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2024-08-21 13:43:18 祝你生日快乐英文句子

【#句子# #祝你生日快乐英文句子(精选40句)#】1、给昨天的自己补上一句生日快乐!默默许个愿! Happy Birthday to Yesterday! Accept a wish!

2、愿往后的日子里都是阳光,所有的美好和温暖都如约而至。 May the days ahead be sunny, and all the good and warm will come as promised.

3、金年见,明年重见,春色如人面。 See you in the golden year, see you again next year.

4、流水今日,明月前身,不念不惧,永葆天真。 Water today, the predecessor of the moon, do not read not fear, always keep naive.

5、爱自己,更要爱尊严和骨气。 Love yourself, but also love dignity and backbone.

6、人生有多残酷,你就该有多坚强。 How cruel life is, how strong you should be.

7、这一岁,要遇见生命里最美妙的光。 This year, to meet the most wonderful light in life.

8、希望我下个生日,会有一个爱我并我爱的男朋友。 I hope my next birthday will have a boyfriend who loves me and I love.

9、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。祝自己生日快乐! Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light. Happy birthday to myself!

10、此去期程知远近,山河有尽情无尽。 This is a long way to go. There are endless mountains and rivers.

11、祝亲朋好友,身体健康,万事如意。 I wish you good health and good luck.

12、又一次回到原点,我希望自己永远是个小仙女! Once again, I hope I will always be a fairy!

13、希望以后的日子里,眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡。 Hope in the future days, the eyes are sunny, smile is magnanimous.

14、祝你永远开心快乐,健康幸福!生日快乐! I wish you happiness, health and happiness forever! Happy birthday!

15、别的不重要,最重要的是要用心,用心祝自己生日快乐! The other is not important. The most important thing is to wish you a happy birthday with your heart.

16、生日快乐祝自己!希望自己越来越好!所有的理想如约而至! Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All ideals come as promised!

17、给我生日祝福的人那么多,却偏偏少了我最想要的一个人的祝福。 There are so many people who wish me a birthday, but they are less blessed by the one I want most.

18、被时光偷走了的岁月,我收获了成长,继续发光哦。 Stolen by the time of the years, I harvest growth, continue to shine oh.

19、你过于敏感,且过于善良,而过于善良的人,最后都会吃亏。 You are too sensitive and kind, and those who are too kind will suffer in the end.

20、祝自己生日快乐!希望无论遇到什么事情都要很好的去面对! Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens, we should face it well!

21、你是会发光的星球,是我内心的骄傲和挚爱。 You are a shining planet, the pride and love of my heart.

22、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。 Forever young, always tearful.

23、生日快乐,又老了一岁,感谢给我过生日的朋友们。 Happy birthday and one year older. Thank you for your birthday friends.

24、他们都祝你生日快乐,我祝你永远有我。 They all wish you a happy birthday and I wish you always have me.

25、岁月从不败美人!送上祝福,生日快乐! Time never defeats beauty! Happy birthday to you!

26、生日快乐,愿以后的你多一点小幸运。 Happy birthday, wish you a little more luck in the future.

27、每一个平凡的日子都有小小的幸福冒出,祝自己生日快乐! Every ordinary day has a little happiness, wish yourself a happy birthday!

28、我忘了我自己的生日,却忘不了你的生日。 I forget my own birthday, but not your own.

29、有生之年,边拥有边清零,感谢你们一直在我身边。 In my lifetime, I will clear everything while I have it. Thank you for being by my side all the time.

30、再坎坷的路,也会走出一路辉煌。 No matter how rough the road is, it will be brilliant all the way.

31、想要你和我一辈子,祝自己生日快乐。 I want to wish you and me a happy birthday all my life.

32、愿自己以梦为马,随处可栖。梦在远方,路在脚下。 I wish I could be a horse in my dream. Dream in the distance, road in the foot.

33、愿活的洒脱,不争不抢。 Willing to live free and easy, do not fight not rob.

34、要长大,要乖,要不负众望,祝自己生日快乐! To grow up, to be good, to live up to expectations, happy birthday!

35、愿你所爱之人,挚爱你一人。 May those you love love love you dearly.

36、一个属于自己的日子,属于妈妈的日子,快乐,又心痛。 A day of my own, a day of my mother, happy and heartbreaking.

37、今天是个好日子,甜蜜的笑容围绕你。 Today is a good day, sweet smile around you.

38、祝福你的人生永远灿烂,这是真心的祈祷。 Wish you a bright life forever. This is a sincere prayer.

39、希望明年的今天,我还能陪你过生日。 I hope I can spend your birthday with you today next year.

40、希望以前的不愉快,都是以后惊喜的铺垫。 I hope the previous unhappiness is the foreshadowing of surprise in the future.


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