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2024-10-09 09:40:08 圣诞节祝福话语

【#句子# #圣诞节祝福话语(汇集43句)#】1、立春到了,托温暖的春风吹走你的烦恼,请美丽的春花为你送上欢乐,让阵阵春雷为你加油鼓劲,用珍贵的春雨为你洒下祝福,立春到了,愿你快乐相伴。

2、一阵阵冬风,给你吉祥,一串串铃铛,给你健康,一首首圣诞的歌谣,给你好运,一棵棵美丽的圣诞树,给你幸福。祝你平安夜圣诞节快乐! Waves of winter breeze bring you auspiciousness, strings of bells bring you health, Christmas songs bring you good luck, and beautiful Christmas trees bring you happiness. Wishing you a Merry Christmas on Christmas Eve!

3、听到开心的乐子,闻到鲜美的果子,走进欢笑的屋子,看到幸福的样子,送上祝福的银子,并对你说:平安夜,祝你平安健康一辈子。 Hear the joy of happiness, smell the delicious fruits, walk into the room of laughter, see the happiness, give you blessings of silver, and say to you: Christmas Eve, wish you a safe and healthy life.


5、蓝天为纸,寒风为笔,愿望为墨,在平安夜里,点出真诚祝福。描上快乐,添上好运,奉上幸福,送给正在看信息的你。祝你快乐永久,好运常在,幸福长存。 The blue sky is like paper, the cold wind is like a pen, and wishes are like ink. On Christmas Eve, point out sincere blessings. Draw happiness, add good luck, offer happiness, and give it to you who are reading information. Wishing you eternal happiness, good luck always present, and everlasting happiness.

6、平安夜的钟声敲响祝福,漫天的雪花洋溢温馨,圣诞老人的笑声充满快乐,我在你的手机里装满温情。这就是我的圣诞礼物,收到短信,愿你圣诞快乐! The bell of Christmas Eve rings with blessings, the snowflakes fill the sky with warmth, Santa Clauss laughter is full of joy, and I fill your phone with warmth. This is my Christmas gift. I received a text message and wish you a happy Christmas!

7、平安夜晚,星星许下二个心愿;一是愿天下所有人平安快乐,另一个则是告诉正在看此讯息的幸运娃,圣诞节可以放假一天,不过请先请假!圣诞节快乐! On a safe night, the stars make two wishes; One is to wish everyone in the world peace and happiness, and the other is to tell the lucky children who are reading this message that Christmas can be a day off, but please take a leave first! Merry Christmas!

8、夜空中,星光闪耀,看到了吗?那是我偷偷给你抛的媚眼哦。今天是平安夜,愿我的媚眼给你带去柔情无限,温情点点,真情灿烂,愿你快乐、平安! In the night sky, the stars shine brightly. Do you see them? Thats the seductive look I secretly gave you. Today is Christmas Eve. May my seductive eyes bring you endless tenderness, warmth, and brilliant true feelings. May you be happy and safe!


10、平平安安,是我真心祝愿,每天每年;平安夜晚,有我祝福陪伴,在你身边。平安夜,愿我的理想实现,祝快乐平安。 Peace and security is my sincere wish, every day and every year; On a safe night, I wish to be by your side. Christmas Eve, may my ideals come true, and I wish you happiness and peace.

11、带上诚挚的祝福,无数次的心灵碰撞,无数次的心驰神往,无数次的梦幻诗意,感谢圣诞老人带去我千万年的祝福,祝亲爱的你圣诞快乐,平安夜平安! With sincere blessings, countless collisions of hearts, countless yearnings, countless dreamy poems, thank Santa Claus for bringing my blessings for millions of years. Wishing you a happy Christmas and a safe Christmas Eve, dear!


13、平安夜的钟声,是施了魔法的美妙音乐,将快乐与吉祥轻轻传递,把烦恼忧伤通通涤荡,让心灵回归最原始之宁静,让幸福溢满温暖之胸膛。平安夜,在钟声中默默的祈祷,愿你平安快乐,幸福且安康! The sound of Christmas Eve bells is a magical and wonderful music that gently conveys happiness and auspiciousness, cleanses worries and sorrows, returns the soul to the most primitive tranquility, and fills the warm chest with happiness. On Christmas Eve, silently praying in the sound of the bell, may you be safe, happy, and healthy!

14、平安夜来了,送你一个甜苹果,保你一生健康平安;送你一个香脆梨,让你与愁烦永远分离;送你一个可口橙,愿你事业功成名就;送你一道甜蜜祝福,祝你一生平平安安,快快乐乐,幸幸福福! Christmas Eve has arrived, I will send you a sweet apple to ensure your lifelong health and safety; Send you a fragrant and crispy pear, to separate you from worries forever; Send you a delicious orange, wishing you success and fame in your career; I send you a sweet blessing, wishing you a peaceful and joyful life, with happiness and happiness!



17、平安夜要的是团圆,送你一桌美酒宴,请你全家开怀畅饮。圣诞夜想的是平安,为你祈祷吉祥如意,愿你一生幸福绵长。平安夜快乐! On Christmas Eve, what we want is reunion. We will give you a table of delicious wine and feast, and invite your whole family to drink happily. Christmas Eve is about peace, I pray for good luck and wish you a long and happy life. Happy Christmas Eve!

18、平安夜,请你吃苹果,吃个青苹果,祝你青春永驻,永不老!吃个黄苹果,祝你飞黄腾达,事业高!吃个红苹果,祝你红红火火,生活好! Christmas Eve, please eat an apple, have a green apple, wish you eternal youth and never grow old! Eat a yellow apple, wish you success and high career! Eat a red apple, wish you a bright and prosperous life!

