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2023-12-12 09:31:40 小学演讲稿英语

【#实用文# #最新小学演讲稿英语十五篇#】在这个世界上,没有什么事情是无法做到的,只要我们有决心去攀登。即便是第一次登上舞台进行演讲,也是我们生活中的一次挑战。为了更好地应对演讲中可能遇到的问题,准备一份演讲稿能够起到很大的帮助作用。一份好的演讲稿应当简明扼要、自然简洁。那么,有哪些可以作为优秀主题演讲稿的范文呢?接下来,我将为您介绍一些我准备的“小学演讲稿英语”,希望能够丰富您的想法和开阔您的视野!


my family there are three people in my family. i'm a boy(girl). i'm ten years old.

my dad is a worker. my mother is a worker too. and i have a dog.

its name's john. it alaways play with me. and i also love him.

this is my family. do you like us?





my hobby i'm a boy. my hobby is playing basketball. i often play basketball with my best friend after class.

i think it's really fun and exciting. but my mother told me get home early. this is my hobby.

what are your hobby? can you tell me?




my hobby i'm a girl. i like to colloct shells. so i often go to sea on vacation.

i think sea is really beautiful. and the shells are beautiful too. now i have twenty shells.

i also have less free time to go to vacation. so i can't get more shells. this is my hobby.

what are your hobby? can you tell me?











尤其是周建波老师——一名优秀的老党员、有着杰出贡献的老教师,她以“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的精神,诠释着 “爱”的真正含义。

33年前,17岁的周建波老师走上了教育工作岗位,30多年来,怀着对教育事业的无限忠诚和一腔热血,她一直坚守在教育工作的第一线,清贫与奉献是她的本色,责任与使命是她的原则。在她的一生中,她默默奉献,对待年轻的老师,像对待自己的孩子一样鼓励、督促和帮助。在工作中,她孜孜不倦地追求。为了训练鼓队,她回到学校操场当天的声带摘除总结;为更好地完成“服装设计”活动,她几乎跑遍全城缝纫店找碎布;为做好妇女带头工作,她将52 年从未上过台的丈夫拉上了“家庭才艺展”的舞台……











caring for nature

good morning teachers, i am very glad to stand here to give you my short speech. today, i'd like to talk something about our nature. so my topic is “caring for nature”.

somebody has a question, what is nature?i think , nature is everything existing in the world, such as plants, animals, earths, rocks, the water and the weather.

human being depends on the nature. the nature is the mother of mankind. no nature, no life.

with the help of the nature, we live a happy life for a long time. when we realize the use of nature, we begin to gain everything from it, we breathe the air, we drink the water. however ,human like a greedy child ,just ask ,no return .

so today ,the water has bee dirty, the air has been polluted, forests have been cut over, the number of kinds of animals and plants has bee **aller and **aller.

let’s see our environment again, the crowded streets, the noisy cars, the dirty air, almost everything makes us more and more tired. at this time, we begin to want to go back to the nature to have a good rest, but the nature has already been destroyed by ourselves. it refuses us.

look !if you don’t protect nature ,mother nature will be angry ,it will punish us ,such as earthquake ,debris and so on .there is no chance that can give us to rewrite the history, so we can only do everything that we

can do now to care for our nature. when we are driving, we can drive slowly to reduce the dust and noise; when we buy a refrigerator, we should choose a green one; when we are going to throw something, we should make sure whether it can be reuse or not. we can also plant trees, refuse to eat wild animals...


Dear teacher and classmates:

I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I'd like to talk something about English.

I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.

I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.



2、衔接。直接 地反映出一种形势,或是将要论及的问题,常用某一件小事,一个比喻,个人经历,轶事传 闻,出人意外的提问,将主要演讲内容衔接起来;

3、激发。可以提出一些激发观众思维的 问题,把观众的注意力集中到演讲中来;

4、触题。一开始就告诉观众自己将要讲些什么。 世界上许多著名的政治家、作家和领导人的.演讲都是这样的。


1.开门见山,提示主题。这种开头是一开讲,就进入正题,直接提示演讲的中心。例 如宋庆龄《在接受加拿大维多利亚大学荣誉法学博士学位仪式上的讲话》的开头:“我为接 受加拿大维多利亚大学荣誉法学博士学位感到荣幸。”运用这种方法,必须先明晰地把握演 讲的中心,把要向观众提示的论点摆出来,使观众一听就知道讲的中心是什么,注意力马上 集中起来。

