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2023-12-04 13:16:06 英语幽默

【#句子# #英语的心情短语幽默(54条)#】“The king is awalys lucky 王老吉。”哪些句子让你念念不忘呢?沟通和交往可以帮助人们解决难题和困难,我们的朋友圈里每天都会有大家分享的文字或者经典句子。通过句子来表达我想要什么,答案已找到现在就来了解有关“英语的心情短语幽默”的更多细节吧,衷心感谢您的阅读支持和鼓励感恩不尽!



2、四级后你有什么感觉?茫茫天涯是我的爱……对不起不能唱歌我能(mà)人吗?不我累了,不会再爱了。 我还有最后一个问题爱过。

3、today the mood is not good. I only have four words to say. Including this and previous two. I finished saying.



6、Lopsided, and eventually became seen。

7、哇,看到六级作文题,只想在答题区写。u can read all about it on my blog,teacher然后默默离开考场

8、I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end。

9、The less you give a *, the happier you will be。

10、I give you face you don’t wanna face, you lose your face ,I turn my face

11、When the best memory has been recalled for many times,it's getting less tasty。

12、A dress is like a barbed fence.It protects the premises without restricting the view.

13、 Dangqi dream , I have the power.荡起梦想,我有力量


15、not change quickly, but you too much food.

16、 Husband and wife lung slice.夫妻肺片

17、make you laugh, funny. You want to a want to laugh, humor. -- George Bunus




20、 Hello everybody! if you have something to say, then say! if you have nothing to say, go home! 有事起奏,无事退朝



23、 Chinese dream flying nine days.中国梦飞九天

24、no money no talk 没钱免谈


26、there is no innate confidence, and only continue to nurture confidence.

27、humor, can saying is give people a subtle sense of dispensing the spice of life. For some light humor, can make the atmosphere of the time to change, make the stalled suddenly solve unsolved. - Masayoshi Ohira

28、Thank you for your very special wish Happy Halloween!

29、If you ething.天生我才必有用。

30、Others laugh at me for wearing thick clothes. I laugh at others for freezing.

31、 As far as you go to die.有多远,死多远!

32、Sim* to silence, do not le*e free and easy。

33、Adam^v^s apple 喉结


35、Life always offers you a second chance。 It is called tomorrow。

36、鸟类栖息地:birda bedroom


37、The king is awalys lucky 王老吉

38、Children, I am a Santa Claus, there is a Christmas gift for you。 What No chimney in your family? Don't buy!

39、No te entristezcas, to quiero。

40、More to their ^v^ing great time also cannot compare with idiot years.


42、Success is a relative term.It brings so many relatives.


44、humor is that workers have confidence in their own career and show the advantage of the signs of their own. -- Engels

45、妈妈说人最好不要错过两样东西,最后一班回家的车和一个深爱你的人。Mom said you’d better not miss two things , the last bus to home and the person who loves you deeply.

46、我上次写的黄河Huang He,百度告诉我是的Yellow River,我这次写的黄山Yellow Mountain,百度又告诉我是的Huang Shan?

47、Want money no,want life one! 要钱没有,要命一条!

48、I sold the dream, pretended to be cool, I am the super invincible beautiful girl.

49、Company is the most long love confession。

50、After graduation, we say happy to leave, but tears are not obedient farewell dinner that day to flow down

51、Maybe people h*e always lost look very pale in fact also sad when you lose。

52、Humor is not only the affirmation of dignity, but also the proof of humanity's transcendent mind.

53、Poisonous & Evil Rubbish 有毒有害垃圾




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