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2023-12-11 10:34:14

【#句子# #微信英语的心情短语33条#】“干卫生区的组员如果没有在7:10之前干完回到教室将负责打扫周五和走廊卫生。”好工具范文网编辑为了解决您的困惑专门整理了微信英语的心情短语的相关内容,我们总是互相分享和转发一些经典的句子。句子可以拉近人与人之间的距离,在熟练应用多种语言表达技巧方面你是否有自信?


1、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards .

2、Think twice before acting。三思而后行。

3、谋事在人,成事在天.Man proposes,God deposes。

4、Learning goes with basketball, and knowledge and sports dance together.

5、眼见为实.Seeing is believing。


7、I can because i think i can.

8、Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.

9、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。


11、We are proud of you!

12、Walk the same street,back to the two world。

13、To be good to the earth is to treat yourself well.


15、I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.

16、Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another “home” waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay “home”.

17、The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up。水能载舟,亦能覆舟。


18、Man is not made for defeat. Man can be destroyed but not

19、Faith will move mountains精诚所至,金石为开。

20、He who will not learn when he is young will regret it when he is


22、Understanding sports, understanding basketball and understanding culture.

23、Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence. (一有机会就努力去用英文来思考。看到某事时,想想它的英文单词;然后把它用到一个句子中去。)


25、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国 放眼世界

26、English is the bridge to the world英语是走向世界的桥梁


28、To protect the environment is to protect the productive forces.

29、Light the Fire Within.



32、世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。

33、Believe in yourself.



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