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2024-02-03 13:45:04 英语励志翻译文案 励志翻译文案

【#句子# #英语励志文案简短带翻译精选#】只需一句简单的励志文案,就可以鼓舞人心,为了让我们更加的积极向上,我们会写下正面的励志话语。你认为哪些励志的话语最能让我们重振旗鼓呢?编辑特别抽出时间整理了英语励志文案简短带翻译希望对您有所帮助,希望本页上的句子能为您提供实用的经验分享!


1、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. -- Charles Chaplin人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 -- 卓别林



4、the children from well-fed family.

5、How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

6、to think when you are young, you may never learn.如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。A positive attitude may not think time and effort spent on the little things.有积极心态的人不把时间精力花在小事情上。Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,的总会在最不经意的时候出现。The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it

7、even the immature attempt is better than a stillborn strategy。



10、the biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams。人生最大的冒险就是过你梦想的生活。


12、What does he do? 他是干什么的?

13、No, she isn’t 不,她不是。

14、He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.

15、you got a dream, you gotta protect it。 if you want something, go get it。——如果你有梦想的话,就要去扞卫它;如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。

16、Let me introduce myself 让我自我介绍一下。

17、Is this your pen? I found it under the desk 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。


19、Everyone’s heart is a piece of sea,shining bottomless blue。 每个人的心都是一片海,闪耀着深不见底的幽蓝。

20、Onw swallow does not make a summer.

21、No, it isn’t It’s a bus 不,那是一辆公共汽车。



23、人生需要耐心,需要勇气,需要激情,更需要信心。life requires patience, need courage, need passion, need more confidence。

24、i was deeply moved by the young boy, because i know lei feng is still living in our hearts.


26、Is that girl a student? 那个女孩是学生吗?

27、Does the shop open at am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上点开门吗?


29、mrs. brown is an australian woman teacher with fair hair and blue eyes, who has been to many places of china.

30、Dream is an exciting and alluring place, where everything is achievable. 梦是一个让人激动兴奋的充满诱惑的世界,在梦里的话,不管什么事都做得到。

31、What year is this? 今年是哪一年?


33、When someone walk out your life,let them. They are just making more room for someone else better to walk in. 当有人离开你的生活时,随他们去吧。这只是给更好的人留足了进入你生活的空间。

34、Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. 万圣节前夜是挥洒创意的好时机。

35、Life is about making an impact, not making an income. 生命在于影响他人,而非赚钱糊口。

36、I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat.我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。

37、He was an early riser

38、What do you do? 你是做什么的?

39、If you need me,I am here for you,I am by your side。 如果你需要我,我会在这里等候,我一直会在你左右。

40、It’s an air-conditioner 这是空调。


42、I am very good,does not cry not noisy not to laugh。我很好,不哭不闹不笑。


43、Rose, let me introduce my friend to you 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。


45、Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你。



48、It’s December 现在是十二月。

49、She must be a model, isn’t she? 她一定是个模特,不是吗?

50、your future depends on your dreams。你的梦想决定着你的未来。

51、hide one's light under a bushel.

52、Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. 如果不被别人认可,不要担心,要努力让自己值得被认可。

53、We like the needle on the surface,keep turning,turn,a time left in a hurry,powerless。 我们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一面看着时间匆匆离去,却无能为力。


55、time is precious, grasp the time。

56、Who are you? 你是谁?

57、The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation.But some learn to forget, but others insist.


59、When life is difficult and when everything turns bad, always remember that even a turtle can finish a race as long as he never gives up——当生活变得艰难时,当一切都不顺时,也请记着,即使是乌龟,只要它不放弃,就能爬到终点。

60、To be a happy man, reading, travel, hard work, care for the body and mind。做一个幸福的人,读书,旅行,努力工作,关心身体和心情。



63、I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love.

64、Who is the guy over there? 那边那个人是谁?


上一篇:春节旅行浪漫舒适的句子 下一篇:轻松晚安心语(热门74句)