2.介绍情况,说明根由。这种开头可以迅速缩短与观众的距离,使观众急于了解下文。 例如恩格斯在1881年12月5日发表的《在燕妮·马克思墓前的讲话》的开头:“我们 现在安葬的这位品德崇高的女性,在1814年生于萨尔茨维德尔。她的父亲冯·威斯特华 伦男爵在特利尔城时和马克思一家很亲近;两家人的孩子在一块长大。当马克思进大学的时 候,他和自己未来的妻子已经知道他们的生命将永远地连接在一起了。”这个开头对发生的 事情、人物对象作出必要的介绍和说明,为进一步向观众提示论题作了铺垫。

3.提出问题,引起关注。这种方法是根据观众的特点和演讲的内容,提出一些激发听 众思考的问题,以引起观众的注意。例如弗雷德里克·道格拉斯1854年7月4日在纽约州罗彻斯特市举行的国庆大会上发表的《谴责奴隶制的演说》,一开讲就能引发观众的 积极思考,把人们带到一个愤怒而深沉的情境中去:“公民们,请恕我问一问,今天为什么 邀我在这儿发言?我,或者我所代表的奴隶们,同你们的国庆节有什么相干?《独立宣言》 中阐明的政治自由和生来平等的原则难道也普降到我们的头上?因而要我来向国家的祭坛奉 献上我们卑微的贡品,承认我们得到并为你们的独立带给我们的恩典而表达虔诚的谢意 么?” 除了以上三种方法,还有释题式、悬念式、警策式、幽默式、双关式、抒情式等。









littlerobertaskedhi ** otherfortwocents。
































Goodaftrnoon, ladies and gentlemen:

My topic today is “The Internet Will Become More Popular。”

The Internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people。 Especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves。 So XXX full use of the Internet is a good way to color one’s life。

For instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge。 Absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the Internet。

Secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly。

I suppose the key factor of importance of Internet is to find a good job 。 In the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities。 A job hunter can get on the Internet to browse for a favorable job。

Well, from what has been mentioned above, I believe with the high speed and efficiency, the Internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future。

Thank you very much!


i have a busy father and a kind mother.  my father is a busines**an. he is 42 years old.

he is short. he likes reading news*****s after meals. he watches tv in the evening.

he goes to work by car. he has got a nice black car. he often plays golf with his friends on the weekend.

he does not often eat dinner with us.  my mother is a housewife. she doesn’t work.

she stays at home. she is beautiful. she has long hair.

she does housework in the morning. she often goes shopping in the afternoon. she is kind, but she is strict to my study.

she likes reading. she watches tv at night, too.  i love my parents.

and they love me too. i have many friends in my class. they’re lovely and interesting.

i would like to introduce some of them. alice is very cute. she’s also kind to everyone and she’s very enthusiastic.

she’s always ready to help everyone, but she is f***etful. she always f***ets to bring her textbooks, but our teachers always f***ive her. ben is the most talkative boy in our class.

his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh linda is a quiet student. she is good at every subject but she never shows off.

allen is a very tall boy. he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health.

how about your clas**ates? do you like them? try to admire your clas**ates.

you will be happier.   i love you , china  good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  i’m very glad to make a speech here .

today my topic is “i love you , china”. since the day i was born .i began to have a proud name---chinese.

sincethe day i began to talk the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you ,china !” i love you .china and i’m so proud ofbeing a chinese .

i’mproud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin , black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language is the world ----chinese.  i love you , china .

i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind .i’ve learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers .i’ve learned about the great wall and the chang jiang river .

i’ve learned about zhang hengand i’ve learned zheng he.  i love you , china . as a young student , all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole –heartedly in the future , to the great cause of building you into an even stronger and greater country in the world .

i love you , china ! thank you for your listening!  小学生中英文文明礼貌用语


good morning . 早上好 !  2.

good morning, teacher ! 老师好 !  3.

goodbye. 再见。  中午出校门:

1、goodbye. teacher 再见。  2、goodbye.

再见。  下午进校门  1、 good afternoon. 下午好!

2、 good afternoon, teacher ! 老师好 !  下午出校门:

1、goodbye. teacher 再见。  3、goodbye.


二、乘车上下车用语:  早上上车  1、good morning . 早上好 !


2、 goodbye. 再见

3、 在校园会见客人的日常用语:早上好,老师!

老师好 !下午好:老师,下午好!

老师好 !

四、非语文课堂英文问好:  1、老师进教室说class begins,班长喊stand up。全体学生立正站好目视老师,等老师说good morning boys and girls后,学生说good morning teacher,同时行鞠躬礼, 老师说sit down ,please后学生方可坐下。

2、下课铃声后,老师说class is over,班长喊stand up,  学生起立目视教师站好,行鞠躬礼,同时说good-bye teacher,等老师离开教室或老师示意后,学生方可自由活动。

五、学生日常用语:  1. see you tomorrow.

明天见。  2. wel***e to our school.

欢迎来到我们学校。  3. you first ,please.

