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2024-06-16 15:16:26 最伟大的发明英语演讲

【#实用文# #最伟大的发明英语演讲11篇#】感谢您的聆听!

最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇1

The Spring festival is the most important festival in China.It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar.Its Chinas New years Day So usually a month before the festival,people begin to buy food clothes and decorations for houses.

On New Year Eve,each family will gather together eating,talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from their parents or grand-parents.On Lunar New Years Day.pepole will eat dumplings.

When they meet their neighbours or friends,theyll say;"Happy New Year!The New Year celebrating activitise will last about half a month.




最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇2

Do you know who invented hybrid rice? Yes, it is him, "Yuan Longping".

Grandpa Yuan dressed in plain, dark skin, loving smile makes people feel amiable at a glance, he smiled, wrinkles on his face, as if telling the traces of years, he looked at the rice in the field slowly squatting down, with rough hands stroking the mature rice, he said, "My biggest wish in this life is to let everyone get rid of hunger, so that the world can eat!"

But unfortunately, Grandpa Yuan left quietly without saying goodbye to us. The news made me heartbroken. People all over the country have shed tears of sadness, I wish Grandpa Yuan could stay with us for a few more days, even if we are willing to accept an hour.

I will never forget the three words "Yuan Longping", I will save food, do not waste food, take Grandpa Yuan as an example, study hard, grow up to contribute to the country.





最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇3

Dear classmates:

Hello everyone! The topic I am going to talk about today is "Dreams - the Light of Life".

Everyone has ideals, right? Ideal is gold, shining brightly; Its a diamond, shining and dazzling. But, let alone say that ideals are a shining light on the path of life. Ideal is very important. Stephen Chow has a classic line: "If people dont have dreams, whats the difference between them and salted fish!" Yes, dreams, ideals, people must have them!

There are many celebrities I like in my life ideal speech, and they all embarked on the path of becoming celebrities because of their ideals. My idol Justin Bieber, when he was 8 years old, saw the performance of big star Usher on TV and said, "I want to be like him too!" The family laughed and said, This is impossible.. But after encountering many cold looks and mockery, he did not give up. At the age of 16, he met Usher in the parking lot and attracted big stars with his clear singing voice, thus becoming the "Little King of Europe and America". This is the power of ideals! He really became a star because of his own words!

So, how should we move towards our ideals?

Its very simple, as long as you work hard to practice. I want to be an actor, so I need to actively participate in various sketches and plays; One of my team members wants to become a doctor, so he started reading books about medicine. What do you want to do, you must move in that direction!

Classmates, speak up your ideals! Because it is a bright light that can illuminate your path in life!

My speech is over, thank you.




人生理想演讲稿很多我喜欢的明星,他们都是因为理想而踏上明星之路的。我的偶像Justin Bieber,在8岁的时候看见电视上大明星Usher的表演,说:“我也要像他一样!”家人们听了,都笑起来,说,这不可能。可是遭遇了许多冷眼和嘲笑后,他却没有放弃。在他16岁那年,他在停车场遇见了Usher,用他清亮的歌声吸引了大明星,从而成了“欧美小天王”。这就是理想的力量啊!他因为自己的一句话,而真的成为了明星!





最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇4

It seems we are living in the conflict between modern and traditional cultures every day. Hearing the blaring of horns the moment you step out of your house, seeing the so called "pop" the moment you open your eyes, you cant help thinking, "Will the traditional culture be gradually lost?"

Many people believe so. They may put right in front of you all the evidences they can dig out. They may argue that people are rushing to restaurants instead of cooking at home, listening to pop music but not traditional, wearing in a way people couldnt imagine ten years ago. Modern people like the air of freedom, not to be restrained by traditions. They offer this long list, only trying to confirm that this world is full of fashion,competition and temptation and the traditional culture is fading and will be lost at last.

Though we are now living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy are part of our daily life. Though this is a skeptical age, and our faith has weakened, our confidence in some aspects of the traditional culture should and would never be lost.

Wouldnt you agree that our traditional culture is always credited with modesty, politeness and respectfulness, which have always been treasured for more than five thousand years?Even in this modern world, people still admire those with good manners, those who are polite to others or respectful to old people.

Wouldnt you agree that our Chinese traditional music is beautiful and artistic and our Chinese tea culture is always an appealing treasure to people around the world?

So there may just be some changes in our lifestyle or our attitudes towards life, but little change occurs to some fundamental aspects of our traditional culture that people still treasure in heart.

The traditional culture will never be lost, I believe.








最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇5

He is known as the "father of hybrid rice". Dr. Swaminas, director general of the International Rice Research Institute, once said that "his achievements are not only a source of pride for China, but also a blessing for the whole world." He is -- Yuan Longping.

