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2024-04-03 17:54:02 结婚英文短句子

【#句子# #2024结婚英文短句子(精华95句)#】1、你不要太难过,因为我一直都在。你不会太寂寞,因为我不曾离开。


3、In give me a little courage,let my tears can flow down.在给我一点勇气,让我的眼泪可以流下去。


5、hundred years of love and a thousand miles of marriage.


7、Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!祝福一对新人真心相爱,相约永久!恭贺新婚之禧!


9、For a special couple: Congratulations on your wedding. 献给一对与众不同的新人:祝新婚快乐。

10、destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

11、Love for ever!

12、I wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time!

13、Happy wedding! 新婚快乐。

14、I am filled with such joy at the sight of you two beginning together. 看见你俩开始生活在一起,我内心充满了欢愉。

15、A heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻。

16、Wish you a happy wedding, happiness, passion, said of a couple!

17、a happy wealthy couple

18、Wish you two always be in love, grow old together!

19、happy wealthy couple

20、Wishing you many years of joy and happiness. 祝你有用永远的欢乐和幸福。



23、Zhulianbihe bridal chamber is warm in spring, full moon and deep love forfish and water.

24、Have a sweet honeymoon!


26、I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!我只想衷心的祝福你们,新婚愉快,相亲相爱幸福永远!

27、Best wishes for a joyful home together.

28、I wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time!祝你敲开幸福之门的时候,把这份幸福长久的`保持下去!


30、God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing.愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。


32、You two are a perfect match. Heres wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

33、perfect matchHere's wishing you both a life time of happiness

34、Happy wedding!

35、Happy marriage, honey! have a lovely baby early!

36、The bride looks like an immortal, the world is doomed to a good marriage; parents at home, good coaches, should respect the old and teach the young.

37、The price of wisdom is beyond rubies.

38、wish you love each other forever and live a beautiful life hand inhand!

39、I love you more each day as time goes by.随着时间的流失我一天比一天更爱你。

40、Wish you a happy wedding, happiness, passion, said of a couple!祝福你们新婚愉快,幸福美满,激情永在,白头偕老!

41、Youre the luckiest guy in the world.你是世界上最幸运的人儿。

42、you are made for each other

43、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。


45、Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.婚姻就像迷宫,盖婚姻的人自己就已经先迷路了。

46、Congratulations on your marriage!


48、May you love and thrift your family.

49、The bride holds the tea hand Chun Chun, Liang Shi Ji day to get married.

50、I wish you both love and grow old together!



53、I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!

54、the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.


56、Congratulations and have a beautiful honeymoon. 恭喜你们,祝你们有个美好的蜜月。

57、Good things, good dreams, happy family, double swallow fly together!

58、Wishing you were enenaiai, Benedict Italian love eternal love, life, love grow with each passing day!愿你俩恩恩爱爱,意笃情深,此生爱情永恒,爱心与日俱增!


60、Everything was good后来一切都好。


62、May lovers in the world get married, and they are destined to be happy. Wedding anniversary! A harmonious union lasting a hundred years!


64、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

65、There is no ban on eating ancient tea. Congratulations to the couple.




69、Love for ever! 祝永远想爱。

70、I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!

71、Happy people wear wedding dresses, love opens flowers at the moment.

72、Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.


74、You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter!

75、Has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman,

76、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

77、May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together

78、The German Is All Feeling, All Faustian Strivng.那德国人爱感情用事,爱象浮士德那样不断地追求。

79、Today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here

80、Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!


82、You are in my heart forever more than him,forever and ever.你在我心里永远比不上他,永远永远。

83、We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of my best friend, Boband his wonderful bride, Mary. 今天我们在一起庆祝我最好的朋友鲍伯和他的美新娘玛莉的婚礼。


85、Love each other and happiness will last forever. Your love is deeper thanthe sea.

86、show no mercy to wicked traitors.

87、In this day of warm spring and blooming flowers, the two of you will alwaysget together, which is the so-called "a couple born in heaven and a pair born inearth"!

88、May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind youll share all along lifes way?


90、I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!


92、righteous man may have many troubles.

93、Wedding bells are breaking up that gang of mine. 结婚的钟声响起,拆散了我昔日的那一群伙伴。

94、Who's who of the hook, and who is who of redemption.谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。




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