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2024-10-22 08:41:11

【#作文# #2024圣诞节作文30字(摘录7篇)#】在日常生活、职场和学校,人们总会需要写作文。作文可以促进文化交流,帮助人们更好地表达自己。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是好工具范文网小编精心整理的关于圣诞节作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

2024圣诞节作文30字 篇1

The Loong Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. Its name changes in different places. Some places are called the Dragon Boat Festival, some are called the Loong Boat Festival, and some are called the Poets Day.

The Loong Boat Festival was set up to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. Let me tell you about the origin of the festival. Qu Yuan was a minister of King Huai of Chu during the Warring States period. He advocated for selecting talents and empowering the country, strengthening the military, and uniting Qi to resist Qin. However, he was strongly opposed by aristocratic sons such as Lan. Despite being exiled from the capital, Qu Yuan wrote immortal poems such as "Li Sao", "Tian Wen", and "Jiu Ge", which were concerned about the country and the people. In 278 BC, the Qin army captured the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan remained reluctant to part with his homeland and, after writing his masterpiece "Huaisha" on the fifth day of May, threw a stone into the Guluo River. Legend has it that after Qu Yuans death, the people of Chu were extremely saddened and rushed to the banks of the Guluo River to pay tribute to him. Fishermen rowed boats and went back and forth on the river to retrieve his true body. They rushed to Dongting Lake without any trace. Then they rowed a Loong Boat on the fifth day of May every year to commemorate it. By rowing a Loong Boat, they scattered the fish in the river to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuans body.

There are also many customs on Loong Boat Festival. The hanging of wormwood leaves is an essential custom in the south. The ancients used wormwood to represent "Zhao Baifu". They thought it was a kind of herbal medicine that can cure all kinds of diseases. Inserting it on the door can remove all kinds of poisons and make people healthy. Eating Zongzi and racing Loong Boat are also important customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.

In addition, there are many delicious foods on Loong Boat Festival, such as Zongzi and Wuhuang. Zongzi is made by every household. Prepare a piece of zongzi leaf. First, roll it into a funnel shape. According to the size of the zongzi leaf, put glutinous rice into it. Then turn the zongzi leaf over and press it down, close the mouth on both sides, cut off the surplus zongzi leaf, and finally tie it with zongzi rope. The delicious Zongzi will be wrapped! And the five yellows, namely eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted egg yolk, and realgar wine, can better expel toxins and ward off evil.

This is origin and custom of the Loong Boat Festival. Do you know?






传统节日的介绍英语作文元宵节 1

Today is the 15th day of the first lunar month, which is our traditional festival - Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival). On Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), every household will set off firecrackers, hang lanterns, watch lanterns and enjoy the moon. Of course, they will have to eat the round, slippery and sweet Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival). It can symbolize reunion, harmony and happiness, and a sweet and sweet life.

After a long day, I finally look forward to an exciting night. After eating Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), we set out to watch the Lantern Festival.

We arrived at the beautiful Sun Square. Here is a sea of people, and the fire trees and silver flowers in the square are dazzling and dazzling. The colorful and diverse lanterns make people dizzy. There are water doll lanterns, lotus lanterns, and horse lanterns... with various shapes and colors, even the rows of outdated fan lights are so spectacular and beautiful.

The middle row of the square is filled with small vendors. There are various local delicacies, barbecues, and various toys... everything is truly complete.

Around 7 oclock, the fireworks began to set off naturally. With a loud whoosh, the flames were like comets, dragging their golden tails into the embrace of the night. They exploded with a loud bang, like a fairy scattering flowers, instantly blooming a smiling face in the sky. Immediately after, the big "peony" also shone brightly on the stage. The incredibly large "big starfish" has also been praised by people. One after another, fireworks and makeup appeared, illuminating the entire night sky like daylight.

The performance of the water program has also begun, with beautiful dance moves and beautiful singing, making the festive atmosphere even stronger.

There are many people over there putting Kongming lanterns. Dad also bought us a Kongming lamp, and we each wrote our own wishes on the lamp. Kong Mingdeng carried the wishes of our whole family and slowly rose to the sky.








2024圣诞节作文30字 篇2








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2024圣诞节作文30字 篇7

Today is the happy Mid-Autumn Festival. When the first ray of sunshine shines on my face in the morning, I open my eyes with a smile, and people begin to get excited. Because today is my favorite festival - Mid-Autumn Festival.

