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2024-09-23 15:40:15

【#实用文# #开学英语自我介绍简单大方(优质1篇)#】初次到达新环境时,适当的自我介绍是必要的,可以帮助他人更好地了解你。现在你是否对自我介绍一筹莫展呢?以下是好工具范文网小编收集整理的开学英文自我介绍,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

开学英语自我介绍简单大方 篇1

Hi,everybody. Good to be here. Facing the audience, a thought occured to me. Mama has alway told me not to make a fool in public. But somehow I just couldnt follow what she said exactly. Well some people always treat me as a crazy loon. For Im never part of any crowd and have some dreams far-off look. Id even crash into someone with my nose stuck in a book. Now Im standing on the stage, giving a speech in English. Circumstance being that Im pretty nervous. Maybe some guy would just think that itd embarass me as frightened speechless. Never mind. Im always good for a laugh.


上一篇:小学黑板报简单内容又漂亮模板(通用3篇) 下一篇:入党申请思想汇报1500字范文(优质九篇)