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2024-08-30 14:16:34 哈利波特圣诞节语录

【#句子# #哈利波特圣诞节语录(精选57句)#】每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。下面是小编精心整理的哈利波特英文经典语录(精选57句),希望大家能够喜欢。(点击对应目录可以直接查阅句子内容哦!)


2、铃儿响,祝福忙,圣诞树下许愿望;吉祥到,袜子装,好运连连美荡漾;炉火旺,歌声扬,祈祷平安齐欢畅。祝您圣诞快乐! Bells ringing, blessings busy, making wishes under the Christmas tree; Auspicious arrival, wearing socks, good luck ripples with beauty; The fire is burning, the singing is singing, praying for peace and joy. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

3、该来得总会来,来了我们必须接受。 Whatwould come,and he would have to meet it when it did。

4、还有更重要的东西,那就是友谊和勇气。 There are more important things.Friendship and bravery.



7、葡萄晒过太阳就变成了红色的葡萄酒,苹果晒过太阳就变成了红色的苹果醋,我的祝福晒过太阳就变成了一颗红色的心,今天圣诞节,祝你幸福,祝你快乐。 Grapes turn red wine when exposed to the sun, apples turn red apple cider vinegar when exposed to the sun, and my blessings turn a red heart when exposed to the sun. Today, Christmas, I wish you happiness and happiness.

8、妈妈织的毛衣,好像你也有一件。 Oh,my mum made it ,looks like you’ve got one too.

9、霍格沃兹正值危急时刻,守住边界,保卫我们,为学校尽你们的义务。 Hogwarts is threatened. Man the boundaries. Protect us. Do your duty to our school.


11、Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more, believing in yourself. ——Dumbledore 努力很重要,然而更重要的是:相信自己。——邓布利多

12、哈利,每天都有人消失,能信任的人太少了。 People are disappearing, Harry, daily. We place our trust in a handful of people.

13、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter? 彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人,对不对,波特?


15、漫天洁白的雪花洋洋洒洒,那是草本盐的精华。我要用它保护好口腔健康,清新快乐的说出对你的祝福:圣诞快乐! The white snowflakes are the essence of herbal salt. I want to use it to protect my oral health and express my blessings to you in a fresh and happy way: Merry Christmas!






21、“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” —Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 只有团结我们才能强大,分裂只会让我们越来越弱。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

22、 This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever. 被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。


24、神说:幸福是有一颗感恩的心,健康的身体,称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友你会拥有这一切!祝圣诞快乐! God says: Happiness is having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, someone who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. You will have all of these things! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


26、雪儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜快来到!舞姿儿摆摆,心愿儿翱翔,快乐的圣诞多美好!短信悄悄,祝福早早,愿你圣诞开心乐陶陶! The snow is drifting, the deer bells are ringing, and the sweet Christmas Eve is coming! Dance gracefully, wish to soar, what a wonderful Christmas! SMS quietly, wishing you a happy and early Christmas!



29、树林不在,小河不在,我也不再是那个我,也许我们就该待在这,哈利,慢慢老去。 Not the trees. Not the river. Not even me. Maybe We should just stay here, Harry. Grow old.

30、圣诞节快到了,是在等圣诞老人神秘礼物?还是等待享受节日狂欢的那种祥和氛围呢?如这样,还不如来点实际的,接受我的短信祝福:圣诞快乐,幸福安康! Christmas is approaching, are you waiting for the mysterious gift from Santa Claus? Or wait for the peaceful atmosphere of enjoying the festive carnival? If thats the case, why not be practical and accept my SMS wishes: Merry Christmas, happy and healthy!




34、温馨的灯火,勾勒美好的画卷;醇香的美酒,勾兑甜蜜的时刻;吉祥的雪花,凭添浪漫的元素;璀璨的烟火,绽放多情的色彩;平安的钟声,敲响生命的新生;欢快的歌谣,唱出心中的喜悦;真挚的祝福,则传递无限的深情。朋友,圣诞快乐! Warm lights, outlining a beautiful picture; A mellow and fragrant wine, blending sweet moments; Auspicious snowflakes add romantic elements; Radiant fireworks, blooming with passionate colors; The sound of peace bells rings the new life; Joyful songs sing out the joy in the heart; Sincere blessings convey infinite affection. Friend, Merry Christmas!

