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2024-01-18 14:53:23 生日祝福语英文翻译 生日祝福语英文

【#生日祝福语# #生日祝福语英文带翻译汇总#】“sublime hoping your many dreams come。”父母长辈和同窗好友的生日都是值得纪念的日子,我们美好的祝愿都藏在生日祝福中。"生活没有退路只有前进的道路",衷心感谢您的勇气和决心!

1、happy birthday, wish all your dreams come true.

2、Birthday!希望你的生日像你一样??不同寻常。 生日快乐!

3、happy birthday to my husband!for all you do the whole year through,this brings world of love to you.祝我的丈夫生日快乐,感谢你一年到头辛苦劳碌,让贺卡带给你倾心的爱慕。

4、happy in more ways than one. 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

5、Happy Birthday!世上如有诤友, 那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐!



8、happy birthday, wish you have a great birthday day

9、happy birthday,may you be happy always.

10、Word can say so little when someone cares so much. Mother, Im wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that Id so like to say How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you.

11、一句贺词,浓缩了我对你的祝福。愿快乐拥抱你,在这属于你的特别的一天,生日快乐! A congratulatory message condenses my wishes for you. Wish you a happy hug. Happy birthday on this special day that belongs to you! 10、祈愿您心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐! I wish you good flowers, good scenery and good luck in your heart forever! Happy birthday!

12、sublime hoping your many dreams come

13、limehoping your many dreams come true.每当想到你我好似天天都在过生日,可我特别珍视其中的一天,祝愿你在这天美梦都能实现。

14、that cheers every flower.

15、things in life today and every day! 热烈祝贺你的生日,愿生日中最美好的一切属于你!

16、Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well. 生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!

17、memories for ever. May this special day brightens each hour like sunshine

18、day be a winner all the way! 愿你享尽今日之欢乐,祝你的生日百事顺心!

19、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with



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