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2023-11-14 12:15:45 生日祝福语英文

【#祝福语大全# #生日祝福语用英文怎么写摘抄(33句)#】生日快乐!愿你的梦想之翼在未来高飞,带你飞越苍穹。生日是一个属于每个人的特殊日子,准时发短信送上生日祝福,已经是生活常态。想要了解更多关于生日祝福语用英文怎么写的细节吗那就快去读一读吧,对您的到访表示衷心感谢!


1、Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past.

2、Because today's your birthday ,becaose I love you so , because the happiness we share means more than I can show, because of little thoughtful things you so often do ,with all my heart i'm wishing every happiness for you.Happy Birthday !



5、love you, thank you, but also the sound continuously bless you, because my mother can do all you can do it. I wish you a happy birthday!

6、Birthday,is a starting point,everything from here,everything will be all right。

7、Word can say so little when someone cares so much. Mother, I"m wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that I"d so like to say &&How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you.


9、wish you a happy birthday. happiness as immense as the eastern sea. longevity. go down to posterity.

10、May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the yearHope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true

11、You are a big tree, you spring dreams, summer leaning against you lush, you mature, autumn winter leaning against your meditation.

12、Youth, sunshine and laughter. I wish you a happy birthday and a long stay of youth!

13、Dreams fade,flowers fall。 But have you ever had,will accompany you forever。 Happy birthday!

14、The birth of every creature has added a color to this colorful world, and you are the most beautiful. Happy birthday to you!

15、Happy birthday to you. May happiness always accompany you.

16、Mom, in this special day, may all the happiness and joy, constantly poured into your window.



18、Happy birthday to a beautiful, charming, intelligent, mature, dignified and highly praised wonderful person.

19、The rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself, live like the original, and have a happy birthday.

20、Happy birthday, another year old. Thank you for your help in the past year.




24、Every year is always safe, and every year is

25、Small gift,representing my friendship,wish you like it。 Again send you my deep blessing to you belong to your birthday,belong to you all day。 Happy birthday!

26、Happy birthday, my dear friend, wish you happiness every day, good luck every year, and happiness all your life!





31、An aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss Have a very happy birthday!





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