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2023-11-22 17:48:54 生日邀请函英语

【#实用文# #生日邀请函英语经典#】我们根据您的需求特意编写了一篇题为“生日邀请函英语”的文章。如今社会上,邀请函已经越来越常见,被大众所熟知,因此在准备活动的同时,撰写邀请函也变得越发重要。在撰写邀请函时,请务必抓住重点内容进行书写。再次感谢您的光临,为了方便下次查阅,请将此页添加到浏览器收藏夹中!


Subject: Invitation to My Memorable Birthday Bash!

Dear [Name],

I hope my letter finds you in excellent spirits! It gives me immense pleasure to invite you to celebrate a momentous occasion - my birthday party! As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier!", and I would be thrilled if you could join me in making this event unforgettable.

Date: [Date]

Time: [Time]

Venue: [Venue]

Words cannot express how excited I am to commemorate another year of life with the people I hold dear. From the moment I entered this world, friends like you have enriched my journey, making it colorful and joyous. Hence, it is only fitting to have you by my side on this special day!

The theme for my birthday bash is "Around the World." We will embark on an exciting journey, exploring different cultures, traditions, and cuisines from various countries. Picture yourself being transported to The Great Wall of China, savouring mouth-watering dim sums, or swaying to the rhythms of Brazil's samba during the Carnaval. The whole venue will be adorned with dazzling decorations, evoking the ambiance of the chosen countries.

In true international style, we will be serving a delectable array of dishes from different corners of the globe. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with mouth-watering Mexican tacos, aromatic Indian curries, authentic Italian pasta, and more! A wide variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options will be available to cater to everyone's preferences. Our food journey will be complemented by a range of refreshing beverages and delightful desserts.

Captivating entertainment has been arranged to add a touch of glamor to the festivities. We have talented performers who will entertain us with traditional dances and exhilarating music from various countries. If you're feeling adventurous, there will be a dance floor where you can show off your moves and groove to the beats of international music.

To make the event more exciting, we will be hosting a costume contest. Dress up in traditional attire from any country, ensuring your outfit represents their unique culture. Get creative and let your imagination run wild! Prizes will be awarded to the best-dressed attendees, so be prepared to showcase your fashion prowess.

Your presence at my birthday party will be the greatest gift I could receive. Nevertheless, if you wish to bring a token of love, generous contributions to [preferred charity organization] would be greatly appreciated. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need and celebrate the spirit of giving that my birthday represents.

Please RSVP by [date] to confirm your attendance so that we can make necessary arrangements for your comfort. Feel free to contact me on [contact details] if you have any questions or if there is anything else you would like to know.

I eagerly await your response and sincerely hope you will be able to join me on this remarkable day. Let's create beautiful memories together and raise a toast to another year of remarkable adventures and everlasting friendships.

Yours jubilantly,

[Your Name]


Birthday Invitation Letter

Dear friends,

I am excited to invite you all to my upcoming birthday celebration! Turning another year older is always something to celebrate, and I would be thrilled if you could all join me in the festivities.

The party will take place at my home on [insert date] starting at [insert time]. There will be food, drinks, music, and plenty of fun activities for us all to enjoy. Please bring your favorite dish to share, and feel free to bring any other refreshments or snacks you’d like.

I also wanted to let you know that I’ve decided to make this year’s party a themed celebration. The theme will be “nostalgia”, so feel free to dress up in your favorite decade’s attire or bring any old games and toys to share.

I’m so excited to celebrate with each and every one of you! Please RSVP to this invitation by [insert date], so I can accurately prepare for the number of guests. I can’t wait to see you all soon!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Dear **,

Hi, my dear (人名), welcome to attend my birthday party in this Sunday. I will not disappoint you. Here will come many friends of you and mine, with many delicious food, tasted drinks. In that day, I will hold dance party, you can free yourself at most degree. You should never pass an unforgettable night. I expect your welcome on Sunday.




Birthday Invitation Letter

Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to extend a warm invitation to you to join me on my birthday celebration. I am excited to celebrate my [age] birthday with my family and friends, and I would be grateful to have you present on this special occasion.

The party is scheduled to take place on [date] at [time] at my residence. The address is [address]. It would be a casual party, and I hope that you would wear something comfortable and bring your upbeat spirit and energies.

We will have a variety of activities, games, music, and food to keep you entertained throughout the evening. You can enjoy the delicious food, including cake, snacks, appetizers, and drinks, which we will be serving at the party. It would be an excellent opportunity to socialize, have fun, and create precious memories with friends and family.

Your presence at the party would indeed add extra sparkle to my birthday, and I look forward to sharing this special day with you. Kindly confirm your attendance by [RSVP DATE] in the attached response card so that we can make adequate arrangements.

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to hear from you soon and hope that you can attend my birthday celebration.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]


May 2, 2017

( 时间写在右上角)

Dear Lucy,

Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old!

My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

We'll be expecting you any time after six. See you then.




A Birthday Invitation in English

Hello there!

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to invite you to my upcoming birthday celebration. As you know, birthdays are special occasions, and it would be an honor to have you there to celebrate with me.

Venue: My House

Date: 15th September 2021

Time: 4 PM

I would like you to come dressed in your favorite birthday outfit, and we can embark on an adventure of pure fun, games, and good company. There will be music, dance, and lots of delicious food and drinks.

As for gifts, please feel free to bring anything that you feel would be appropriate for the occasion. Although, your presence is the most important gift that you can give me, and I genuinely want you to share in my special moment.

I would love for you to confirm your attendance so that I can make the necessary arrangements for your comfort. If you have any dietary restrictions or allergies, please let me know in advance.

Lastly, I want to thank you for being a part of my life and for your consistent support and love. I hope to see you at my birthday celebration, and let's make it a day that we will never forget.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Dear (收件人名字),

We sincerely invite you, one of my very honourable guest to my mother's birthday party. The party will be held on (日期), in our house, at (地址). We hope you may attend her party. We kindly appreciate your patience to read the invitation card. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,


你准备邀请你的好朋友Lucy来参加你的生日聚会,告诉她怎样才能到你家。 写作提示:1、告诉她你的生日是什么时候?2、都有谁来参加你的生日聚会 3、坐什么车来 4、你家周围有什么明显的标志性的建筑 Dear Lucy,

My birthday is coming,so I ask some good friends to come to my house for party on Saturday evening.I can tell you the way to my house.First,take a taxi from your house.Then pass a bank on your right and go along the Zhongshan Street.When you see a big supermarket,turn left.My house is between the park and the theater.It will be on your right.You can’t miss it.




Dear friends,

I am excited to invite you to celebrate my birthday with me! It's that special time of year again and I am looking forward to spending it with my nearest and dearest. The party will be held at my house in the evening of the 25th of August.

As you know, my favorite color is blue, so please come dressed in something blue to make the party even more colorful! There will be lots of games, music and, of course, cake to enjoy. I can't wait to see you all there and to share this wonderful day with you.

The party will start at 7:00 pm and end at 10:00 pm. It will be a fun evening filled with laughter, good food, and great company. To make things more interesting, there will be a few surprises throughout the night, so be prepared! It's my special day after all!

Please let me know if you are able to attend by the 23rd of August so I can ensure I have enough food and drinks for everyone. If you have any dietary requirements, please let me know in advance so I can cater to your needs.

I am so excited to celebrate my birthday with you all and I can't wait to see you there! Let's make it a memorable night that we'll all remember for years to come.

Yours truly,

[Your name]


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