您先请。  4. please walk slowly.

请慢走。  5. sorry.

对不起。  6. not at all.

没关系。  推荐:适合小学生看的英文电影今天在英语课上,英语张老师和孩子们交流了周末在家看的英语电影,孩子们可来劲儿了,你说《蜜蜂总动员》、我说《丁丁历险记》、他说《独立日》??

好不热闹!  其实,***也爱看电影、看动画片,现在我就向孩子们推荐几部我自己比较喜欢的、比较适合孩子们看的英文电影。  1号推荐:

**之声推荐理由:  。et被抓进实验室,小埃利奥特也一病不起。



不需要别的理由,里面的孩子和你一样淘气,活泼,可爱!我们的班级博客和它同名哟!  4号推荐:


飞流直下的巧克力瀑布,龙头船航行在棕色巧克力浆的河流,郁郁葱葱的口香糖草地,还有满山遍野的牛奶糖。 巨大的“糖衣炮弹”让其他四个孩子都失去了自制,过度张扬自己的个性,都遇上了麻烦,退出了参观。但查理仍然无动于衷,成了巧克力工厂的新老板。

以下推荐一些适合高年级小学生看的英文电影:  动画片《料理鼠王》很有教育意义的**,英语配音也很纯正动画片《闪**》,《流浪狗之家》,  08年的《功夫熊猫》这个推荐;  《疯狂农庄》  《虫虫**队》  《别惹蚂蚁》  《wall-e》;  《玩具总动员》;  《海底总动员》;  《超人总动员》;  《怪物史莱克1,2,3》;  《冰河世纪1.2》。

《绒布小兔子》,  《疯狂金龟车》,  《马达加斯加》,  《魔法奇缘》,  《美人鱼蓝玉》,  《夏洛特的网》,  《天生一对》,  《水瓶座女孩》,  《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》。  《米老鼠》、  《白雪公主》、  《灰姑娘》、  《阿拉丁神灯》  适合小学生看的英文电影以下推荐一些适合小学生看的英文电影。  动画片《料理鼠王》很有教育意义的**,英语配音也很纯正。

动画片《闪**》,  《流浪狗之家》,  08年的《功夫熊猫》,  《wall-e》,  《汽车总动员》,  《海底总动员》,  《超人总动员》,  《绒布小兔子》,  《疯狂金龟车》,  《马达加斯加》,  《魔法奇缘》,  《美人鱼蓝玉》,  《夏洛特的网》,  《天生一对》,  《水瓶座女孩》,  《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》。这些都是很好的英语配音,适合孩子们看,很有教育性**。  《狐狸与孩子》法国  《放牛班的春天》法国  《蝴蝶》法国  《钢铁巨人》英国  《小鞋子》伊朗  《心中小星星》印度  《夏洛的网》真人版美国电影  《悬崖上的金鱼公主》动画电影  《父亲离家时》美国  《安妮》美国  《大魔欲》美国。

德国家喻户晓的幻想文学大师米切尔?恩德的代表作《永不结束的故事》改编  《猪宝贝》美国  《小公主》美国学习外语,单纯的说教,往往效率很低。特别是对于活泼好动的小学生来说,教师们很有必要多用教具来设计符合学生实际生活的场景。

动画片《料理鼠王》很有教育意义的**,英语配音也很纯正动画片《闪**》  《流浪狗之家》,  08年的《功夫熊猫》  《wall-e》  《汽车总动员》  《海底总动员》  《超人总动员》  《怪物史莱克1,2,3》  《冰河世纪1.2》  《绒布小兔子》  《疯狂金龟车》  《马达加斯加》  《魔法奇缘》  《美人鱼蓝玉》  《夏洛特的网》  《天生一对》  《水瓶座女孩》  《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹 》。这些都是很好的英语配音,适合孩子们看,很有教育性**。

《狐狸与孩子》法国  《放牛班的春天》法国  《蝴蝶》法国  《钢铁巨人》英国  《小鞋子》伊朗  《心中小星星》印度  《夏洛的网》真人版美国电影  《悬崖上的金鱼公主》动画电影  《父亲离家时》美国  《安妮》美国  《大魔欲》美国。德国家喻户晓的幻想文学大师米切尔·恩德的代表作《永不结束的故事》改编  《猪宝贝》美国  《小公主》美国  《掌门狗》系列作品  《绿野仙踪》  《**之声》  《别惹蚂蚁》  适合小学生看的英文电影以下推荐一些适合小学生看的英文电影。  动画片《料理鼠王》很有教育意义的**,英语配音也很纯正。


