success. The company grew and became one of the leading players in the industry. Jack's product was widely adopted by businesses around the world, and he became a successful entrepreneur.

And that's the story of Jack. A story of hope, perseverance, and determination. A story that has inspired me and many others throughout my life.

Thank you.


Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to share with you a励志故事 and a message of hope that can help you overcome any challenges.

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack. Jack was a talented musician, but he struggled to make a living as a musician. He often worked long hours and missed his family and friends. Despite this, Jack never gave up on his dream of becoming a successful musician.

One day, Jack met a wise old man who was passing by. The old man looked at Jack and said, "You are a talented musician, but you have to be more careful about how you pursue your dreams. You have to be willing to take risks and make sacrifices, but you also have to be patient and persistent. You have to keep pushing yourself to improve and to succeed."

The old man left Jack a note and told him to take it to heart. Jack read the note and felt a sense of determination. He decided to focus on his music and to be more patient with himself. He started to practice more and more, and soon he was performing at local events and playing with a small group of friends.

As time went on, Jack's music career took off. He was booked to perform at major music festivals and was even featured on popular music stations. Jack's success did not come easily, but he never gave up on his dream. He continued to work hard and to stay true to himself.

Today, Jack is a successful musician who has built a loyal following of fans. He is proud of what he has achieved and continues to push himself to be the best version of himself.

In conclusion, I want to tell you that there is no easy road to success. You have to be willing to take risks and to make sacrifices, but you also have to be patient and persistent. If you are willing to work hard and to be true to yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Thank you for listening, and I hope this message of hope and inspiration will help you to overcome any challenges that you may face in your life.



dear every leader, teacher, dear students:

good morning!

nor, vientiane.

kunming this year spring is a bit special. "snow bumper harvest". for those of us in our life in kunming, the heavy snow, only to yearn for and imagine before, but we really this spring in the swirl of snow.

now is the season of spring, the air is so pure and fresh, our mood is so enjoyable.

kunming this year spring is a bit special. under the much-anticipated up in yunnan province experimental school expectations of the affiliated high school of peking university, blockbuster, sits at the xiong deyou based education points first. it was "a snow good harvest!

as with the learned, how can we not pride and joy?

nor, vientiane. after the new year, we add the new year. with new mood to study sample, after the snow campus also refreshed.

the school gate post prosperity makes us even more exciting.

the new teacher came to our school, but also to the new students. teachers received bonuses, work more hard, students got to encourage, study more hard. even the original rogue suddenly grew up, elegance.

a new semester, new atmosphere.

the new semester, new atmosphere. new, is different from the old; new, is to change; new, is enterprising; is the development of new,; new, is to create.

the new semester, new atmosphere. in the new school, in the new semester, we have to constantly innovation and change, enterprising, strives for the development, to create. because the north is often new, is often a new of the affiliated high school of peking university, peking university high school in yunnan province experimental school is often new, each of the yunnan province experimental school of the affiliated high school of peking university students are often new.

the new semester, new spirit, new look, new actions, new atmosphere.















as you slowly open your eyes,look around,notice where the light ***es into your room;listen carefully,see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

yes,yes,yes,it’s a new day,it’s a different day,and it’s a bright day!and most importantly,it is a new beginning for your life,a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions,take new actions,make new friends,and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!

in your mind’s eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,and the positions you aspire to reach.

you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.

you can see the **iles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.

you can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being!

you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and ***mitted!and you are confident,you are confident,passionate and ***mitted!

you will no longer fear ****** new sounds,showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people,and asking new questions.

you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.after all,you are the best,and you deserve the best!







































Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to talk to you about a topic that is very important to me: motivation. motivation

motivation is the energy that drives us to do what we want to do. It is the force that makes us strive and push ourselves to achieve our goals. In today's world, we often face a lot of challenges and obstacles that can make us feel discouraged and unmotivated. But remember, it's important to stay positive and remember that motivation is a never-ending source.

One of the things that keeps me motivated is the fact that I have a strong desire to succeed. I want to achieve my dreams and make a difference in the world. I know that it's not easy, but I also know that it's possible. I have to keep pushing myself and finding ways to stay engaged in what I'm doing.

Another thing that helps me stay motivated is the support of my family and friends. They keep me accountable and encourage me to stay positive. I also rely on my self-care routine to stay energized and focused. Whether it's taking a break to relax or doing something that makes me happy, it's important to take care of yourself in order to stay motivated.

In conclusion, motivation is a powerful force that can help us overcome any obstacle. It's important to stay positive and remember that you have the power to achieve your goals. Whether it's through hard work, determination, and support, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Thank you for listening.


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