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2024-05-31 16:25:13 英语祝愿关系句子

【#句子# #英语祝愿关系句子37句#】人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。关于关于友情的唯美句子英语相关内容,大家来阅读参考一下吧!

1、Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy.

2、When the whole world is about to rain, let’s make it clear in our heart together.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。



5、Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。


7、Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.时间在流逝,生命中人来人往。不要错失机会,告诉他们在你生命中的意义。

8、Cut it out.省省吧。

9、The kiss of life is a love poem.吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

10、I'm glad I kept my fingers crossed.我很高兴一直都这么幸运。

11、A friend is never known till a man has need.

12、I'm really in a bind.我左右为难。

13、A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.

14、I lied when I said I didn’t like you. I lied when I said I didn’t care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.我说不爱你,那是假话;我说不在乎,那是假话;我告诉自己对你再不会有感觉了,那也是假话。


16、When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.


18、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

19、Dream is like underwear.Although you have it,you can not show it to everyone you meet.

20、It slipped my mind.我忘了

21、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.

22、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.


24、The information I've collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be leuseful than most people think.从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。

25、It’s better to be alone than to be with someone you’re not happy to be with.宁愿一个人呆着,(经典语句www.lzcn)也不要跟不合拍的人呆一块。

26、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.

27、Buried city, to shut all lights.



30、Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.

31、Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better.


33、That's always the case.习以为常了

34、My treat.我请客。

35、No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.不管你有多痛苦,这个世界都不会为你停止转动。太阳依旧照样升起。


37、Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。


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