35、时间真是神秘,有无穷的力量,乱加干涉又很危险。 Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous .

36、告诉他们那晚发生了什么,告诉他们你是怎样看着他的眼睛杀死了那位完全信任你的长者。 Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye. A man who trusted you and killed him.

37、That suggests that what you fear most of all... is fear itself. ——Remus Lupin 你最恐惧的其实是恐惧本身。——莱姆斯卢平

38、被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。 This was a man deeply loved,despite the love our people have died,also left us with a protective shield Forever。





43、与史上最邪恶的魔头作对有什么好处?就是为了拯救无辜的生命!死了总比背叛朋友强! What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?Only innocent lives!Died rather than betray your friends!

44、生活是甜点,烛光是浪漫,岁月是信笺,火是温暖,雪花是贺卡,歌声是祝愿,轻风是拥抱,明月是思念,平安是使者,快乐是礼物。提前祝你:圣诞节快乐! Life is a dessert, candlelight is romance, time is a letter, fire is warmth, snowflakes are greeting cards, singing is wishes, light wind is embrace, bright moon is longing, peace is an envoy, and happiness is a gift. Wishing you a Merry Christmas in advance!

45、就算他有邪恶的念头也隐藏的很深。 If the monster existed it was buried deep within.

46、收集圣诞节的好运,复制圣诞节的快乐,粘贴圣诞节的温馨,删除圣诞节的烦恼,锁定圣诞节的健康,搜索圣诞节的吉祥,转发圣诞节的祝福,收藏圣诞节的幸福,祝你圣诞快乐! Collect the good luck of Christmas, copy the happiness of Christmas, paste the warmth of Christmas, the troubles of Christmas, lock in the health of Christmas, search for the auspiciousness of Christmas, forward the blessings of Christmas, collect the happiness of Christmas, and wish you a happy Christmas!

47、平安夜,要平安,平平安安过圣诞;驯鹿跑,鹿铃敲,快快乐乐烦恼抛;钟声鸣,笑脸迎,合家欢乐万事兴;雪花飘,心情好,愿您圣诞乐陶陶! On Christmas Eve, be safe and celebrate Christmas safely; Reindeer run, deer bells ring, happy and carefree to throw away troubles; The sound of bells, smiling faces welcoming, the whole family is happy and everything is thriving; Snowflakes drifting, in a good mood, may you have a Merry Christmas!


49、 “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 冷漠与忽视往往比直截了当的不喜欢带来更大的伤害。 ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

50、当雪花飘飞的时候,当烛光点亮的时候,当圣诞来临的时候,当我的祝福送到的时候,你是不是在幸福的微笑。祝你圣诞节快乐,一切安好! When snowflakes fly, when candles light up, when Christmas arrives, when my blessings arrive, are you smiling happily. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the best!


52、一抹夕阳染霞光,夜幕降,华灯上,白雪镶青松,欢声嵌盛装,西洋为中用,说是时尚,已不时尚,圣诞老人揭皇榜,也曾高中状元郎,谨祝诸君圣诞乐! A touch of sunset dyed the glow, as night fell. On the lanterns, white snow was inlaid with pine trees, and joyful voices were inlaid with costumes. The West was used in China, which is considered fashionable, but it is no longer fashionable. Santa Claus has unveiled the emperors list and once became the top scorer in high school. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

53、大难不死的男孩,你的传奇是谎言堆砌的,哈利。 The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry.

54、不是很大,但总是个家。 It"s not much,but it"s home。

55、你一定是最年轻的魁地奇选手。 You must be the youngest Quidditch player.

56、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle. 只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。 ——邓不利多

57、The teuth,It is a beautiful and terrible thing,and should therefore be treated with great caution. ——Dumbledore 真相,这是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。 ——邓布利多



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