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1 英文祝福说说(集锦200句)

may the spirit of patriotism and national pride inspire us to greater heights on this nati~~读了这些句子有什么感触?下面是编辑精心整理的"英文祝福说说(集锦200句)",更多相关信息请继续关注本网站。

1、may the colors of our national flag always represent our hopes and aspirations as a nation, and guide us towards a better tomorrow.

2、hope your birthday begins a new year with special happiness and all that means the most to you.愿你的生日迎来充溢无限夸姣的新的一年,以及你最爱惜的全部。

3、happy national day! may your country continue to be a source of pride and joy.

4、wishing you and your family peace, health, and happiness in the new year!

5、happy national day! may our country prosper and thrive forever.


7、wishing you a national day filled with joy and hope for our country's future.

8、happy national day! let's take a moment to remember the brave souls who lost their lives in the service of our nation and honor their sacrifices.

9、happy national day to my fellow citizens! may our country's future be as bright and promising as its past.


11、happy national day to our brave soldiers who protect and defend our nation!

12、may the beauty and majesty of our great nation inspire us all to be the best that we can be on this national day.


2 英文祝福说说(合集127句)



1、as we come together to celebrate national day, let us remember the brave men and women who have defended and protected our nation.

2、as we celebrate national day, let us reflect on the progress and achievements of our country and work towards a better future.

3、wishing you a happy national day filled with love, gratitude and appreciation for the rich culture and traditions of our country.

4、on this national day, let us all reflect upon the sacrifices and hard work of our great leaders and soldiers and work towards a brighter future for our country!

5、may our country continue to grow and prosper with each passing day on this national day!

6、happy national day! let us all work towards creating a brighter and more prosperous future for our nation.


8、let's celebrate this great day with pride, joy and love. happy national day to one and all!

9、on this national day, let us stand tall and proud as we celebrate the greatness of our nation.

10、happy national day to the great people of china! let's celebrate our country's success!

11、may our country cont...
