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1 英语演讲稿高中


title: embracing change

ladies and gentlemen,

change, a constant in our lives, can be daunting, yet exciting. it challenges us to adapt, to grow, and to forge new paths. embracing change is not just about adapting to external factors; it's also about inner transformations.

change is often seen as a disruption, but it can also be an opportunity. it can propel us to rethink our assumptions, reevaluate our goals, and revitalize our perspectives. change challenges us to question what we know, to explore what we don't, and to embrace what we're afraid of.

in the face of change, we often cling to what's familiar, fearful of the unknown. but it's precisely this unknown that can lead to new horizons, new opportunities, and new growth. change challenges us to let go of what's comfortable and embrace the unfamiliar. it urges us to be brave, to take risks, and to step into the unknown.

in embracing change, we also discover the power of adaptability. we learn that we're not prisoners of our circumstances; we have the agency to shape our own destiny. we become more resilient, more resourceful, and more innovative. we learn that while change may be uncertain, it's not random. we have the c...

2 高中英语演讲稿范文(7篇)



what would you say when you are under work pressure, "stressed out andfrantic" or "challenged and energized"? there is very little physiologicaldifference between the two, says a growing contingent of experts who claim worksstress has an upside. these experts believe that stress can strengthen you ortear you down. in most cases, you can choose.

give stress a good name why recent work stress -- it's an indicator thatyour career is advancing. think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunityto push yourself, learn new skills and show your mettle. complaining depletesyour energy; instead greet an overloaded day with optimism. tell yourself, "thisis a challenge i am capable of handling."

put it in perspective sometimes it's impossible to talk about the positiveside of stress -- say your computer crashes and you lose valuable work -- butyou can moderate your reaction. rate your distress on a scale of 1 to 10, 1being mild irritation and 10 extreme panic or anger.

now, rank the importance of the situation from 1 ( a notice )to 10 ( you'refired ). if your...