19、又岁末,平安夜,平安夜里平安雪。晶莹雪,片片白,千树万树雪花开。花千树,圣诞树,平安夜里送祝福。送祝福,祝平安,最是浪漫雪满天。祝平安夜平安,祝平安夜快乐! At the end of the year, on Christmas Eve, it snows peacefully. Crystal snow, patches of white, thousands of trees and snowflakes blooming. Flowers and trees, Christmas trees, send blessings on Christmas Eve. Send blessings, wish you peace, and the most romantic is the snow covered sky. Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas Eve!

20、我愿化作圣诞树上的铃铛,为你送上温馨的旋律;我愿化作圣诞帽上的雪花,为你送上欢乐的歌谣;我愿化作平安夜回荡的钟声,为你送上甜蜜的祝福,平安夜,平平安安每一天,健健康康每一年。 I am willing to turn into a bell on the Christmas tree and send you a warm melody; I am willing to turn into snowflakes on my Christmas hat and send you joyful songs; I am willing to turn into the echoing bell of Christmas Eve, sending you sweet blessings. Christmas Eve, peaceful and safe every day, healthy and healthy every year.

21、今夜星光灿烂,颗颗都是心愿;圣树缀满果实,摘你幸福一串;钟声荡涤旧年,喜迎祥瑞平安;纵有雪花纷乱,片片温馨浪漫;平安夜里惦念,愿你美梦都圆! Tonight the stars shine brightly, each one is a wish; The holy tree is adorned with fruits, picking a string of your happiness; The sound of bells cleanses the old years, welcoming good luck and peace; Despite the chaotic snowflakes, warm and romantic patches; Thinking about Christmas Eve, may your dreams come true!

22、不知你陪我度过了多少孤独的平安夜,当别人合家欢乐的时候,我们还在拼命地工作。可爱的鹿儿,祝你一生平安,让我们的工作再创佳绩 I dont know how many lonely Christmas Eve you have accompanied me through. While others were having fun together, we were still working hard. Cute deer, may you have a safe life and achieve new success in our work

23、白雪儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜快来到!舞姿儿摆摆,心愿儿翱翔,快乐的圣诞多美好!短信悄悄,祝福早早,愿你圣诞开心乐陶陶! The white snow is drifting, the deer bells are ringing, and the sweet Christmas Eve is coming! Dance gracefully, wish to soar, what a wonderful Christmas! SMS quietly, wishing you a happy and early Christmas!

24、将满天的星斗变为平安夜的彩灯为你照明;将天上的云彩变为祥云飘到你的天空;将所有的祝福变为短信传递给你,祝你平安夜快乐,祝你的一生平平安安。 Transform the starry sky into Christmas Eve lights to illuminate you; Transform the clouds in the sky into auspicious clouds and float them into your sky; Turn all your blessings into text messages and send them to you. Wishing you a happy Christmas Eve and a peaceful life.

25、这个节日里,大家可以像孩子般,尽情地玩耍,过一个狂欢平安夜;尽情地嬉戏,过一个浪漫圣诞节。不过狂欢浪漫的同时,别忘了送祝福哦! In this festival, everyone can play like children and have a joyful Christmas Eve; Play to your hearts content and celebrate a romantic Christmas. But while indulging in romance, dont forget to send your blessings!








33、你听,平安夜的钟声即将叮当敲响;你看,圣诞老人已经架着马车准备出发;我也幸运地搭上这一趟早班车,带着小小的祝福,给你传达节日的讯息,争取第一个祝你圣诞快乐! Listen, the bell of Christmas Eve is about to jingle; You see, Santa Claus is already in a carriage ready to depart; I am also fortunate enough to catch this early bus, carrying a small wish to convey the holiday message to you and strive to be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!




37、圣诞节庆圣诞,平安夜送平安。圣诞老人载马车,礼物祝福一起临。祝你圣诞快乐,合家幸福,财源滚滚,好运连连,健康安泰,美好未来! Celebrate Christmas and send peace on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus carries a carriage, and gifts and blessings come together. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, a happy family, abundant wealth, good luck, good health, and a bright future!



40、过完吉祥平安夜,迎来喜庆圣诞节。欢欢喜喜来庆祝,忧愁烦恼皆忘却。圣诞老人送礼物,福禄寿喜都不缺。圣诞钟声传福音:祝你天天都喜悦! After an auspicious Christmas Eve, welcome a joyful Christmas. Celebrate with joy and joy, forget all worries and troubles. Santa Claus gives gifts that are full of blessings, blessings, longevity, and joy. Christmas bells preach the gospel: Wishing you joy every day!

41、平安夜,苹果香,平安夜里祝福长;送快乐,送吉祥,年年岁岁都健康;欢笑迎,钟声扬,给你问候好运旺;好日子,幸福淌,祝你开心更安康! Christmas Eve, with the fragrance of apples, wishes long on Christmas Eve; Send happiness, send good luck, and be healthy every year; Smile and welcome, the bell rings, greeting you with good luck; Good day, happiness flows, I wish you happiness and health!

42、唱一支平安歌给你,每一个音符听来平淡无奇,但令人安神。写一封平安信给你,每一个字符看来平平常常,但使人安心。平安夜,愿你一生平安。 Sing a song of peace for you, every note may sound dull but soothing. Write a peace of mind letter to you, each character may seem ordinary but reassuring. Christmas Eve, may you have peace throughout your life.

43、我把沙漏倒转过来,过去就变成未来。愿时光为你定格,永远停在快乐的那一刻。平安夜,祈愿你一生平平安安,日子过得幸福美满! I turn the hourglass upside down, and the past becomes the future. May time freeze for you, forever stopping at that happy moment. On Christmas Eve, may you live a peaceful and happy life!



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