《狐狸与孩子》法国  《放牛班的春天》法国  《蝴蝶》法国  《钢铁巨人》英国  《小鞋子》伊朗  《心中小星星》印度  《夏洛的网》真人版美国电影  《悬崖上的金鱼公主》动画电影  《父亲离家时》美国  《安妮》美国  《大魔欲》美国。德国家喻户晓的幻想文学大师米切尔·恩德的代表作《永不结束的故事》改编  《猪宝贝》美国 《小公主》美国⊙  辛普森一家美国动画片怪物史莱克冰河世纪闪**小鬼当家系列怪兽工厂小鸡快跑迪斯尼梦工厂的动画片都不错  《真爱至上》  如果你想学美音,可以试试《录取通知》和《超人高校》《奇迹灰姑娘》《舞出我人生》一类的美国校园青春喜剧。这类电影的台词时尚,发音准确,娱乐性很强。

如果你想学得轻松一点,不妨看看《功夫熊猫》《海底总动员》《冰河世纪》等动画片,这些电影都是给孩子看的,发音准,语速相对慢,娱乐性更强。  动作片的话。。。我推荐尼古拉斯·凯奇的救生岛,国宝,空中监狱。

都很经典,其实凯奇也有不少好看的文艺片比如《居家男人》  经典的话我觉得还是 《拯救大兵瑞恩》和《乱世佳人》比较好,就看你喜欢不喜欢类型了。  再有,如果你想了解黑人英语的话 《绝地战警1,2》是绝对值得看的,相信我。最后,我推荐一个我非常喜欢的:


老友记是一部很优秀的美剧,我也很喜欢,不过老友记为了塑造人物形象,里面的演员除了瑞秋说话不是颠三倒四就是没文化,要不就是发音极端,所以不适合你这样的初学者。何况你是主要学口语,还是等有了一定基础再看这个比较好。说到美剧,我建议你看英雄《heroes》,电驴上能搜到 yyets 的双语版本。

太紧张了,无法逃脱。 我们的老师受不了了。 当然,我也喜欢逃脱。 只是不适合您的情况。


this is the first day of school.lots of children are wearing new clothes. they are very happy.

mary is an american pupils.this is her firt time in china and her first time in a chinese school.she is very happy, too.

today is her first day at school. other children are not here yet.but they'll be here soon.

mary will be thefirst one to greet everybody.

the wolf and the lamba

wolf, meeting with a lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea, which should justify to the lamb himself his right to eat him. he thus addressed him:sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.

indeed, bleated the lamb in a mournful tone of voice, i was not then born. then said the wolf, you feed in my pasture.

little robert

little robert asked his mother for two cents.

what did you do with the money i gave you yesterday?

i gave it to a poor old woman, he answered.

you're a good boy, said the mother proudly. here are two cents

more. but why are you so interested in the old woman?

she is the one who sells the candy.



“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”


my name isxx,i’am xx years old。

i like singing and dancing。i like ****** friends,too。will you be my friends?

that's all,thank you。

my family

there are three people in my family. i'm a boy(girl). i'm ten years old.

my dad is a worker. my mother is a worker too. and i have a dog.

its name's john. it alaways play with me. and i also love him.

this is my family. do you like us?





my hobby

i'm a boy. my hobby is playing basketball. i often play basketball with my best friend after class.

i think it's really fun and exciting. but my mother told me get home early. this is my hobby.

what are your hobby? can you tell

l me?





my hobby

i'm a girl. i like to colloct shells. so i often go to sea on vacation.

i think sea is really beautiful. and the shells are beautiful too. now i have twenty shells.

i also have less free time to go to vacation. so i can't get more shells. this is my hobby.

what are your hobby? can you tell me?






dear teacher and clas**ates:

i am very glad to say something here. at this time, i'd like to talk about my hobbies.

i have many hobbies. first, i like playing video games. puter games are cool.

i like cs best. i could play it all day. secound, i like all kinds of sports.

i like being outdoors. i love fresh air and sunshine. playing football with friends is fun.

swimming in the sea is my favorite. in addition, i like to draw pictures at home. i often read ics on the bed in the evening.

it's my secret. hey, buddy. please don't tell my parents.

furthermore, i like music. i like singing. i ofen sing film songs while i walk in the street.

of course, i learn english everyday. as you know, english is used everywhere in the world. so i learn english very hard.

i hope i can travel around the world and speak english with foreigners someday. then i can talk about the beijing xx olympic games with them. it's my colorful dream in the english world.

there is more i like to do. there is more i want to say. maybe i can tell you more next time.

thank you for listening.





hi, /i’m rose! /today, /i wanna share with you my favori(te) festival.

my favori(te) festival is children’s day. / i still remember, /last year, /we held a party in our classroom on children’s day.

the whole classroom was full of happiness. /we decorated our classroom with colorful balloons an(d) ribbons. /the party began.