Early in the morning, my parents and I, a family of three, went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, mooncakes, and other food. In the afternoon, parents are busy killing chickens, fish, meat, and vegetables in the kitchen. They are really busy and happy. When I was having dinner, I buried my head in eating, it was a bit like wolfing down. In no time, I was the first to have a good meal. I immediately went to prepare for the moon viewing.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, I have never been able to unveil the magical veil of the moon. I cant help but think of the story of Change flying to the moon. It was in memory of Change that people designated August 15th as the Mid Autumn Festival, which people hope to reunite with. It also reminds me of a famous poem called "Silent Night Thoughts": The bright moon in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think of your hometown. This poem expresses the poet Li Bais longing for his hometown. It reminds me from time to time that the soldiers stationed in the border areas cannot be reunited with their families on Mid-Autumn Festival.

Why hasnt the moon shown its true face yet? I want to see what the book says: the moon is round, bright, and big.

But the beautiful Mid Autumn Moon! Why hasnt it appeared yet? I couldnt figure it out and went to ask my parents. It turned out that our city was affected by the 13th typhoon, Senlak. The moon wont come out. Although I didnt see the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival as I expected today, I am still very happy.

I heard from my parents about the origin of Mid-Autumn Festival.

They said that at that time, the common people put the note "Kill the boots, destroy the Yuan Dynasty; on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, all families take action together" into mooncakes to overthrow the brutal rule of the Yuan Dynasty and pass it on to each other! On August 15th, the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown by the common people. Perhaps we are eating mooncakes now to celebrate the joy of victory! Some people also say that Mid-Autumn Festival is the harvest season, and it is the joy and joy for farmers to experience and enjoy the harvest!

In a word, I think Mid-Autumn Festival is a happy festival, a symbol of the League members, and a symbol full of joy. At that moment, I would happily sit at home with my parents to eat moon cakes and spend the night of Mid-Autumn Festival.









传统节日的介绍英语作文端午节 1

In a few days, it will be the fifth day of May, which is also our traditional festival "Loong Boat Festival"

Do you know why we make Zongzi on Loong Boat Festival? Speaking of which, we have to start with a story: In ancient times, there was a king who was lascivious and gambling oriented, and never cared about politics at all. Sometimes he just hastily dealt with things and dealt with them casually. Sometimes I dont even go to see it. One of his ministers, Qu Yuan, was worried about him. He said to the king, "If youre like this, Ill have to force you to death." The king angrily said, "You go, no one will stop you!" Qu Yuan was heartbroken and thought to himself, "What should we do? This country is about to fall.". A few days later, people found Qu Yuan in a river. The blind date was so sad that they had to wrap the leaves and glutinous rice into a Zongzi and sprinkle rice wine. In this way, the fish and shrimp would be sleepy after eating Zongzi and would not eat Qu Yuans corpse. In memory of Qu Yuan, people set the fifth day of the fifth lunar month as the Loong Boat Festival. On this day, every family has to eat their own Zongzi.

Although this Zongzi was originally intended to commemorate Qu Yuan, it has been continuously improved with the subsequent production process. Now Zongzi tastes more and more. In fact, the way to make Zongzi is very simple, just need zongzi leaves, glutinous rice and stuffing. The filling can be chosen according to ones own taste, and can be made with pork, honey dates, and so on. First, spread glutinous rice with zongzi leaves and fill it with the filling you like. Wrap it up, tie it with a string, and its done. There is also an activity called Loong Boat Race, which is also indispensable in the Loong Boat Festival. A Loong Boat stands about seven to eight people. When the referee gives a command, the team members are like arrows leaving the string, and runaway horses are flying towards the same destination. With the swaying of the oars, ripples quickly spread out, forming circles. People watching the competition on both sides of the river were also excited, hoping for a victory for a certain pair. The speed of Loong Boat reflects how important the strength of team harmony and cooperation is.

Although the Loong Boat Festival is not as grand as the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival, some traditional customs in the Loong Boat Festival place our nostalgia for the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan everywhere.



虽说这粽子本意是用来纪念屈原的,但随着后来的制作工艺不断改进。现在粽子的口味是越来越多了。其实,制作粽子的方法是很简单,只需要粽叶.糯米,馅儿。馅儿可以以自己的口味来选择,可以用猪肉、蜜枣等等。先把糯米铺上粽叶,填上自己喜欢的馅儿。包起来,捆上细绳,就做完了。 还有一项活动赛龙舟,在端午节里也是必不可少的,,一条龙舟大约站七到八个人左右,等裁判员把一声口令,队员们犹如离弦的箭,脱缰的马朝着同一个目的.地飞驰。随着双桨的摇摆,一条条波纹快速的散开去,形成一个个圆圈,河两岸在观看比赛的人也兴奋不已,期盼着某一对的胜利。龙舟的快慢体现了一个团队和谐与合作的力量有多么的重要。




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