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2024-03-22 08:57:04

【#句子# #甜蜜的英文短句200句#】I'm skipping dinner, but for a midnight snack, I'm having a milk shake.(我不吃晚饭了,但是夜宵的话我想喝点奶~~很多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,你也许需要"甜蜜的英文短句200句"这样的内容,请在阅读后,可以继续收藏本页!


1、Goodness me, no!(天啊,不!)

2、shouted as loud as I could.(我声嘶力竭地喊着。)

3、He sank deeper into depression.(他越来越消沉。)

4、I'm good at French.(我的法语很好。)

5、As for London, in the Victorian period, it had problems with its air.(至于伦敦,在维多利亚时期,它的空气有问题。)

6、The wind rippled the wheat in the fields.(田野上的麦浪在风中起伏。)

7、He raised one arm and then the other.(他先举起一只手,然后举起另一只。)

8、He was a loner by nature and by inclination.(他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。)


10、might not have particularly remembered this but for a similar thing which happened on another occasion.(要不是同样的事在别的场合发生过,我可能不会特别记住这件事。)

11、They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children.(他们为成年人准备了酒,为孩子们准备了汽水。)

12、Let's blow this joint.(咱们马上离开这家酒吧。)

13、The room was small but adequate.(房间虽小但够用。)

14、Zero compromise towards safety

15、That was a game and a half!(那场比赛真棒!)

16、He took a needle and thread and sewed it up.(他取来一根针和线并把它缝起来。)

17、If it doesn't fit, you can always take it back.(要是它不合适,你总还可以把它退回去嘛。)

18、把消费限制在生态圈可以承受的范围内(The consumption restriction in ecosystems can withstand range

19、Such arguments are not easily countered.(这种论点不易反驳。)



21、Mastered by his better self he would have returned reluctantly up the tree, but for one thing.(如果不是因为他可以更好的掌握自己,他会不情愿地回到树上,但有一件事是肯定的。)

22、Love begin with a smile, grow with a kiss, and end with tears.

23、The price depends on the intricacy of the work.(价格取决于工艺的精细程度。)

24、He felt light-headed, as if he'd sniffed glue.(他觉得头晕,好像吸了胶毒一样。)

25、He was fully clothed and covered in puke and piss.(他全身都沾满了呕吐物和尿。)

26、The autumn rain goes on and on.(秋雨绵绵。)

27、They were indignant that they hadn't been invited.(他们因没有受到邀请而愤愤不平。)


29、He's hypnotized by that black hair and that white face.(他被那乌黑的头发和白皙的脸庞迷住了。)

30、brilliant candlelight, suisui birthday happy, lucky you, tomorrow will be better!

31、hold a lead a happy-go-lucky life idea, not swim out memories were put doesn't open hand.

32、i comfort myself like this: although i am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, i can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind. 我安慰自己,虽然在最底最底的位置,看不到花儿绽放是的艳丽,然而却总不会错过花瓣飘落时在风中悠扬飞舞的浪漫。

33、It was law or classics – I mean English or classics.(那是法律或者古典文学–我是说,英语或者古典文学。)

34、It is my duty to report it to the police.(把这事报告给警方是我的责任。)

35、one is disputing that there is a problem.(没有人否认现在存在着问题。)

36、拯救地球,一起动手 (Save the earth together

37、Men, women and children were slaughtered and villages destroyed.(村庄被毁,男人、女人和儿童惨遭杀戮。)

38、Are you coming or not?(你来还是不来?)

39、Help was at hand.(援助近在咫尺。)





43、As for the Adams brothers, they said they would always be ready to help her.(至于亚当斯兄弟,他们说他们会随时准备帮助她。)

44、He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.(他先在地方综合学校然后在牛津大学接受教育。)

45、Years may faded memories faded, but not to our laughter all the way。 I wish you a happy New Year, but each anlene!

46、She dabbed iodine on the cuts on her forehead.(她在她额头的伤口处搽了碘酒。)

47、watched with interest.(我兴致勃勃地看着。)


49、But for Frank's Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-share program has been bad news.(但对于弗兰克在格兰德街开的这家小型自行车店来说,自行车共享计划是个坏消息。)

50、He spied for his government for more than ten years.(他做过十多年的政府间谍。)


52、They encourage an image of the region as an otherworldly sort of place.(他们想为这个地区营造出一个世外桃源的形象。)


54、They kept grumbling that they were cold.(他们不停地嘟囔着说冷。)



57、Safety is our goal what's yours


59、It's my birthday. As if you didn't know!(今天是我的生日。你好像不知道似的!)