Yuan Longping set up a test field in Changsha, Hunan province. He forgot that he was an intellectual, and on a scorching summer day, Yuan Longping, in the hot sun like fire, struggled to identify one plant, one ear and one ear to find the male sterile line that he dreamed of mixed in the rice field. The July sun baked the earth, into the fields like a hot stove, sweat flow layer after layer, a layer of salt on the back, skin tanned bright. Dragging his heavy body back to work every day, the assistant told him to rest at home tomorrow, he went. Yuan Longping said: "Why dont we both go together, so that we can find the male sterile line faster." He so hard to work in the rice field, on the perennial home in the paddy field of farmers are not afraid of hardship. His actions were puzzling, and many peasant brothers asked him: "You are an intellectual, you get a salary every month, and you give lectures and do experiments every day." And the farmers share this suffering; Why do you suffer this?" Yeah, why is that? They do not know that Yuan Longpings heart hides a dream for the benefit of all mankind, so that mankind can overcome hunger. Every time at this time, Yuan Longping will hold a cigarette bag and smile, and then drill into the endless rice fields.

Yuan Longping is such a happy way of living in poverty, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of loss, he will get encouragement and inspiration from every small progress in the cause of hybrid rice, and never care about personal gains and losses.




最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇6

Every year, the world is keeping their eyes on the Nobel Prize in literature, the winner will gain the fame and fortune and making his writing career reach the top. Chinese culture has more than 5 thousand years’ history and there are many great works that famous around the world. So why Chinese writers have such a long way to win the Nobel Prize. The most obvious factor is the language. English as the international language is accepted by the world and Chinese great works need to be translated into English, so as to be read by the judges. But the bad thing is that during the translation, the artistic conception has loss in some way and only the main meaning is left. So we don’t need to question about our literature, it is excellent and some day the world will see it.


最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇7

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Hello everyone!

My speech today is My Friendship . Friendship is the deep friendship between friends, a pure and flawless emotion. Friendship can help people get rid of troubles and loneliness. Friendship can make people sincerely melt the frost in others hearts from the bottom of their hearts.

Finding friends is a challenge, maintaining friends is like having two men. Marx once said, "Friendship always needs to be sown with loyalty, watered with enthusiasm, cultivated with principles, and nurtured with understanding!" If you regard friends as tools that you can drive, then you will have no chance with friendship!

Since having friendship, I am no longer fragile. When you fall on the path of life, the word give up completely occupies your heart. But this is when my friends lift me up and remind me to be strong. How can the long road of life be without thorns? If you stumble and fall down, how can you experience the joy of life by giving up? These words filled me with hope again.

I say to you, "Meeting you is the greatest and best gift from heaven in life! You have made me feel selfless care and sincere friendship. Your smile lingers in my ears, your gentle memory is still fresh, your words are still in my ears.

In the deepest and deepest part of my heart, I believe in this subtle friendship, with no desires or demands!

If friendship is a beautiful poem, then friends are the essence of that poem. Friendship is the sun that never sets, let friends enter your heart and nourish your soul!









英文的演讲稿 1

Ladies and gentlemen:

Hi everybody.

Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.

Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. The virtue of the Chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. Einsteins theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly.

Beauty is around us. If you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you. Wonderful natural spots, historical relics,fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a few inches away.

Thank you.







最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇8

Dear classmates:

Hello everyone!

The Earth is our beautiful home and also the place where we live together. Once our home was very beautiful, with green trees and red flowers, fresh air, birds singing and fragrant flowers, and a beautiful environment. Nowadays, our home has become shocking, with piles of garbage in the village, dusty roads, polluted rivers... Our home has lost its former beauty, and our lives and health have also been threatened. What is the reason for this? These are all caused by us.

Why do some countries use Chinese characters to write prompts in tourist areas: "Dont litter? Because it reminds us that there are some unethical people in our country who litter or spit on the road, these countries will very much remind us not to litter.

Classmates, you throw a piece of garbage, he throws a piece of garbage, everyone on Earth throws a piece of garbage, and the Earth becomes a piece of garbage. Please take action to protect the environment and jointly create our beautiful home!

Thank you all!







最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇9

I'm a lifelong traveler. Even as a little kid, I was actually working out that it would be cheaper to go to boarding school in England than just to the best school down the road from my parents' house in California.

我这辈子都是个旅行者。 即使还是一个小孩子的时候, 我便了解,事实上, 去读英国寄宿学校会比 去加州父母家附近 最好的学校就读还来得便宜。

So, from the time I was nine years old I was flying alone several times a year over the North Pole, just to go to school. And of course the more I flew the more I came to love to fly, so the very week after I graduated from high school, I got a job mopping tables so that I could spend every season of my 18th year on a different continent.

所以,当我 9 岁时, 我在一年中,会独自飞行几回, 穿越北极,就只是去上学。 当然,飞得越频繁, 我越是爱上旅行, 所以就在我高中毕业后一周, 我找到一份清理桌子的工作, 为了让自己可以在 18 岁那年, 在地球不同的大陆上, 分别待上一季。

And then, almost inevitably, I became a travel writer so my job and my joy could become one.

接着,几乎不可避免地 我成了一个旅游作家, 使我的工作和志趣 可以结合在一块儿。

And I really began to feel that if you were lucky enough to walk around the candlelit temples of Tibet or to wander along the seafronts in Havana with music passing all around you, you could bring those sounds and the high cobalt skies and the flash of the blue ocean back to your friends at home, and really bring some magic and clarity to your own life.