/some clas**ates danced, /some sang songs, /some played music, /an(d) some played magics. /every program was wonderful. /the most wonderful program was from tao jingyi.

/she played guzheng. /it’s a beautiful music. /after her play, /we clapped our hands warmly.

besides, /zhu hongbo sang a song with his dad. /the song was very funny.

i’m looking forward /to this year’s children’s day. /it’s ***ing soon. thank you!










dear teachers and clas**ates:

good morning.

my name is li xue yao..i am glad to make a speech here .at this time, i'd like to talk something about my hobbies.

everyone has hobbies. my mother likes watching tv. my father likes chess.

many of my schoolmates like playing football. so what are my hobbies? now let me tell you about my hobbies.

i have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the ***puter games and reading books, but learning english is my favourite. my mother is an english teacher. when i was 2 years old, she taught me many english words, at that time, i couldn’t say chinese, but i could say so many english words easily.

i knew more and more english words and sentences day after day.

when i was seven, my mother sent me to an english school. i played games and sang english songs with other children there. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.

everyday, i read english following the tapes. sometimes, i watch english cartoons.

on the weekend, i often go to the english corner. by talking with different people there, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english.

i hope i can travel around the world some day. i want to go to america to visit washington monument, i also want to go to london, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.

i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. i'll introduce china to them, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and dongying.

i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love . so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too

there is more i like to do. there is more i want to say. maybe i can tell you more next time.

that’s all right, thank you!

















一、关于my studengts的演讲稿

circle of life

patterns in the sky

colors in the pond

animals in the forest

this is me

this is who i am

no one can change me

i live here

i was born here

i live with the rain

i live with the sun

i live with the day

i live with the night

someone who accepts who they are

because it is what life gave them

they follow the circle of life

which is designed to lead us along the way

until we can cope alone

and find wisdom

in what we are

we are

and we always will be.

二、-------speech draft of “english—teaching of primary school”


every leaders and teachers,

whether i am keeping out her or she is expecting me, english teaching is be***ing a demanding of my life eventually and be***ing a powerful testimony to embody my value of woke and life.

a t first,the persist in english told me to never give up. it is well said that:” learning is the sources of knowledge and knowledge is the guide of learning.

” i made the decision to enrich and equipment myself in the process of learning. through the learning, i have broaden my horizon widely: teaching teachers’ cadent explaining; the fluent english dialogue between the teacher and students; the trenchant ***ments of the experts made me be filled with admiration and strengthen my confidence ,resolution and perseverance of doing well of english-teaching.

there is a golden seed in my hand---hope; there is a goal in my life----success. i sowed the seeds of eagerness of knowledge in the minds of children with my hands, i sowed the seeds of loving learning in the minds of children with my diligence and also sowed the seeds of hope in my mind. i am watching the hope with my heart, defending the hope with love, seeing her sprouting、flowering and fruiting silently, i have the confidence that the seeding will be***e a grant tree at last!

this is all, thank you!

3、 小学英语教师口语比赛演讲稿

good morning,dear judges!

i'm very glad to stand here and give my short speach to you. i' m a young english teacher from xuelang primary school. i'm no.

4. today my topic is "holiday".

我很高兴站在这里给你做一个简短的演讲。我是年轻的英语老师从xuelang小学。我四号。今天我的主题是“假日” 。

as we known, there is a lot of holidays in every country, especially in china. you see,the new year is ***ing,2009. and the first holiday of 2009 is the new year’s day.

so, i want to give my best wishes to you and a “happy new year!”

正如我们知道,有很多节日在每一个国家,特别是在中国。你看,在2009年的新年里。第一节日是2009年元旦。所以,我想给我最良好的祝愿您和“新年快乐! ”

well, when i’ve got this topic, i remember a holiday at once, that is the children’s day——the children’s day last year. why? because there is really something impressed me.

好吧,当我有这个问题的时候,我记得我放假了,今天是儿童节——去年的儿童节。为什么? 真实的事物给我留下了深刻的印象。

during the first year of my teaching career, i always work with full passion and attention. i like children, i like to study and play with them. sometimes, they make me feel that i’m not a teacher but a friend.

i believe that if a student like you and he will like the subject you teach.



every children’s day, people will hold a big celebration, so do our school. before that day, we would make preparations for the activities. i and another new teacher were in charge of the “ringers” game.

we felt a little nervous because we had no experience. so we tried our best to decorate the place to attract children. and we took our ***puter with us to play the funny cartoon music.

then we wait for children to ***e.




out of our surprise, when the celebration began, lots of children rushed to our place and asked for playing the game. there was a long line. the music played and played, children happily came and went.

but time was limited. 40 minutes later, we had to declare game over. at that time, i saw a little boy who didn’t want to leave, when we said to him the game was over again, he even cried.

so, i let him play again. and he got the last toy. when i gave the prize to him, he **iled and said “ thank you, teacher.