60、Twisting, twisting his neck, and ass, do sports with me and shook his hand, shook the foot, early to bed and early to rise body good。



62、Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.(受害者们希望看到正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会更大的利益。)


64、They knew they had acted wrongly.(他们知道他们做得不对。)

65、If he doesn't want to be involved, then so be it.(要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。)

66、We must be well prepared, there must be no slips.(我们必须好好准备,一定不要有差错。)

67、Are men God's gift to women? Some of them think they are.(男人是上帝对女人的恩赐吗?有些男人认为他们是。)

68、It turned out she bought the same sweater as I did but for a much lower price.(结果她买了和我一样的毛衣,但价格要低得多。)


70、They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help.(他们应该就该学生是否需要更多帮助作决定。)


72、Are you OK?(你没事吧?)


74、I'm serious, things are difficult enough as they are.(我是认真的,事情照现在这样已经够困难的了。)

75、He made as if to speak.(他似乎要说点什么。)

76、They tiptoed upstairs so they wouldn't wake the baby.(他们踮着脚上楼,以免吵醒婴孩。)

77、Take water sky of the distance, think of exotic attractive scenery, sea gulls breeze to take along the greetings, and wish you good health!

78、整洁的现场,是安全的现场!A Clean Workplace is A Safe Workplace.

79、He bamboozled Mercer into defeat.(他蒙骗默瑟并击败了他。)

80、破坏环境,祸及千古,保护环境,功盖千秋(Destroy the environment,nor harmful reactive cover to protect the environment and fellowship



82、We emerged into bright sunlight.(我们来到明媚的阳光下。)

83、She showed no fear.(她毫无惧色。)

84、火可帮人,也可伤人!Fire is a Good Servant But a Bad Master!

85、The questions went on and on.(问题一个接着一个。)

86、Know safety - No injury, No safety - Know injury

87、The access codes may be another financial headache for students, but for textbook businesses, they're the future.(对学生来说,访问码可能是另一个财务难题,但对教科书行业来说,它们是未来的发展方向。)

88、It is language intended not to reveal but to conceal, not to communicate but to obfuscate.(用这种语言的意图不是公开而是隐瞒,不是解释而是混淆。)



91、At first I scoffed at the notion.(刚开始时我对那种想法嗤之以鼻。)

92、microwave is a good investment.(微波炉值得买。)

93、Busy life away just time to a friends care often leave the bottom of my heart, a salute a blessing, in this beautiful scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind of the day I wish you a happy weekend!

94、She frowned with concentration.(她全神贯注,紧锁双眉。)

95、Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.(那时候还没有把毒品看成严重问题。)



98、He's at law school.(他在读法学院。)

99、They were not sensibly dressed.(他们穿得不实用。)

100、The list goes on and on.(这样的例子不胜枚举。)


101、Working without safety is a dead end job

102、Whoever heard of such a thing!(究竟有谁听说过这种事!)

103、Look left (right) 向左(右)看。

104、You can be married and still be plenty lonely.(结了婚也可能非常孤寂。)

105、She tripped and fell last night and broke her hip.(她昨晚绊倒了,摔断了髋关节。)

106、don't be blue,

107、The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.(户外的空气阴沉、潮湿而闷热。)

108、'Be careful!' he yelled.(他大叫道:“当心!”)


110、Thousands of firms could go out of business.(数千家商号可能倒闭。)

111、"No, no, no," Morris said crossly.(“不,不,不,”莫里斯愤怒地说。)



114、He needed no prodding.(他不用督促。)

115、saw a girl riding a horse.(我看见一个骑着马的女孩。)

116、But for teachers, deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy.(但对于教师来说,决定如何教授专业英语并不总是那么容易。)

117、Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.(经常患这种过敏的人也患有哮喘。)

118、w then, that's enough noise.(好啦,这够吵了。)

119、Another aunt—this one elderly and a real lover of palm wine—went on and on about a family friend who married a Korean woman.(另一位伯母——这位年岁较大、真正的棕榈酒爱好者——不停地谈论着一位和韩国女人结婚的家族朋友。)

120、It is useless to speculate why he did it.(对他为什么这么做妄加猜测毫无用处。)


121、You can go if you want.(如果你想走就走吧。)

122、"It wasn't your fault, John."—"Whose, then?"(“这并非你的错,约翰。”—“那么,是谁的呢?”)

