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2024-09-28 11:01:19

2024新年作文素材内容 篇1

Spring Festival is one of the most important festival in China.

I spend the time with my family and relatives in Beijing, in which we do many activities. At the important time, we group together watching TV shows and enjoy every single second we are together. Normally, we play cards, cook food, hangout with friends, play with firework, and develop good relationship with relatives.

Without a doubt, Chinese spring festival is one of the most important festivals in China, which allow us to get our mind off the busy work and study.




2024新年作文素材内容 篇2

In the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi, there are legends and stories about the New Year circulating among the people.

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor, in order to govern the world, sent Maitreya Buddha from the Heavenly Palace to the mortal world. This matter was discovered by the Tathagata Buddha, and he thought to himself, "I am the Buddha Lord. Why dont I go?"? So, he approached the Jade Emperor to reason. Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor was speechless and had no choice but to say, "Lets talk about it.". Kong Zi, the Jade Emperor came up with a solution to overcome the situation.

He invited Maitreya Buddha and Tathagata Buddha, placed two pots of flowers in front of the two Buddhas, and said, "You two should each take care of one pot of these two pots of flowers. Whoever blooms first will go down to earth to manage the world." The Tathagata Buddha had many eyes and ideas, and knew that the Jade Emperor must lean towards Maitreya Buddha because he guessed that the Jade Emperor was afraid that it would be difficult to accept his words, so he used the flower as an excuse to do this. The two pots of flowers in front of him were probably secretly arranged by the Jade Emperor, so he came up with a small plan. He took the opportunity of Maitreya Buddhas eyes to express gratitude and quietly changed the positions of the two pots of flowers. The next day, the flowers of the Tathagata Buddha bloomed, so Maitreya Buddha only managed the human world for one day, which was the first day of the first lunar month. Legend has it that Maitreya Buddha has a kind heart. On this day, he made people eat, dress, sleep well, so on the first day of the first lunar month, people celebrated the day with joy and joy.

Later, in order to commemorate Maitreya Buddha, people referred to the moment of the handover of the two Buddhas in early spring as the "New Year". Some people say that because in the past, the Tathagata Buddha caused blindness by changing flower pots, and even now, there are still cases of petty theft in the human world.





2024新年作文素材内容 篇3

Once upon a time, there was a creature called "Nian", which grew like a ball, with short hands and short feet.

"Nian" was originally friendly and lovely to children, because these days there is a guy named "fake Nian" who is very jealous of "Nian". He thought to himself: if I pretend to be "Nian" to frame it, then it will be as lonely as me.

One night in the middle of the night, the fake "New Year" arrived at the village and lit a bonfire in the center of the square to attract people to come out. At the same time, a fireworks was lit in the center of the fire, making a crackling sound to lure out the real "New Year". At this moment, people saw the raging fire in the center of the square, and saw Zhen Nian dancing around. They thought Zhen Nian was going to set fire to the village, so they began to drive him away with miscellaneous items. "Nian" felt inexplicable and thought to himself, "Why dont people like me anymore?"? I cant go play with the children now, but what should I do?

There was a little boy who didnt believe that "Nian" would harm the villagers. He thought to himself, "We are with Nian, it cant harm us. I need to investigate.". So the little boy came to Nians home and found that there was also a "Nian" in it. After secretly observing the behavior of this "year", he learned the truth, so he ran back to the village to tell everyone the real situation.

The next day, the villagers followed him to Nians doorstep to let the fake Nian come out. I dont know what to do during the holiday, so I have to stand up for it myself. But the fake "year" never expected that people did not drive him away, but instead played with it very friendly.

From then on, on December 30th every year, people set up bonfires and lit firecrackers to celebrate the "holiday" year as a "new" year.




有个小男孩不相信“年”会害村里人,他心想:我们和“年”在一起,它不可能会害我们,我要去查一下。于是小男孩就来到了年的家 ,发现它的'家里还有一个“年”。经过偷偷观察这个“年”的行为,他知道了真相,于是他跑回到村庄告诉大家真实的情况。





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