” i felt so satisfied and because of the **ile i wasn’t tired at all.




“谢谢你,老师。 ”我觉得很满意,因为我是微笑不累的。

so, in my opinion, we teachers must pay more attention and patience and the most important——love to children. if you give a little love to children,you will get a great deal back.


that’s all. thank you for listening. thank you very much.





































In the past, a man of the State of Chu intended to go to the State of Zheng to sell pearls.


First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite case which he fumigated with the delicate fragrance of osmanthuses and Chinese prickly ashes. Furthermore, the case was inlaid with emerald-green jadeite, and adorned with attractive rosy jade. The whole case was decorated in an extremely exquisite way.


A man of the State of Zheng saw this exquisite case and liked it very much. He bought it with a great deal of money, but he returned the pearl in the case to the man of Chu.


Later, people ridiculed the man of Chu by saying that he was good at selling cases, but not good at selling pearls.


To go too far in the pursuit of form just like letting a presumptuous guest usurp the hosts role, which brings about opposite results.




today i say the story is .

spring ***es.the tadpoles are missing their mummy.they want to look for her.

a duck is ***ing.“mummy,mummy!”the duck says:

“sorry,i’m not your mummy.your mummy has a white belly!”the tadpoles say:

“thank you!good-bye!”

a fish is ***ing.“mummy,mummy!”the fish says:

“sorry,i’m not your mummy.your mummy has two big eyes.”the tadpoles say:


a turtle is ***ing.“mummy,mummy!”the turtle says:

“sorry,i’m not your mummy.your mummy wears a green dress.”the tadpoles say:

“thanks a lot!see you!”

jest then,the frog is ***ing.the tadpoles say:“mummy,mummy!

”the frog says:“how are you,my babies!i love you so much!

”three little pigs 三只小猪

storyteller: there are three little pigs living with their mother.


ding-ding and dong-dong are brother pigs. 丁丁和东东是猪哥哥。

they are very lazy. 他们很懒they eat and sleep all day. 他们整天吃了就睡。

龙龙是long-long is the youngest pig. 龙龙是最小的。

she works all day. she helps her mother to do the housework.


mother pig: you have grown up. you must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得your own houses. 为自己盖间房。

goodbye, little pigs. build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。

be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。

pigs: yes, mum. goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。

wolf: i’m hungry. look! three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可

for dinner. mmm. 以做我的美餐。

sister pig: what are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?

ding-ding: i’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。

dong-dong: i’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。

sister pig: but leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不

and sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。

brother pigs: yes, we know. but it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。

what are you doing, sister? 你在干什么?

sister pig: i’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。

brother pigs: bricks! that’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。

sister pig: i know. but bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。

……brother pigs: oh, we’re finished. let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打a nap. 个盹吧。

sister pig: my house is finished. my house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房

is strong. 很坚固。

wolf: little pigs. little pigs. open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!



wolf: this is very easy. sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶

aren’t strong. 都不牢固。

storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:


to long-long’s house.



brother pigs: open the door, sister. the wolf 猪哥哥:

妹妹,快开门。狼来了。 让我进去


long-long: ***e in, please. don’t worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的

my house is strong. 房子很坚固。


here. little pigs. little pigs. open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打

the door! 开。

three pigs: no. no. go away. you bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。你这只恶狼。

wolf: i’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。


狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。块和块。 但是房子很坚固。

is very strong.

wolf: i’ll hit it. oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!

long-long: let’s boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。

brother pigs: ok. 猪哥哥:好的。

wolf: oh, oh! it’s hot. it’s hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。

three pigs: hooray! the wolf is dead. the 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。wolf is dead

storyteller: since then, ding-ding and dong- 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东dong work hard with long-long.



three boys were bragging about their fathers.

the first one said, “my father runs so fast that he can shoot an arrow, start running, and get there before the arrow!”

the second one said, “that’s nothing! my father can shoot a gun, start running, and get there before the bullet!”

the third boy just **iled and said slowly, “that’snothing. my father is a civil servant . he gets off work at 5

pm and getshome before 4 pm!”

kicking habit

there was a little boy who lived on a farm. one morning when he got up from bed his mother told him he needed to start doing his chores around the farm.

the little boy said he would take over the chores for his dad. so he went to the barn and milked the cow when he was done he kicked the cow right in the ass. then he went and fed the pig, when he was done he kicked the pig in the ass.

then he went to feed the chicken, when he was done he kicked the chicken in the ass.




today i say the story is .

three little pigs 三只小猪

storyteller: there are three little pigs living with their mother.


