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2023-01-29 15:11:49 祝福语简短 元宵节祝福语 元宵节送祝福语简短

【#祝福语大全# #元宵节送祝福语简短精选70句#】元宵节期间送祝福是元宵节传统习俗之一,是人们辞旧迎新、相互表达美好祝愿的一种方式,但遇到不方便的时候,还可以通过说简短的的方式送出自己的祝福,以表达自己真挚的祝福,简短的祝福语更能直接的体现自己祝福,那元宵节时的简短祝福语有哪些呢?以下由小编精心整理的“元宵节送祝福语简短精选70句”,欢迎大家阅读并收藏!









8、祝你春节开心笑! 小年到,贴窗花,粘住吉祥过年关;扫尘埃,除污垢,悄悄地放在将融的雪被下,让它们,沿着春天的秧苗生长,送给你满年的丰硕与芬芳!


10、虎年元霄特别圆,小小汤圆到跟前。快乐活面更筋斗,开心为馅味道甜。放到健康水里煮熟,幸福小碗一碗端。为何汤圆味更鲜?我的思念在里面!元霄快乐! The year of the tiger lantern special round, small dumplings to the front。 A happy face live more somersault, happy to taste sweet。 On the health of water boiled, small bowl of a bowl of happiness。 Why more fresh dumplings taste? My thoughts in it! Happy lantern!

11、祝愿你快乐无比,心想事成。 I wish you happiness and success.

12、I wish you happiness and well-being during the Lantern Festival, a full moon, a happy reunion and all the best wishes!

13、十五元宵节,举杯邀明月倾心祝福您,吉祥又安泰!  the Lantern Festival a drink moon Fall in love wish you good fortune antai again!

14、灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏;琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节! Beautiful night lights, fish dragon acrobatics; Coloured glaze prosperous, splendid miharu. Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!

15、欢聚今宵夜无眠,祈盼亲朋皆平安。 I hope all my friends and relatives are safe.

16、一轮红满月脸,微笑曲线芽眼浅;甜汤圆和快乐的一年,祝你好运与火火永远!祝元宵节快乐! round red moon face, a smile curved shallow eyes; sweet glutinous rice balls and happy year, good luck with fire fire forever! wish happy lantern festival!

17、正月十五吃汤圆,好运之粥为你甜。  Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month. Good luck porridge is sweet for you.

18、When the Lantern Festival is coming, I will send you a plate of assorted dumplings. May your life be happy, sweet, safe and healthy.


19、送你一束紫罗兰,愿你青春长驻。 Send you a bunch of violets, wish you youth forever.

20、元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜幸福的日子,每年的节日,一年一度的庆祝活动的一年,祝你节日快乐!  yuan xiaoye, night lantern festival, every night yuanxiao ye happy years, the annual festival, annual celebration year, i wish you a happy holiday!

21、Live a better life and make a better career.

22、The moon, the Lantern, Yang Chen to your laughter, the fifteenth day of your songs reverberated stressed that the Rabbit Spring filling your lively, long time my heart Lianzhao your wonderful、

23、送迎,劝君更尽一杯酒,牛劲十足康乐久,牛气冲天事业久,牛郎织女爱情久,还有我这牛毛细雨般的祝福久!祝你元宵节快乐! Send welcome, advise you more as a cup of wine, bullishness is dye-in-the-wood recreation for a long time, igniting a long career, vega and love for a long time, and I the ox hair drizzle of wishes for a long time! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

24、The lucky luck of Dragon Boat Festival is wrapped with lotus leaves and bamboo leaves, the reunion of Mid-Autumn Festival is blended by hand with dough, and the Lantern Festival is rolled out with New Year's flour. Every bit is a blessing! Congratulations: Happy Lantern Festival!

25、愿君合家团圆人人羡,吉祥如意保平安。元宵快乐!  Wish you family reunion, everyone envies, good luck and peace. Happy Lantern Festival!

26、元宵缘宵少圆宵,三五圆宵胃难消。今宵切莫贪馋嘴,祝你美满度良宵!Yuanxiao edge flaring less round night, three to five round night hard to stomach. Never greedy available tonight, I wish you a happy night!

