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2024-02-10 11:24:05 中英双语演讲稿

【#实用文# #中英双语演讲稿(推荐十四篇)#】今天编辑和大家分享了关于“中英双语演讲稿”的相关主题内容,希望大家能够从中获益。无论我们做任何事情,只要愿意努力奋斗,就没有不成功的可能。为了更好地实现演讲的目标,准备好演讲稿可以帮助我们更有效地进行沟通。一篇有说服力的演讲需要用具体的案例和证据来支持我们的立场。

中英双语演讲稿 篇1

1 、大家好!

hello, everybody!


we are fang nan , hu hui juan from class ten grade seven.

3 、今天我们演讲的主题是“感恩的心”。

our speech today is “the grateful heart”.

4 、没有阳光,就没有温暖;没有水源,就没有生命;没有父母,就没有我们自己;没有亲情、友情和爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗……

without the sunlight, it' s not warm; without water, we don't have the life. without the parents, there is no us. if no dear ones, no friendship, the world can be lonely and dark……

5 、这些都是浅显的道理,没有人会不懂,但生活中的我们在理所当然地享受着这一切的同时,却常常缺少了一颗感恩的心。

these all are ****** truths,nobody cannot understand,but while we enjoy these all naturally,frequently we have actually lacked the heart which feels grateful.


the sun is nourishing the flower with his warm sunlight,the flower thanks the sunlight with its fragrant breath.;the rain and dew moistens the grass with its soft flesh,the gradd is thanking the rain and dew with his full of vitality……

7 、这是一个真实的事例,一个小女孩在家因和母亲吵架而赌气离家出走,身无分文的她来到了一家拉面馆,面馆的老板看孩子饿肚子的样子很心疼,于是免费给孩子下了一碗面

this is a real story ,a little girl quarreled with her mother and went out in a hurry spitefully,when she arrived at a noodle house,with an empty stomach,the boss loved her dearly and therefore give her a bowl of noodle free.

8 、孩子狼吞虎咽的吃下面,感动的热泪盈眶,竟给老板跪下来,老板很生气的说:外人对你的小恩小惠你牢记在心,那你母亲对你的大恩大德呢?

after the child swallowed the noodle,she knelt to the boss unexpectedly with hot tears in her eyes.the boss was angry very much saying:you keep firmly in mind these petty favors,then what about your mother’s great love for you?

9 、孩子心中激起一阵暖流:我得回家看妈妈,这时,只见妈妈焦急的站在楼梯道上,于是这对母女互相拥上,泪流满面。

in the child heart arouses a warm current:i must go home to see my mother. unexpectedly ,she saw her mother standing beside the stair anxiously.

the mother and daughter hugged each other firmly with tears streaming down the face.


as middle-school students,whether do you feel grateful or not?when the parents urge repeatedly ,we dislike bothersome;when our teachers work wholeheartedly to correct students’*****s ,prepare lessons,we actually do not appreciate their kindness,we do not listen carefully,trample their work achievement; we still could not change the bad manners ,even go to the inter*** bar and **oke.


they have paid so much for us, only some schoolmates know to be grateful; some are only the words giant, the actions dwarf, they promise to be a new leaf,not to make the teachers disappointed, but several days passed, nothing has changed. also some people think a thank-you is just artificial, no feeling of to be grateful to those who ever helped them at all. they thought this is “cool”,but this so-called “cool”,make the schoolmates loathe.

teachers can't understand. parents feel sad.

12 、同学们行动起来吧,让我们怀有一颗感恩的心,去感恩身边的人,哪怕是在母亲节的时候,送给妈妈一束康乃馨;即是在教师节,也要为老师准备一份礼物;只要你从生活的每一点做起,你就会发现周围的人会更加尊重你

schoolmates. let's go into action, let us harbor the heart which feels grateful, let's feel grateful to people around us, even if on mother's day time, give the mother bunch of carnations; even if on teachers’ day time, prepare a gift for the teacher; so long as start bit by bit, you can discover people around you will be able even more to respect you.


only when you know thanksgiving, can you know pay and repay. some people say thanksgiving is the good essence. some people say if you know thanksgiving, you must be happy.

you should be grateful to others, even though he or she gives you a little help. thanksgiving must be***e each person's moral excellence.


that's all of our speech, thank you!