ding-ding and dong-dong are brother pigs. 丁丁和东东是猪哥哥。

they are very lazy. 他们很懒they eat and sleep all day. 他们整天吃了就睡。

龙龙是 long-long is the youngest pig. 龙龙是最小的。

she works all day. she helps her mother to do the housework.




goodbye, little pigs. build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。

be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。

pigs: yes, mum. goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。

wolf: i’m hungry. look! three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可

for dinner. mmm. 以做我的美餐。

sister pig: what are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?

ding-ding: i’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。

dong-dong: i’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。

sister pig: but leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不

and sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。

brother pigs: yes, we know. but it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。

what are you doing, sister? 你在干什么?

sister pig: i’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。

brother pigs: bricks! that’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。

sister pig: i know. but bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。

……brother pigs: oh, we’re finished. let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打 a nap. 个盹吧。

sister pig: my house is finished. my house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房

is strong. 很坚固。

wolf: little pigs. little pigs. open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!



wolf: this is very easy. sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶

aren’t strong. 都不牢固。

storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:


to long-long’s house.



my house is strong. 房子很坚固。狼:他们去哪儿了?哦,他们是狼:他们去哪儿了?噢,他们

here. little pigs. little pigs. open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打

the door! 开。

three pigs: no. no. go away. you bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。 你这只恶狼。

wolf: i’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。


狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。块和块。 但是房子很坚固。

is very strong.

wolf: i’ll hit it. oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!

long-long: let’s boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。

brother pigs: ok. 猪哥哥:好的。

wolf: oh, oh! it’s hot. it’s hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。

three pigs: hooray! the wolf is dead. the 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。 wolf is dead

storyteller: since then, ding-ding and dong- 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东 dong work hard with long-long.



three boys were bragging (吹牛,自吹) about their fathers.

the first one said, “my father runs so fast that he can shoot(射) an arrow(箭), start running, and get there before the arrow!”

the third boy just **iled and said slowly, “that’snothing. my father is a civil servant (**文职人员; 公务员). he gets off work at 5

pm and getshome before 4 pm!”

kicking habit

there was a little boy who lived on a farm. one morning when he got up from bed his mother told him he needed to start doing his chores around the farm.

the little boy said he would take over the chores for his dad. so he went to the barn and milked the cow when he was done he kicked the cow right in the ass. then he went and fed the pig, when he was done he kicked the pig in the ass.

then he went to feed the chicken, when he was done he kicked the chicken in the ass.

after the chores were done the little boy went into the house and said to his mother the chores are done i want some breakfast.

so the mom put a dry bowl of cereal down in front of the little boy, he said, what about the milk?, and the mother replied you can’t have any milk because you kicked the cow in the ass. the little boy said, well how about some bacon?

the mother replied, you can’t have any bacon because you kicked the pig in the ass. the little boy said can i at least have an egg? the mother replied, no, you kicked the chicken in the ass.

in walks his father, who kicked the cat, and the little boy said to his mother do you want to tell him or should i?篇二:英语小故事演讲稿

我要自由 i want be free

good afternoon,,my topic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog.

a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.”


hello , dear teachers and friends. i’m very glad to stand here and give my speech. the name of my speech is “respect the freedom of animals”

if i ask you if you love animals,which answer would ***e into your mind first? of course you would say “yes” .because you have many many reasons to show it in your mind.

for example, you keep a pet dog or cat in your house; your parents often take you to visit animals in the zoo ; you put a bird in a cage to feed it every day and so on. but is it right to keep the animals we love in cages or houses? i don’t think it’s right.

you and i live on the earth. the animals also live here. the earth is not only our home, but also the animals’.

why do people caged lots of wild animals, and make them lose their freedom . in lots of zoos, animals are trained to earn money for people. but what do most of the zoos care for more, money or animals?

if you were an animal, would you be happy ? so why let the animals be sick to death in a zoo? i once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance for years and bought a rare turtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home.

if you truly care about animals, do something like that. wise mankind, start on it now. respect our animal friends and the freedom they should enjoy.






respect the freedom of animals

now if i ask you where you would go if you want to see wild animals,where would ***e into your mind first? maybe 50 years ago you would say, “go to a wild forest,” but now you would probably say “the zoo” right? lots of wild animals are losing their freedom by being caged in a zoo.

in lots of zoos, animals are trained to do tricks to earn money for people. this will surely restrict the animals’ freedom. but what do most of the zoos care for more, money or animals?

if you were an animal, would you be happy being cramped by a zoo into a limited space where you could not move freely? so why let the animals be sick to death in a zoo? i once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance for years and bought a rare turtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home.

if you truly care about animals, do something like that. wise mankind, start on





a clever man

as a result of weather delays, boston's logan international airport was teeming with frustrated travelers. when i checked in for my flight, i could see from the size of the crowd that boarding was going to be a lengthy process.