我真的开始发觉 如果你可以幸运地 漫步于西藏的烛光寺庙, 或者在音乐的缭绕间 悠然信步于哈瓦那海岸, 你便能将那声音、天际 与靛蓝海洋的闪烁光芒 带给你家乡的朋友, 真确地捎来些许神奇, 点亮自身生命。

Except, as you all know, one of the first things you learn when you travel is that nowhere is magical unless you can bring the right eyes to it.

除了,如你们所知, 当旅行时,你学到的第一件事情是 你必须以正确的视角看世界, 否则大地依然黯淡无光。

You take an angry man to the Himalayas, he just starts complaining about the food. And I found that the best way that I could develop more attentive and more appreciative eyes was, oddly, by going nowhere, just by sitting still.

你带一个易怒的男人爬喜马拉雅山, 他只会抱怨那儿的食物。 我发现,有点怪异的是, 最好的让自己可以培养 更专注和更珍惜世界的视角的诀窍是 哪儿都不去,静止于原处即可。

And of course sitting still is how many of us get what we most crave and need in our accelerated lives, a break. But it was also the only way that I could find to sift through the slideshow of my experience and make sense of the future and the past.

当然呆在原地正是我们许多人 寻常所得到的东西, 我们都渴望在快速的生活中获得休息。 但那却是我唯一的方法, 让自己可以重历自身的经验幻灯, 理解未来与过去。

And so, to my great surprise, I found that going nowhere was at least as exciting as going to Tibet or to Cuba.

如此,我惊异地发现, 我发现无所去处 和游览西藏或古巴一样,令人兴奋。

And by going nowhere, I mean nothing more intimidating than taking a few minutes out of every day or a few days out of every season, or even, as some people do, a few years out of a life in order to sit still long enough to find out what moves you most, to recall where your truest happiness lies and to remember that sometimes making a living and making a life point in opposite directions.

无所去处,只不过意谓着 每天花几分钟, 或每季花几天, 甚至,如同有些人所做的, 在生命中花上几年 长久地静思于某处, 寻找感动你最多的一瞬, 回忆你最真实的幸福时刻, 同时记住, 有时候,谋生与生活 彼此是处于光谱线上的两端的。

And of course, this is what wise beings through the centuries from every tradition have been telling us.

当然,这是明智的众生历经几百年 从每个传统中所告诉我们的。

It's an old idea. More than 2,000 years ago, the Stoics were reminding us it's not our experience that makes our lives, it's what we do with it.

这是一个古老的概念。 早在两千多年前, 斯多葛学派提醒我们 并不是我们的经验 成就了我们的生命, 而是我们用那经验做了什么。

Imagine a hurricane suddenly sweeps through your town and reduces every last thing to rubble. One man is traumatized for life.

想象一下,一阵飓风 迅速扑向你的城市, 将所有一切化为废墟。 某个人身心遭受终身顿挫

But another, maybe even his brother, almost feels liberated, and decides this is a great chance to start his life anew. It's exactly the same event, but radically different responses. There is nothing either good or bad, as Shakespeare told us in "Hamlet," but thinking makes it so.

但另一个人,也许甚至是他的兄弟, 却几乎感觉释怀, 并认定,这是一个可以 使自己重获新生的重要机会。 这是同样的事件, 截然不同的回应。 没有什么是绝对的好坏, 正如莎士比亚 在《哈姆雷特》中所告诉我们的, 好坏由思维决定。

And this has certainly been my experience as a traveler. Twenty-four years ago I took the most mind-bending trip across North Korea. But the trip lasted a few days.

最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇10

I can't even notice that the men's hands are still raised, and the women's hands are still raised, how good are we as managers of our companies and our organizations at seeing that the men are reaching for opportunitiesmore than women?" We've got to get women to sit at the table.Message number two: Make your partner a real partner. I've become convinced that we've made more progress in the workforce than we have in the home. The data shows this very clearly. If a woman and a man work full-time and have a child, the woman does twice the amount of housework the man does, and the woman does three times the amount of childcare the man does. So she's got three jobs or two jobs, and he's got one. Who do you think drops out when someone needs to be home more? The causes of this are really complicated, and I don't have time to go into them. And I don't think Sunday football-watching and general laziness is the cause.

最伟大的发明英语演讲 篇11

Who knows the dishes are hard, whenever I read this verse, I will think of a figure, a farmer wearing a hat, wearing blue clothes, standing in the endless rice fields, he is Yuan Longping grandpa, Yuan Longping grandpa for the father of hybrid rice, but not long ago he died because of illness, forever left us.

Grandpa Yuan has been making contributions to hybrid rice all his life, in order to let us eat enough, he and his team developed hybrid rice, Grandpa Yuan is really great, he makes your hunger disappear forever, your grandpa is really great, but also very strong, he is also very strong, understand a goal must work towards this goal, After I saw Grandpa Yuans actions and behaviors, I felt very ashamed. A 90-year-old grandpa has worked so hard. As a young pioneer, I should be strong and brave and go forward bravely.





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