中英双语演讲稿 篇2


It gives me a great pleasure to join you for this important initiative as the UN marks its 70th anniversary.


Education is very close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them how to read. With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help many people learned to read newspapers for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read. As his daughter, I know what education means to the people, especially those without it.

我对教育感念至深。我的父亲生长在中国一个非常小的村庄里。在那些岁月里,许多村民都不识字。因此我的父亲开办了一所夜校帮助他们识字。在他的帮助下, 许多人学会了写自己的名字;在他的帮助下,许多人有生以来第一次读报;在他的帮助下,许多妇女开始有能力教自己的孩子读书写字。作为她的女儿,我知道教育 对一个人来说意味着什么,特别是那些没有文化的人。

After generations of hard work, China has come a long way in education. I myself am a beneficiary of that progress. Otherwise I would never become a soprano and a professor of musical. I am following my father’s footsteps by teaching at China’s Conservatory of Music to help continue China’s success story.


I want to thank Director-general Bokova and UNESCO for naming me the Special Envoy for Women and Girls Education. I am truly honored to work with the UN and do something about Global Education. I have visited many schools around the world. I’ve seen first-hand on how much we can do for education.


Education is about women and the girls. It is important for girls to go to school because they will become their children’s first teacher someday. But women still account for over half of the world’s poor in population and 60% of adults who can’t read. Education is crucial in the addressing such inequalities.In China, Spring Bud Education Program has helped over 3 million girls go back to school. Many of them have finished university education and they are doing well at work.

教育事关妇女和女童。女童入学非常重要,因为她们有一天会成为自己孩子的第一位老师。然而,妇女依然占世界贫穷人口的一半,她们中有六成成年人不识字。 教育是解决此类不平等的关键。在中国,“春蕾计划”已经帮助300万女童重返校园。许多人读完了大学,并在工作岗位上表现出色。

Education is about equality. In poor countries and regions the number of school dropouts is astonishing. We call for more educational resources to these places.


Education is about the young people. Young people are the future. Education is important because it not only gave young people knowledge and skills but also help them become responsible citizens.


As the UNESCO special envoy and the mother myself my commitment to education for all will never change. Many years ago my father made a small difference in his village. Together we can make a big difference in the world.


I was once asked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls can have access to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet. Thank you very much.


中英双语演讲稿 篇3

We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love.


Do one thing at a time, and do well.


Never forget to say “thanks”.


Keep on going never give up.

勇往直前, 决不放弃!

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.


Believe in yourself.


I can because i think i can.


Action speak louder than words.


Never say die.


Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.


The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.


You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.


Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.


Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


Jack of all trades and master of none.


中英双语演讲稿 篇4


①please accept this letter as formal notification that i am leaving my position with xxx company on august 7.


②i have allowed 30 days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process.


③although i have enjoyed my job, i have received an offer for another company that i feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


④thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before i leave.


⑤i regret having to resign from my position. i wish you and xxx the best of luck and future success.


⑥if i can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.






it is with both regret and anticipation that i submit this letter of resignation, to resign from the position of (职位) effective february xx, 20xx. i have decided to take this time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities.

it has been my genuine pleasure to work for edward keller and (公司名 )group during these last xx years.

thank you for allowing me to (公司名.)

中英双语演讲稿 篇5

1、you make the failure complete when you stop trying.


2、work won't kill but worry will.


3、where there is life, there is hope.


4、nurture passes nature.


5、at twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(benjamin franklin ,american president)

二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。(美国总统 富兰克林 . b.)

