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2023-11-23 12:06:58 英文结婚祝福语

【#结婚祝福语# #英文结婚祝福语一段话37条#】“愿你们的爱情永远如鲜花般绚烂,生活充满阳光和温暖。”结婚的目的就是为了快乐地度过一生,结婚祝福语可以传达对他人的关切和问候。关于好的结婚祝福语要怎么样去写呢?"一定要看的下面是'英文结婚祝福语一段话'的一些不容错过的介绍"。




3、Happy marriage, honey! have a lovely baby early!

4、Friends, I wish you joy and joy in your life, sweet love and happy marriage.

5、May you join hands for a hundred years and make your family happy.

6、Love each other and happiness with concentric happiness. May you two deep feeling than the sea!

7、wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come



10、wish my good sister a happy marriage, happiness, and the bridegroompassion forever, grow old together!

11、May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind youll share all along lifes way

12、wish to two happy people for a future of dreams comes trueCongratulations!

13、对婚姻的看法 持之以恒,爱人如己吧,我是没有结过婚,我不太喜欢男人反复无常,这是真的,在我的剧本里,爱情重新来过也似乎至今为止还没有发生过!

14、wish two happy people happiness forever.

15、You two are a perfect matchHeres wishing you both a lifetime of happiness

16、To my dearest friend, from now on, love will always bathe!


18、wish you all the best for a hundred years. Happy new marriage, sweet!

19、Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness、最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生爱情和幸福。


20、Only once in a life time that a special dream comes trueAnd suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and newBest wishes always!

21、One hundred years of cultivation will lead to the same boat crossing, andone thousand years of cultivation will lead to the same pillow sleeping.Congratulations on your wonderful marriage!

22、Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from sppeaking lies.


24、This love, this love, this forever, I wish you a happy life.

25、Good things, good dreams, happy family, double swallow fly together!

26、Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime. 愿你有一个美妙的开始,相爱一辈子。 久久结婚网,最权威的婚嫁资讯

27、Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.


29、Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with……and very best wishes for all the good future in the world

30、May you join hands for a hundred years and have a happy family.

31、Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.

32、He must be extra special, because he is marrying a lovely girl. 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。8.You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的.一对,祝你们永远幸福。


34、●my husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together. 我丈夫和我一同祝愿你俩美满幸福,白头偕老。

35、在你们订婚之际,请接受一个老朋友最美好的祝愿。My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.

36、Marriage is a life of sharing. 婚姻就是分享生活的一切。

37、My dear sister, I sincerely wish you a happy marriage, a long lifetogether, and a happy and safe life.


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