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goodmorning, sir. first of all, please allow me to express my appreciation for theopportunity that you give me to join this interview and it’s my great honor tointroduce myself to you here.
my name is …..iam a candidate for the position of 。。。。
my hometownis….., the capital of jiangsu province. my life motto is “work hard and playhard.” while i complete my work outstanding and efficiently, i also want tofind a balance between work and life. i believe that we will work better aftera good rest. and it really works for me.
in july,i will graduate from the ……department of 。。。university,with a master degree. during the 7 years inmy college life, i've been given the traditional education on both basic chemicalknowledge and experimental skills, which cultivated my logical thinking and goodpractical ability. during the period of my post-graduate study, my overall gparanked top 10% in the department, and as the top 2 of my specialized field.
from mypoint of view, as a student of science and engineering, research and innovationcapability is necessary. for this reason, i began to narr...