6、enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.


7、i have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat. (winston churchill, british politician)

我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家 丘吉尔。w.)

8、the first wealth is health .(ralph waldo emerson , american thinker)

9、the world is his who enjoys it.


10、you can't judge a tree by its bark.


11、there is no disputing about tastes.


12、cease to struggle and you cease to live.(thomas carlyle)

13、a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.(thomas addison)

14、conceit is the quicksand of success.


15、a man can't ride your back unless it is bent.


16、he that makes a good war makes a good peace.


17、wealth is the test of a man's character.


18、if you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.


19、he is rich that has few wants.


20、until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.


21、great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.(samuel johnson, british writer and critic)

完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。(英国作家和评论家 约翰逊。 s.)

22、he that makes a thing too fine, breaks it.


23、the best hearts are always the bravest.


24、to be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.


25、the wealth of the mind is the only wealth.


26、true mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.


27、good is good, but better carries it.


28、a man is only as good as what he loves.


29、the secret of success is constancy to purpose.


30、you never know your luck.


31、a little labor, much health.


32、courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.


33、behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years. (bob brown)

34、you have to believe in yourself. that's the secret of success. (charles chaplin)

35、shallow men believe in luck.self-trust is the first secret of success.


36、i have no secret of success but hard work.


37、if you would go up high , then use your own legs ! do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads .(f.w .nietzsche , german philosopher)

如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采。 f. w.)

38、keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.


39、sow nothing, reap nothing.


40、the dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.


41、sharp tools make good work.


42、what makes life dreary is the want of motive.(george eliot)

43、there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.


44、success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.


45、there is no garden without its weeds.


46、variety is the spice of life.


47、doubt is the key to knowledge.


48、there is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power. (balzac)

49、gratitude is the sign of noble souls.


50、politeness costs nothing and gains everything.


51、the man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible ”. (bonaparte napoleon ,french emperor )

凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑。 b.)

52、every man at forty is a fool or a physician.


53、clothes do not make the man.


54、living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.(john ruskin)

55、that man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.


56、when all else is lost the future still remains.


57、genius only means hard-working all one's life. (mendeleyev russian chemist)

58、between two stools one falls to the ground.


59、accept what was and what is, and you'll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.


60、sweat is the lubricant of success.


61、it is easy to be wise after the event.


62、a contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


63、you're uinique, nothing can replace you.


64、live a noble and honest life. reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.


65、the first step is as good as half over.


66、laugh and grow fat.


67、honesty is the best policy.


68、plain living and high thinking.


69、wasting time is robbing oneself.


70、bad times make a good man.


中英双语演讲稿 篇6





flowers have their responsibility of bearing fruits, just like cloud has that of falling rain, and the sun of casting light. but what is responsibility? no matter what role you play, you only need to ***plete your own work.

as in greek mythology: people spend their entire life trudging on their way, shouldering the responsibilities from family, friends, and of study. no matter how hard it is, you cannot discard any of them, because everyone bears the word on his back:






lev tolstoy once said: "a person without enthusia** can ac***plish nothing. the foundation of enthusia** is responsibility.

" responsibility means to keep the mission in mind, dare to shoulder responsibility and be dedicated to one's career. taking responsibility is the excellent tradition of the chinese nation. it presents in the story of yu:

he passed his home three times but did not go into. it demonstrates in the story of zhuge liang: bend one's back to the task until one's dying day.

and it shows in the story of a teacher tan qianqiu who used his body as support to protect his students when the classroom collapsed.



in the process of our growth, we have been cared, educated, helped and rewarded by many people. therefore, we should constantly offer or give something back. in school, we should study hard, gradually fulfill and enrich ourselves, which is our responsibility.

away from home, if inadvertently break public facilities, we should bravely admit the error and actively make remedies, which is also the responsibility. it is our responsibility to construct the country, defend our homeland, and be***e useful members to the society.


if we are asked what has been driving us to keep moving forward, as a student of maple leaf enlai international school, we will solemnly answer them: it is responsibility! perhaps everyone is asked this question in his or her life, and we can only answer with our own life.

therefore, we take responsibility because we have other people in our minds, and have the mission given by teachers and friends. we don’t believe in the lines on our palms. we only believe that responsibility will make life brighter.

we will be responsible for ourselves, harboring ardent enthusia** to continue my life journey. we believe that responsibility is not only a kind of courage, but also a determination.

