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2024-03-07 12:09:05 英语端午节句子

【#句子# #2024英语端午节的句子经典#】端午节是中华民族文化传统和现代文明的媒介。~~这些句子适合你吗?小编特别编辑了“2024英语端午节的句子经典”,欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧!

1、Wishing everyone a festive and joyful holiday filled with dragon boats, rice dumplings, and lots of laughter and love.

2、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for family and friends to gather and enjoy each other’s company.


4、Children often wear scented sachets on their clothes during the festival to ward off mosquitoes and other insects.

5、The rituals and customs associated with the festival have changed over time, but the spirit of the festival remains the same.

6、Eating salted eggs is a common practice during the Dragon Boat Festival.

7、Some people also hang calamus and Chinese mugwort leaves outside their homes to keep evil spirits away.

8、Dragon boat races are held during the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival or the Double Fifth Festival.

9、The dragon boat race symbolizes the reenactment of attempts to save the poet Qu Yuan.

10、The Dragon Boat Festival was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2009. 端午节在2009年被列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录。



13、The festival is celebrated with different customs and traditions in different regions of China.

14、The winning team is said to have good luck and fortune for the coming year.


16、In Taiwan, the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the "poets' holiday," as it is traditionally a time to honor writers and intellectuals.


18、People also eat zongzi, pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, which are a special food for the festival.

19、The festival is also a time for people to remember the importance of teamwork.

20、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in many other countries with significant Chinese populations, such as the United States and Canada. - 端午节不仅在中国庆祝,还在许多其他有重要中国族裔人口的国家,如美国和加拿大庆祝。


22、The legend goes that the people of Chu raced to the river in boats to save Qu Yuan, but it was too late.



25、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to celebrate the diversity of Chinese culture.




29、Many people travel back to their hometowns for the Dragon Boat Festival. 许多人回家乡过端午节。

30、So let us raise a glass of realgar wine, eat a delicious zongzi, and cheer on the dragon boats as they race down the river. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

31、The Dragon Boat Festival is a perfect reminder that our greatest strength lies in our unity and cooperation.

32、Let’s celebrate this festival with the warmth of our love and the richness of our culture and traditions.


34、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods such as salted eggs, pork belly, and scallion pancakes during the Dragon Boat Festival.




38、People celebrate the festival by hanging sachets of perfume and herbs around their necks.

39、Dragon boat racing is a popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival in China.



42、Traditionally, Chinese people believe that eating zongzi can help ward off evil spirits and diseases. Enjoy your zongzi!

43、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Asia.

44、People often visit their family members during the Dragon Boat Festival.

45、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people show their love and respect for their cultural traditions. 端午节是人们展示他们对传统文化的热爱和尊重的时候。

46、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to remember and honor the past.

47、The festival is considered a day for dispelling evil spirits, and many people hang herbs and other medicinal plants in their homes to ward off illness and misfortune.






53、The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration of life, love, and the enduring spirit of humanity.

54、The Dragon Boat Festival is an important cultural event in China, symbolizing unity, patriotism, and good fortune.




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