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2024-02-13 23:58:36 爱情唯美英语句子 唯美英语句子

【#句子# #关于爱情的唯美句子英语(简短36条)#】“食堂阿姨每次听到放学铃声,心里都会默念敌军还有30秒到达战场。”新闻报道中有些描述方式能够让人产生强烈的共鸣,优美的句子让人心中充满爱和感悟。 这篇文章仿佛一波波涟漪,轻轻地荡漾在我的心灵深处,本网站对于“关于爱情的唯美句子英语”进行了详尽梳理和分类整理,请将这些句子整理在一个便于查阅的地方!



2、I dont want to be the interlude of your life, just want to be the most perfect ending of your life.

3、Looking back, looking at the dust of love letters is a happy gesture.

4、回眸 浅笑,脸微红。这都是你给我留的回忆。


6、I also want to wander around all my life, but I accidentally fall in love with a person.

7、" 梵 高 的 向 日 葵 、我 的 雏 菊 。

8、With you together, forever together, the earth shatter also want to be together, just want to be with you.

9、Need not be anyone understood, more don't like anyone to explain themselves。不需要被任何人理解,更不想跟任何人解释自己。

10、Now you, will you go to the beautiful path you said?

11、If you're nice to me,I'll be nice to you,simple as that.

12、There is no doubt that I love you.


14、They say Disneyland is the happiest place in the world. Actually, they h*en’t been next to you before.

15、Is missing, let love unchanged.

16、I like you just want to be with you forever.


18、You are kindly which is the reason why Iove you.


19、The most beautiful love is companionship.

20、My hero, where are you now?


22、Love your day, special happiness.

23、We should do our utmost to achieve our goal which is about our love.(我们要努力去实现关于我们爱情的目标。)

24、Just because I love you, I am willing to wait for you.

25、:指 着 心 ,俄 吿 ( 訴 、尔)_____昰 疼 的 。

26、I love you and hope you have good luck.

27、Kiss your mouth, the sweeter you kiss.


29、Love is not to find a perfect person, but to learn to appreciate the imperfect person with perfect eyes

30、Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory。 前进走不完距离,后退走不出回忆。

31、You are the only baby in my memo.

32、You are my old sow when you are born, and my flesh when you die.


34、I want to talk with you about a love without breaking up.


36、If this is not the end if I still love you如果这不是结局如果我还爱你.



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