中英双语演讲稿 篇7

The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.


The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist.


While there is life there is hope.


If you smile when one is around,you really mean it.


I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)


A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face;a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form.


A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)


Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man.


The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.


I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)


There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.


All men whilst they are awake are in one common world;but each of them,when he is asleep,is in a world of his own.


A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


It's great to be great , but it''s greater to be human. ---W. Rogers


中英双语演讲稿 篇8




flowers have their responsibility of bearing fruits, just like cloud has that of falling rain, and the sun of casting light. but what is responsibility? no matter what role you play, you only need to ***plete your own work.

as in greek mythology: people spend their entire life trudging on their way, shouldering the responsibilities from family, friends, and of study. no matter how hard it is, you cannot discard any of them, because everyone bears the word on his back:






lev tolstoy once said: "a person without enthusia** can ac***plish nothing. the foundation of enthusia** is responsibility.

" responsibility means to keep the mission in mind, dare to shoulder responsibility and be dedicated to one's career. taking responsibility is the excellent tradition of the chinese nation. it presents in the story of yu:

he passed his home three times but did not go into. it demonstrates in the story of zhuge liang: bend one's back to the task until one's dying day.

and it shows in the story of a teacher tan qianqiu who used his body as support to protect his students when the classroom collapsed.



in the process of our growth, we have been cared, educated, helped and rewarded by many people. therefore, we should constantly offer or give something back. in school, we should study hard, gradually fulfill and enrich ourselves, which is our responsibility.

away from home, if inadvertently break public facilities, we should bravely admit the error and actively make remedies, which is also the responsibility. it is our responsibility to construct the country, defend our homeland, and be***e useful members to the society.


if we are asked what has been driving us to keep moving forward, as a student of maple leaf enlai international school, we will solemnly answer them: it is responsibility! perhaps everyone is asked this question in his or her life, and we can only answer with our own life.

therefore, we take responsibility because we have other people in our minds, and have the mission given by teachers and friends. we don’t believe in the lines on our palms. we only believe that responsibility will make life brighter.

we will be responsible for ourselves, harboring ardent enthusia** to continue my life journey. we believe that responsibility is not only a kind of courage, but also a determination.

中英双语演讲稿 篇9

A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: ”I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!“

一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鹊咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口,那只被咬的沮丧麻鹊对它的兄弟说: ” 我是一只充满怨恨的麻鹊!我害人终害己了! “

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, ”Let us fly!“ Said the fly, ”Let us flee!“ So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


A laurel-crowned clown!


A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.


A noisy noise annoys an oyster.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, ”Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"


All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. rao. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!


中英双语演讲稿 篇10



what brings about the great shifts in the world of literature? often it is when someone seizes upon a ******, overlooked form, discounted as art in the higher sense, and makes it mutate.




thus, at one point, emerged the modern novel from anecdote and letter, thus arose drama in a new age from high jinx on planks placed on barrels in a marketplace, thus songs in the vernacular dethroned learned latin poetry, thus too did la fontaine take animal fables and hans christian andersen fairy tales from the nursery to parnassian heights. each time this occurs, our idea of literature changes.






in itself, it ought not to be a sensation that a singer/songwriter now stands recipient of the literary nobel prize. in a distant past, all poetry was sung or tunefully recited, poets were rhapsodes, bards, troubadours; lyrics ***es from lyre.