one well-dressed young man handled the situation with true yankee ingenuity . i watched as he sat down next to a mother who was coping with a baby and two preschool children, tie struck up a conversation with her, ****** a point of learning the youngsters' names.

the boarding call for passengers with young children was announced. "may i help you with rob and jenny?" the young man asked.

tucking his briefcase under one arm , he gave each child a helping hand and followed mother and baby to the plane聪明的人




豪公文包,另一只手还夹他给每个孩子一个帮助之手,跟从了妈妈和宝宝的飞机four seasons of a tree

by author unknown, source unknown

don't judge a life by one difficult season.

there was a man who had four sons. he wanted his sons to learn to not judge things too quickly. so he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

the first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

when they had all gone and ***e back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

the first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. the second son said no - it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

the third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that **elled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

the last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

the man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but one season in the tree's life.

he told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are - and the pleasure, joy, and love that ***e from that life - can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

if you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.


today i say the story is .

spring ***es.(春天来了。)the tadpoles are missing their mummy.

(小蝌蚪们想妈妈了。)they want to look for her.(他们要去找她。

)a duck is ***ing.(一只鸭子游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!

”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)the duck says:(鸭子说:

)“sorry,i’m not your mummy.(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy has a white belly!

(你们的妈妈有一个白肚皮!)”the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:

)“thank you!good-bye!”(“谢谢您!


a fish is ***ing.(一条鱼游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!

”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)the fish says:(鱼说:

)“sorry,i’m not your mummy.(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy has two big eyes.

(你们的妈妈有两只大眼睛。)”the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:

) “thanks!bye!”(“谢谢您!


a turtle is ***ing.(一只乌龟游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!

”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)the turtle says:(乌龟说:

)“sorry,i’m not your mummy.(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy wears a green dress.

(你们的妈妈穿着一件绿衣服。)”the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:

)“thanks a lot!see you!”(多谢您!


jest then,(正在这时,)the frog is ***ing.(青蛙游过来了。)the tadpoles say:


”)the frog says:(青蛙说:)“how are you,my babies!

(你们好啊!我的宝贝!)i love you so much!


three little pigs 三只小猪

storyteller: there are three little pigs living with their mother.


ding-ding and dong-dong are brother pigs. 丁丁和东东是猪哥哥。

they are very lazy. 他们很懒they eat and sleep all day. 他们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是

long-long is the youngest pig. 龙龙是最小的。

she works all day. she helps her mother to do the housework.


mother pig: you have grown up. you must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得

your own houses. 为自己盖间房。

goodbye, little pigs. build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。

be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。

pigs: yes, mum. goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。

wolf: i’m hungry. look! three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可

for dinner. mmm. 以做我的美餐。

sister pig: what are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?

ding-ding: i’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。

dong-dong: i’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。

sister pig: but leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不

and sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。

brother pigs: yes, we know. but it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。

what are you doing, sister? 你在干什么?

sister pig: i’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。

brother pigs: bricks! that’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。

sister pig: i know. but bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。

…… brother pigs: oh, we’re finished. let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打

a nap. 个盹吧。

sister pig: my house is finished. my house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房

is strong. 很坚固。

wolf: little pigs. little pigs. open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!



wolf: this is very easy. sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶

aren’t strong. 都不牢固。

storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东

ding-ding and dong-dong run 东跑到龙龙家。

to long-long’s house.



brother pigs: open the door, sister. the wolf 猪哥哥:妹妹,快开门。狼来了,

我唱歌。 让我进去。

long-long: ***e in, please. don’t worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的

my house is strong. 房子很坚固。


here. little pigs. little pigs. open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打

the door! 开。

three pigs: no. no. go away. you bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。


wolf: i’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。

storyteller: the wolf blows and blows. he 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。

块和块。 但是房子很坚固。

is very strong.

wolf: i’ll hit it. oh. 狼:我要撞倒它。噢!

long-long: let’s boil the water. 龙龙:我们把水烧开。

brother pigs: ok. 猪哥哥:好的。

wolf: oh, oh! it’s hot. it’s hot. 狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。

three pigs: hooray! the wolf is dead. the 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。

wolf is dead

storyteller: since then, ding-ding and dong- 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东



three boys were bragging (吹牛,自吹) about their fathers.

the first one said, “my father runs so fast that he can shoot(射) an arrow(箭), start running, and get there before the arrow!”

the second one said, “that’s nothing! my father can shoot a gun, start running, and get there before the bullet(子弹)!”

the third boy just **iled and said slowly, “that’snothing. my father is a civil servant (**文职人员; 公务员). he gets off work at 5

pm and getshome before 4 pm!”

kicking habit

therewasalittleboywholivedonafarm ..








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