【#句子# #祝考生考试成功的英语句子64句#】书山有路,勤为径,寒窗十年,只看今朝。平常心态,超常发挥。落笔生花,如有神助。睡眠充足,精力充沛。金榜题名,舍你其谁!高考将至,送上祝福,满怀你的佳音!以下是小编帮大家整理的英语的高考祝福语,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。
1、高考着实是一种丰收,它包蕴着太多的。无论高考成绩如何,你的成长与成熟是任何人无法改变的事实,这三年的辛勤走过,你获得的太多太多。总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。 The college entrance examination is truly a harvest, it contains too much. No matter how your college entrance examination scores are, your growth and maturity are an unchangeable fact for anyone. Through these three years of hard work, you have gained too much. Those who always want to win must lose, and those who are not afraid of losing must win.
2、人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。 Life is not a rehearsal, every day live.
3、努力就能成功,坚持确保胜利。 Hard work will lead to success, and persistence will ensure success.
5、高考日,祝莘莘学子,门门考试,门门红! On the day of the college entrance examination, I wish all the students a bright future!
7、没有工作简直受不了,工作使一切美化,思想能创造新的生命。 Without work, we can hardly stand it. Work beautifies everything and ideas create new life.
8、自己打败自己的远远多于比别人打败的。 They defeat themselves far more than others.
9、高考完,我们各奔东西,虽然又长大了,但是再也没有了你,没有了那一群人。祝高考顺利! After the college entrance examination, we went our separate ways. Although we grew up again, we no longer had you, that group of people. Wishing the college entrance examination a smooth journey!
12、努力过的青春,再怎么也差不了。 The youth that has worked hard can never be worse.
13、蓄建瓴之势,闻鸡起舞,明岁金秋扬眉时。 Build the potential of Hillhouse, smell the chicken and dance, when the eyebrows are raised in the golden autumn of the next year.
14、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 A few minutes more preparation last night and a few hours less trouble today.
15、困难像弹簧,看你强不强,你强他就弱,你弱他就强。 Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, you will be weak. If you are weak, you will be strong.
18、高考在即,期望所有的高考学子们:轻简单松进场!仔仔细细答题!认认真真检查!潇潇洒洒交卷!请相信:只要付出了辛勤的劳动,总会有丰硕的收获! The college entrance examination is approaching, and we hope that all college entrance exam students can easily enter! Answer the question carefully! Seriously check! Xiaoxiao, hand in the exam freely! Please believe that as long as you put in hard work, there will always be fruitful results!
20、多一份沉着,沉着方能应对考试中的意外。多一份冷静,冷静方能将难题由难变易。多一份乐观,乐观才能使自己把握好考试的状态。高考即将到来,愿你潇洒去考场,欢心离考场,考出好成绩! An extra level of composure is necessary to deal with unexpected situations during exams. More calmness, calmness is the key to turning difficult problems into easier ones. Having more optimism is the key to mastering the state of the exam. The college entrance examination is coming soon. May you go to the examination room freely, leave the examination room with joy, and achieve good results!
22、五洲四海任我游,三堂二课皆用功,一生前程始于此。祝愿你高考成功! I have traveled to all corners of the world, studying hard in three classes and two lessons, and my lifes journey begins here. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!
27、当你跌到谷底时,那正表示,你只能往上,不能往下! When you fall to the bottom, that means you can only go up, not down!
31、我们相信,你们会用你们的行动,书写自己的辉煌! We believe that you will use your actions to write your own glory!
34、志存高远,扎实奋战,永不言累,定要成功! With lofty aspirations, we will fight solidly and never say we are tired. We will succeed!
35、苦海有涯。而学无涯,志者战高考,惰者畏高考。 The bitter sea has its limits. But learning is boundless, those who aspire to take the college entrance examination, while those who are lazy fear it.
36、不拼不博一生白活,不苦不累高三无味! No hard work, no Bo life, no pain, no tiredness, no taste!
37、高考的心态:悲观的看待成功,乐观的看待失败。人生路上波折多,谁也预料不到会发生什么。保持良好的心态,轻松的对待,成功之门便会为你打开。 Attitude towards the college entrance examination: pessimistic view of success, optimistic view of failure. There are many twists and turns on the road of life, and no one can predict what will happen. Maintain a positive attitude and approach it with ease, and the door to success will open for you.