but what bob dylan did was not to return to the greeks or the provenals. instead, he dedicated himself body and soul to 的不断聆听之后,我们还未能完全领悟迪伦那些在**领域能与《漂泊的荷兰人》相媲美的歌曲。他的旋律朗朗上口,正如一位评论家所解释的那样。




it was a shock. with the public expecting poppy folk songs, there stood a young man with a guitar, fusing the languages of the street and the bible into a***pound that would have made the end of the world seem a superfluous replay.




at the same time, he sang of love with a power of conviction everyone wants to own. all of a sudden, much of the bookish poetry in our world felt anaemic, and the routine song lyrics his colleagues continued to write were like old-fashioned gunpowder following the invention of dynamite. soon, people stopped ***paring him to woody guthrie and hank williams and turned instead to blake, rimbaud, whitman, shakespeare.





in the most unlikely setting of all - the ***mercial gramophone record - he gave back to the language of poetry its elevated style, lost since the romantics. not to sing of eternities, but to speak of what was happening around us. as if the oracleof delphi were reading the evening news.



recognising that revolution by awarding bob dylan the nobel prize was a decision that seemed daring only beforehand and already seems obvious. but does he get the prize for upsetting the system of literature? not really.

there is a ******r explanation, one that we share with all those who stand with beating hearts in front of the stage at one of the venues on his never-ending tour, waiting for that magical voice.



chamfort made the observation that when a master such as la fontaine appears, the hierarchy of genres - the estimation of what is great and **all, high and low in literature - is nullified. what matter the rank of a work when its beauty is of the highest rank? he wrote.

that is the straight answer to the question of how bob dylan belongs in literature: as the beauty of his songs is of the highest rank.



by means of his oeuvre, bob dylan has changed our idea of what poetry can be and how it can work. he is a singer worthy of a place beside the greeks , beside ovid, beside the romantic visionaries, beside the kings and queens of the blues, beside the f***otten masters of brilliant standards. if people in the literary world groan, one must remind them that the gods dont write, they dance and they sing.

the good wishes of the swedish academy follow mr. dylan on his way to ***ing bandstands.




i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-oevident, that all men are created equal. i have a dream that one day on the red hills of ge***ia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

i have a dream today! when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of gods children-black men and white men , jews and gentiles, catholics and protestants-will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, free at least ,free at last . thank god almighty, we are free at last.

中英双语演讲稿 篇11










在我女儿的眼中,父亲您更像一棵树。 在春天,我可以依靠一种幻想,即你的爱像露珠一样滋润着我的心。























中英双语演讲稿 篇12

we’re here to memorialize 29 americans: carl acord. jason atkins.

christopher bell. gregory steven brock. ken***h allan chapman.

robert clark. charles timothy davis. cory davis.

michael lee elswick. william i. griffith.

steven harrah. edward dean jones. richard k.

lane. william roosevelt lynch. nicholas darrell mccroskey.

joe marcum. ronald lee maynor. james e.

mooney. adam keith m***an. rex l.

mullins. joshua s. napper.

howard d. payne. dillard earl persinger.

joel r. price. deward scott.

gary quarles. grover dale skeens. benny willingham.

and ricky workman.




”nothing i, or the vice president, or the governor, none of the speakers here today, nothing we say can fill the hole they leave in your hearts, or the absence that they leave in your lives. if any ***fort can be found, it can, perhaps, be found by seeking the face of god -- (applause) -- who quiets our troubled minds, a god who mends our broken hearts, a god who eases our mourning souls.


even as we mourn 29 lives lost, we also remember 29 lives lived. up at 4:30 a.

m., 5:00 in the morning at the latest, they began their day, as they worked, in darkness.

in coveralls and hard-toe boots, a hardhat over their heads, they would sit quietly for their hour-long journey, five miles into a mountain, the only light the lamp on their caps, or the glow from the mantrip they rode in.

day after day, they would burrow into the coal, the fruits of their labor, what so often we take for granted: the electricity that lights up a convention center; that lights up our church or our home, our school, our office; the energy that powers our country; the energy that powers the world. (applause.

