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2023-12-23 13:40:29 挽留伤感语录

【#句子# #挽留人的伤感语录简短#】懵懂的豆蔻年华,就像阳光下的泡沫一闪而逝。下面由好工具范文网帮大家编辑的《挽留人的伤感语录》,希望这些观点能为您带来一些新的见解角度。人的心情总让人捉摸不透人,长期保持伤感,身体会觉得特别的难受。在文字的深渊中倾诉痛苦找寻生的希望。

1、Eighty thousand words in the world, love words hurt people the most, onlypoor words cool people's hearts.

2、One doesn't know what to have, two don't know how to grasp.

3、You used to be the yearning of my thin youth, and the bedding of this longyouth only changed into strangers.

4、The furthest distance in the world is that I am waiting for you to turnaround, but you will not go back.

5、The person I trust most teaches me not to trust anyone easily.

6、I've been through the wind for thousands of miles, through poetry and wine,but I can't overcome your determination to leave regardless of everything.

7、Give up and get, no more than a kind of reincarnation, see through, alsorelieved.

8、Even if no one gives you a reason, life is still worth sticking to.


10、The most beautiful heartbreak, but, you meet me, I meet you, and then,wave, say goodbye.

11、The most painful thing is not that you don't understand my sadness andloneliness, but that I can't cry even though I am in pain.


13、In fact, a person is very good, no worries, no obstacles, just a littlelonely.


15、Many people don't need to see each other again, because it's just passingby. Forgetting is the best memory we give each other.

16、Love is just like a habit. You are used to having him in your life, and heis used to having you in plain life.


18、Listen to sad songs and lead a decadent life.


20、In fact, I really want to chat with you, but if you don't come to me, Idon't want to disturb you all the time.

21、You are so good, but I can't forget anything.


23、Later, we were all very clear, you did not turn back, I did not retain;since then, we have become strangers, no news.

24、Color, light is good, dark will fade; life, simple is good, complex willdeteriorate.

25、Like to cool prefer summer, afraid of loneliness but one person to surviveall the night.

26、In love I regard you as the only one, but you regard me as one.


28、Everything is right, everything you want, nothing you can get.

29、Everyone has a sadness, want to hide but want to cover up.

30、Those who say they love me are the ones who hurt me the most.

31、was happiest the day I met you, but later, my happiness and unhappinesswere more or less related to you.

32、told all the lies and you believed them all. Simple I love you, but youdo not believe.

33、In my life, it's easier to meet people who are good to you, but it's hardto meet people who always treat you as they were.


35、The most regretful thing I've ever done in my life is that I wanted to growup quickly when I was a child.

36、In fact, I really want to disappear for a long time, change my name, changemy appearance and meet you again.

37、If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you, not I regret,is I can not face the end without you.

38、Distance will lead to suspicion, indulgence, and indifference, but it willnever produce beauty.

39、tacit understanding is needed for mutual frying. Ignorance is the mosthot black charcoal or unpopular meat.

40、I'm so tired now. Want to cry but have no strength.

41、It's the coolest thing I can do to walk away before I'm completelybored.

42、Walk in the street, hear the songs you have sung, follow the beat with yourheart, it hurts for a while.

43、Missing you is like coughing. How to stop it is helpless.

44、Inadvertently miss is so painful, painful to the memories do not dare totouch, years do not take pain, is to make people used to the pain.

45、know I can't give you the love you want, and I know our love can't comeback.


47、am your lonely companion, you are my boring lover.

48、Sometimes estrangement is not hate, but too like and very helpless.

49、am the one who has been tortured many times by you, and then coaxed wellby words and actions.

50、matter how difficult it is, you should smile, even if you pretend.

51、We don't know each other from the beginning to the end. In the story ofpassing away, you owe me a treasure.

52、Those who seem to be free and easy on the surface have a corner in theirheart, which is completely broken.

53、Because each other pay too much for this love, so today will be sostruggling.

54、Late at night negative energy to doubt life, but in the daytime like a foolsmile to live, perhaps, this is life.

55、After growing up, this society taught me, heartless, no feeling, noitching, no pain, no care.

56、After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't find a person willing to coaxme. I felt it was a failure.


58、like him from % to just a little. I don't want to be with himanymore.

59、You are destroying when you get it, and you are regretting when you loseit.

60、love you so much that I can't feel your hurt.



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