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2024-08-16 16:36:49 哈利波特英文台词

【#句子# #哈利波特英文台词通用11句#】1、I used to be as fragile and sensitive as you.我曾经和你一样,脆弱而敏感。——《疯狂动物城》

2、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.

3、In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to piecesaround us, I love you.

4、Dont hate your enemy, it will affect your judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力。——《教父》

5、Anyway, as long as you are by my side, I dont need heaven.无论怎么样,只要你在身旁,我就不需要天堂。——《暮光之城》

6、Greed,for lack of a better word,is good.没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。《华尔街》

7、Your future depends on your dreams. So go tosleep.

8、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。——《欲望号街车》

9、Made it,Ma!Top of the world!好好去做吧,站在世界之巅!《歼匪喋血战》

10、I think its hard winning a war with words.我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。——《乱世佳人》

11、You cant change the past.



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