38、挥洒今朝汗水、创造明日辉煌。 Sweat today and create tomorrow.
40、你有多努力,就有多幸运。 How ever you may work hard, you will have much luck.
43、试试就能行,争争就能赢。 Try can line, the struggle was going to win it.
44、有志者立长志,无志者常立志。 Those who have ambition always make up their minds, but those who have no ambition always make up their minds.
46、放平心态应战,仔细认真答题,保持自信满满,维持良好心态,保证充足睡眠,定能旗开得胜,全国高考日,愿你超能发挥,金榜题名,走向自己梦想的大学! With a calm mindset, answer questions carefully and seriously, maintain confidence, maintain a good mindset, ensure sufficient sleep, and be sure to succeed. On National College Entrance Examination Day, may you perform exceptionally well, achieve the top spot on the list, and move towards your dream university!
47、高考临近,负担减轻,调整心态,发挥水平,放松心情,挑战必赢,十年付出,回报自己!祝福你高考正常发挥,不求名利不争高低,顺利考入理想大学,加油! As the college entrance examination approaches, the burden will be reduced. Adjust your mindset, improve your skills, relax your mood, challenge and win. After ten years of hard work, repay yourself! Wishing you a normal performance in the college entrance examination, not striving for fame and fortune, and successfully entering your ideal university. Cheer up!
49、优秀的人在努力生活,平凡的人在蹉跎岁月。 Excellent people live hard while ordinary people waste their time.
50、祝愿考生都能考出理想的成绩,进入自己理想的大学。 Wish examinee can test out ideal result, enter oneself ideal university.
53、同窗三年,漫长短暂,风雨兼程,肩并作战,衷心地祝福你,亲爱的学友,在今年的高考中,“一举夺魁”、“金榜题名”,考入心中理想的大学! Three years of studying in the same school, long and short, with both trials and tribulations, we fight shoulder to shoulder. We sincerely wish you all the best, dear fellow students. In this years college entrance examination, you will "win the championship" and "win the gold medal", and be admitted to your ideal university!
55、我自信,我出色:我拼搏,我成功! I am confident, I am excellent: I fight, I succeed!
56、辛勤耕作十二载,知识田里成果现。考场之上奋笔书,难易题目都做完。开开心心出考场,笑容满面捷报传。亲朋好友都开颜,祝贺声声赞誉传。祝你高考旗开得胜! After twelve years of hard work, achievements have been made in the knowledge field. On the exam floor, I diligently wrote and completed all the difficult and easy questions. Happy to leave the exam room, with a smile on his face and good news spreading. Family and friends are all smiling, and congratulations and praise are spreading. Wishing you a successful start in the college entrance examination!
57、没有什么可惜不可惜,只有现在有没有努力! There is no regret, only now there is no effort!
58、观念决定思路,思路决定出路。 The idea decides the idea and the way of thinking decides the way out.
59、失败的是事,绝不应是人。 Failure is a thing, never should be a man.
60、每个不满意的现在,都有个不努力的曾经。 Each not satisfied with the present, there is no effort to have.
61、read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life. 点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍。
62、贵的“复仇”是宽恕对方。 The most noble of the "revenge" is to forgive each other.
63、十年苦读,一朝决胜负换来笑逐颜开。数载艰辛,六月定乾坤赢得似锦前程。相信自己是最棒的,高考加油! Ten years of hard study, one decisive victory or defeat brings a smile on ones face. After years of hardships, in June, the world was determined and a bright future was won. Believe in yourself to be the best, go for the college entrance exam!
64、书海搏击数十载,今朝考场显英豪。气定神闲来答题,才思泉涌智慧高。大笔挥就锦绣文,难题纷纷都溃逃。自信万千出考场,蟾宫折桂正美好。全国高考日,愿你胜利归来。 With decades of fighting in the sea of books, todays examination halls show great prowess. Quiet and composed to answer questions, only then can one think of a spring of wisdom. Spending a large amount of splendid literature, all the difficulties fled one after another. Confidence comes out of the exam room, and the toad palace is full of beauty. On National College Entrance Examination Day, may you return victorious.