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2024-06-18 14:34:48 结婚英语句子

【#句子# #结婚英语句子(集锦19句)#】1、Happy people wear wedding dresses, love opens flowers at the moment.

2、wish to two happy people for a future of dreams coming true, Congratulations!

3、May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together

4、the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.

5、a happy wealthy couple

6、May lovers in the world get married, and they are destined to be happy. Wedding anniversary! A harmonious union lasting a hundred years!

7、Congratulations to the teacher for finding a lifelong partner. I wish theteacher a sunny day.

8、Best wishes to you both and wish you a lifetime of happiness.

9、you are made for each other

10、show no mercy to wicked traitors.

11、destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

12、Congratulations to you both and may you always stay as happy and as much in love as on your wedding day.

13、May the joy you share on your wedding day Be the kind you'll share all along life's way.愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。

14、Congratulations on your marriage!

15、Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two be in loveforever and grow old together!

16、He must be extra special,because he is marrying a lovely girl

17、wish you all the same.

18、hope you can write your love legend with love and trust aftermarriage.

19、Today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here


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