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2024-03-07 16:48:06 龙年祝福语英文

【#祝福语大全# #龙年祝福语英文32条#】“祝你在这个辞旧迎新的时刻,好运时刻伴随着你,一切心愿都能实现!”经过编辑的整理这里是一些关于龙年祝福语英文的重要资料。无论是在官方场合还是个人交往中祝福语都有着不可取代的作用,看到这条祝福我感到一股幸福涌上心头。让我们共同送出一份祝福的喜悦,快乐是我们每天都要追求的感受。感谢您对这篇研究的独到见解和对我们工作的支持!


2、May your Spring Festival be filled with joy, wealth, and happiness. May you have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

3、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and blessed Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon+10! 祝你和你的亲人在[year+10]龙年春节快乐幸福、祝福无限!

4、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon in [year+10]!


6、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good fortune, happiness, and prosperity! Happy Spring Festival!


8、Wishing you prosperity, success and happiness in the Year of the Dragon. 祝福你龙年事业蒸蒸日上、幸福快乐、步步高升!

9、May the Year of the Dragon+10 bring you new opportunities, success, and prosperity in all your endeavors! 愿[year+10]龙年为您带来新机遇、成功和繁荣!

10、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good health, good luck and good fortune. 祝你龙年身体健康、好运连连、财神爷来家里转转!




14、Hoping the Chinese New Year brings you new opportunities, great success, and happiness. 祝福您在新的一年里抓住所有机会,获得巨大成功,幸福快乐!

15、新的一年,祝福您: 万事如意,家庭幸福,事业顺利!


17、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon +10, filled with love, laughter, and good fortune! 祝你龙年春节+10倍幸福和繁荣,充满爱、欢笑和好运!



20、May the Year of the Dragon be filled with joy, laughter and good fortune. 祝你龙年笑口常开、好运永远!

21、The fireworks are blooming brightly, the lights are shining brilliantly, and the family is reunited, I wish you a prosperous and happy Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon [year+10], with good things happening one after another!

22、May the Dragon bring you courage, strength, and wisdom to overcome any challenges you may face in the coming Year of the Dragon +10! 愿龙年春节+10带给你勇气、力量和智慧,在面对任何挑战时都能克服!

23、Wishing you a happy Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon [year+10], with your family reunited, your work going smoothly, your body healthy and everything going well for you!

24、Wishing everyone a happy Year of the Dragon with abundant wealth, pleasant life, and harmony in the family!


26、With the sound of the New Year bells, I send you my sincerest wishes: may you have good luck in the Year of the Dragon [year+10], and may your smile never fade!


28、Wishing you a joyful Spring Festival filled with love and warmth. 祝你春节快乐,充满爱和温暖。

29、May the Year of the Dragon bring endless prosperity and happiness. Wishing you good health and joy for the whole family!

30、Wishing you a prosperous and joyful Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon+10! 祝你在[year+10]龙年春节繁荣富裕,欢乐无比!

31、Happy Chinese New Year! May the dragon dance into your life with joy and prosperity.




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