27、The moon lacks a full moon, and the world gathers and disperses due to karma. The wishing dumplings will always be so sweet, and the caring heart will always linger for you. The true love letter of greeting says happy reunion, and the blessing of Lantern Festival brings good luck and happiness.

28、元宵佳节不送礼,发条短信送给你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离,还有让我告诉你,财神已经跟随你!   Lantern Festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS send to you healthy and happy longer with you good luck and you are not isolated there let me tell you the god of wealth already follow you!

29、春节不吵,元宵不闹,有平安,才有团圆。 Spring Festival is not noisy, Lantern Festival is not noisy, there is peace, there is reunion.

30、元宵佳节,愿同事们万事如意,合家幸福! The Lantern Festival, I wish colleagues all the best, happy family!

31、I wish your family happiness and all the best.

32、Spend a good month to reunite people, year after year. I won't get together if you don't come, or I will come if you come.

33、When the Lantern Festival arrives, the Lantern Festival is noisy, and the lantern guessing life is pretty. My thoughts are jumping joyfully at the moment. I wish to report for duty immediately. Good luck comes to take care of me. Happiness is always accompanied by a smile. Joy brings joy and pride. Happy Lantern Festival.

34、New Year's Eve and New Year's Day not seen, Xiaoye tea no interviews, no pre leave after Zuoban、 Meet reunited temporarily out, miss worrying about dreams unlimited、

35、送你一个缘,美梦成真比蜜甜。 Send you a fate, dream come true than sweet.

36、过元宵,闹元宵,家家欢喜家家笑。 After the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival, every family is happy, every family laughs.


37、Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival、













50、天上的月儿圆,锅里的元宵圆,吃饭的桌儿圆,你我的情更圆,就像元宵一样黏黏呼呼团团圆圆。 The sky the moon is round, yuanxiao round pot, dinner table, round, you my mood more round, just like yuanxiao sticky shout the pandas.

51、城市虽空,有万家灯火;灯火虽小,家里皆是团圆。 Although the city is empty, there are thousands of lights; although the lights are small, all the families are reunited.

52、三五良宵年映红,月上元宵相约黄昏后,宵灯伴你绵绣前程事事通,月圆情缘财源愿愿随心!欢乐今宵!Three night in flames, the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk, night lights with you future cotton embroidery, everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

53、过年好,元宵到,幸幸福福一年绕。  Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, lucky happiness around the year.

54、正月十五闹元宵不要忘了吃,吃了好运气总是在那里,永远幸福吃两吃三个合家团圆,吃四个赛季放心食用5。 。该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟!  lantern festival lantern festival do not forget to eat, eat a good luck are always there, always happy to eat two to eat three the family reunion , eating four seasons safe to eat 5. . . damn small pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!


55、汤圆,月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆! Tangyuan, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy reunion!

56、元宵佳节数元宝,银色珍珠水上飘,围坐餐桌品元宵,团圆节日乐淘淘。 Lantern Festival several ingots, silver pearl water wave, a table is tasted yuanxiao, reunion festival joy tao tao.

57、May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year!

58、Midnight snack, Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival every night, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, I wish you a happy holiday!






64、May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year!


66、亲朋好友聚一堂,共品汤圆度良宵。 如果爱我,你就回复我。大街小巷人如潮,观灯猜谜多热闹。

67、The fifteenth moon is round and round, happy and more reunion! Happy Lantern Festival!

68、元宵圆,携带无穷的附件,春天渐渐地,并将其发送真挚的情感,就像元宵夜,你潇洒美丽如愿,丰富多彩的生活,幸福陪你一辈子!  on children round, carrying endless attachment, spring gradually, and sent sincere emotions, like the lantern festival night, you chic beauty fulfill our wishes, colorful life, happiness accompany you forever!

69、I wish you a sweet and happy smile, and the whole family will have a reunion for the Lantern Festival.

70、元宵到,祝愿你:春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景!Yuanxiao, wishes you: often in spring, the spring breeze spring rain well spend on good times!


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