【#句子# #英语霸气短句#】期望你能够坚持度过无尽的孤独,隐匿住庞大的宇宙,在我们身边,存在着无数简洁凝练的句子,常常被人们使用。所谓短句,即指结构简单、字数较少的句子。在文章中运用短句,能够赋予文章节奏感。"为满足您的需求,笔者特整理了英语霸气短句",要充分利用您的时间,可以尝试制定详尽的日程安排!
2、Fucking Dumb Ass Stupid Whore Bitch 老实说,英文骂人意思挺黄的。
3、^v^A couple of slackers, ^v^ Kevin said, shoving two rolls of sushi into his mouth. “这两个懒鬼,”凯文骂骂咧咧,一下子塞了两个 寿 丝到嘴里。
4、In a claim island village, a youngter used to shout “Priate is coming” at morning, next, people was foul-mouthed and came out with broom to chase that braggadocio. 在平静的海岛村庄,每天早上总有一个少年高喊着“海盗来了”冲进村子,人们骂骂咧咧的拿着扫帚出来追赶这个大话王。
6、The man who is injured is equally peckish abdomen, and then heard call a voice, unbearable furious, criticize openly. 那个受了伤的男人同样饿着肚子,又听到了哭声,忍不住恼火,破口大骂。
7、Overwhelm with numerical strength demand, blame, shouting. 人多势众的需求,责备,叫骂。
8、Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West's knowledge hegemony on the East's. 后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。
9、So nowhere in the article am I referring to being abusive, unkind or impolite with anyone. 因此贴子中没有哪个地方提到骂人,刻薄或无礼得对待任何人。
11、Bastard you see all stunned王八看见你都被吓晕
12、All the girls hit on him in the class. 班上的女孩子们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。
13、Da wei malicious scolded, afterwards he went the mirror tip I: friendship is man, ten million cannot love him! 达伟狠骂了一顿就走了,事后他照着镜子提示本人:阿雅是男人,千万不能爱他!
14、Simon didn^v^t you demon人妖都没你妖
17、You should ease up the child and stop scolding her. 你管孩子太严了,不要总是责骂她。
18、A wife is difficult, but one angry mother, had to listen quietly to her mother scolded; 媳妇很为难,但婆婆一肚子气,只好静静地听婆婆骂;
19、In the villages, a lot of families just don't know of any methods except 'dama. 在村里,很多家庭除了‘打骂’,不知道其他方法。
20、Black mule denounced ErNian, also looked for oil meat. 黑骡子怒骂二娘,还找过油肉证明。
21、It’s none ofyour business. 关你屁事!
22、To educate a child, we'd better reason more and scold less. 教育孩子应该多劝谕,少责骂。
23、To support this Han brat ? I've heard nasty stuff about two of the three people he insulted. 支持姓韩这小子吧,他骂的三人中有两个我听着都不顺耳。
26、He was very angry for being smacked down. 他因受到责骂而十分生气。
27、You are impossible你不可理喻
28、The Ousters:eon-long mutated humanoids bent on overthrowing the Hegemony. 驱逐者:经过万年进化、决心推翻霸权的猿人。
31、Yang Youqi they scold me, on-line scolded me! 杨友琦他们骂我,就在网上骂我了!