123、"We thought you'd emigrated."—"No, no."(“我们还以为你已经移民了呢。”—“不,没有。”)

124、was good at sums at school.(我上学时擅长算术。)



127、Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.(德国在1914年8月1日向法国宣战。)

128、"Ha!" It was a cross between a laugh and a bark.(“哈!”那是一种一半是笑一半是厉声喊叫的混杂声。)

129、As for the actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.(至于脸红的实际作用,研究人员仍在试图找出答案。)


131、Approved methods might include destruction of nests and eggs, and the trapping and destruction of geese.(得到正式认可的方法可能包括对巢和蛋的捣毁以及对鹅的捕杀。)

132、My hands are as cold as ice.(我双手冰冷。)

133、As for cherries, they are so delicious.(至于樱桃,它们太好吃了。)

134、As for pulling me out of the window, I only wish they COULD!(至于把我从窗里拉出去,我只希望他们能办到!)

135、Dear teacher, for twenty years, meet again today, you are old, head have more white hair, here I wish you longevity and health!

136、There were thousands of people there.(那里有成千上万的人。)

137、At the dinner table, my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandizing himself.(吃饭时我父亲总是不停地夸耀和吹嘘自己。)

138、keep water in the tap.keep the rule in mind


140、The students debated the aesthetic of the poems.(学生就这些诗的美感展开了辩论。)


141、Tie it with fabric bows that coordinate with other furnishings.(扎上和其他的饰品相配的布制蝴蝶结。)

142、As for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice.(至于费用,你可以征求你妈妈的意见。)


144、It looked as if she had forgotten how to breathe.(她看上去好像是忘了如何呼吸似的。)

145、Veteran you I thank month together, let me this life no longer lonely。 Because I know: you are my favorite, and Im your only!



148、There are many theories as to who masterminded the attacks.(关于谁策划了这些攻击,有许多的猜测。)


150、It really isn't half bad, is it?(这的确很不错,对吗?)


152、stood there dumbfounded.(我目瞪口呆的站在那儿。)

153、Sid broke into demented laughter.(席德突然狂笑起来。)


155、He shouted into the mouthpiece.(他冲着电话话筒大叫。)

156、I'm at home tonight.(我今晚在家。)

157、Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail

158、Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

159、He's nearly as tall as you are.(他差不多和你一样高了。)

160、让经济发展的浪潮进入绿色的河道(Let the tide of economic development of the green channel into


161、No Safety - Know Pain, Know Safety - No Pain

162、When the old year leave, leave at the same time also all the unhappiness; When to celebrate the New Year, at the same time also ushered in the new hope。 I wish you a happy New Year。

163、'No, don't!' she screeched.(“不,不行!”她尖叫道。)

164、The bolt clicked into place.(门闩咔嗒一声插上了。)


166、What a sweet little dog. Is it a he or a she?(多可爱的小狗啊!是公的,还是母的?)

167、Hygiene was nonexistent: no running water, no bathroom.(卫生根本不存在:没有自来水,没有浴室。)



170、The property consists of two acres of land.(这片地产有两英亩。)

171、He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not invited.(他希望如果他们没有获得邀请也不要感到受辱。)

172、There aren't many houses hereabouts.(这一带房子不多。)


174、There were six or seven of us there.(我们约有六、七个人在场。)

175、They soon realized they had been duped.(他们很快便意识到自己上当了。)

176、In no sense can the issue be said to be resolved.(无论如何这个问题都不能说已经解决了。)

177、These are the people who are helping us.(这些是正在帮助我们的人。)


179、There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.(出现阶段性的愠怒、明显的疏远和冷淡。)



181、If I had the letter "HRT", I can add "EA" to get heart or a "U" and

182、What's on TV?(电视上有什么节目?)

183、Think positive an accident is only an attitude away

184、"Love conquers all." - 爱能征服一切。



187、These conditions no longer obtain.(这些条件不再适用。)


189、Help came at last.(救援终于到了。)

190、Many of the victims died of suffocation.(受害者中许多死于窒息。)


192、There were millions of people there.(那里人山人海。)


194、st time is never found again.光阴一去不复返。


196、He slid into bed.(他不声不响地钻进被子。)

197、"Honesty is the best policy." - 诚实是最好的策略。

198、They lived in rooms in Kensington.(他们住在肯辛顿的出租房间。)


200、I'm skipping dinner, but for a midnight snack, I'm having a milk shake.(我不吃晚饭了,但是夜宵的话我想喝点奶昔。)


上一篇:祝福生日的短语诗句26条 下一篇:关于离开的句子46句