)尽管我们在哀悼这29条逝去的生命,我们同样也要纪念这29条曾活在世间的生命。他们在凌晨4:30起床,最晚在5:00开始新的一天。 他们在黑暗中工作。穿着工作服和硬头靴,头戴安全帽,静坐着开始一小时的征程,去到五英里远的矿井,唯一的灯光是从他们头戴的安全帽上发出的,或是进入时矿山沿途的光线。


and most days they’d emerge from the dark mine, squinting at the light. most days, they’d emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted from coal. most days, they’d ***e home.

but not that day.

these men -– these husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers sons, uncles, nephews -– they did not take on their job unaware of the perils. some of them had already been injured; some of them had seen a friend get hurt. so they understood there were risks.

and their families did, too. they knew their kids would say a prayer at night before they left. they knew their wives would wait for a call when their shift ended saying everything was okay.

they knew their parents felt a pang of fear every time a breaking news alert came on, or the radio cut in.

but they left for the mines anyway -– some, having waited all their lives to be miners; having longed to follow in the footsteps of their fathers and their grandfathers. and yet, none of them did it for themselves alone.






all that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. it was all for you. for a car in the driveway, a roof overhead.

for a chance to give their kids opportunities that they would never know, and enjoy retirement with their spouses. it was all in the hopes of something better. and so these miners lived -– as they died -– in pursuit of the american dream.



there, in the mines, for their families, they became a family themselves -– sharing birthdays, relaxing together, watching mountaineers football or basketball together, spending days off together, hunting or fishing. they may not have always loved what they did, said a sister, but they loved doing it together. they loved doing it as a family.

they loved doing it as a ***munity.

that’s a spirit that’s reflected in a song that almost every american knows. but it’s a song most people, i think, would be surprised was actually written by a coal miner’s son about this town, beckley, about the people of west virginia. it’s the song, lean on me -– an anthem of friendship, but also an anthem of ***munity, of ***ing together.

中英双语演讲稿 篇13

Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.


Kings have long arms.


Knowledge is power.


Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.


Learn and live.


Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.


Learn not and know not.


Learn to walk before you run.


Let bygones be bygones.


Let sleeping dogs lie.


Let the cat out of the bag.


Lies can never changes fact.


Lies have short legs.


Life is but a span.


Life is half spent before we know what it is.


Life is not all roses.


Life without a friend is death.


Like a rat in a hole.


Like author, like book.


Like father, like son.


Like for like.


Like knows like.


Like mother, like daughter.


Like teacher, like pupil.


Like tree, like fruit.


believe in yourself.


consider things from every angle.


中英双语演讲稿 篇14

1. 让我们的校园更文明,让我们的心灵更高尚。

Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.

2. 英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。

English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.

3. 静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。

Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.

4. 学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。

Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.

5. 乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。

Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.

6. 忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。

Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.

7. 只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。

There is no constant success without constant effort.

8. 不怕困难,就怕畏难。

Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.

9. 把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。

Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.

10. 一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。

The process of one’s success is a course of constant perfection.

11. 打倒你的不是挫折,而是你面对挫折时所持的心态。

Study is the prerequisite for survival, the foundation for development and the capital for innovation.

12. 成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。

The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.

13. 学生的笑脸就是校园的阳光,家长的满意就是学校的生命。

Student’s faces bring life to the campus; parent’s contentment brings a hope for the school .

14. 让家长省心放心,让孩子成人成才。

Save the parents from anxiety and prepare the children for their brilliant futures.

15. 教师的敬业就是学校的希望,社会的认可就是学校的成功。

The teacher’s devotion is the hope of the school and the society’s acceptance is the success of the school.



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